提交 33b92ddd 编写于 作者: P panyifeng 提交者: 高东海

fix parallel related valuenode merging error

上级 ada46fc2
......@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ void InsertNode(const Operator& op, const CNodePtr& node, size_t index, const An
PrimitivePtr new_node_prim = new_node_value->value()->cast<PrimitivePtr>();
new_node_prim->set_attr("keep_value_node_input", MakeValue(true));
manager->SetEdge(node, SizeToInt(index), new_node);
......@@ -276,6 +276,31 @@ bool ExecuteAction(const ResourcePtr& res) {
return true;
// The parallel primitive related valuenode might be partitioned so that its value changes by device,
// that will result in a syncronization error due to different executing order.
// Here we temporarily avoid the problem by skipping valuenode merging used by parallel related primitive,
// the final solution will be proposed later as a parallel feature.
bool KeepValueNodeDuplication(const AnfNodePtr& value_node, const ResourcePtr& res) {
auto& node_users = res->manager()->node_users();
auto& users = node_users[value_node];
auto used_by_keep_value_prim =
std::any_of(users.begin(), users.end(), [](const std::pair<AnfNodePtr, int>& user) -> bool {
auto cnode = user.first->cast<CNodePtr>();
if (cnode == nullptr) {
return false;
auto prim_node = cnode->input(0);
if (IsValueNode<Primitive>(prim_node)) {
auto prim = GetValue<PrimitivePtr>(prim_node->cast<ValueNodePtr>()->value());
// value_node is referenced by some parallel primitive
return prim->HasAttr("keep_value_node_input");
return false;
return used_by_keep_value_prim;
bool RemoveValueNodeDuplicationsAction(const ResourcePtr& res) {
if (res->func_graph() == nullptr) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Remove value node duplications error.";
......@@ -287,6 +312,9 @@ bool RemoveValueNodeDuplicationsAction(const ResourcePtr& res) {
HashCache hash_cache;
HashValue hashes;
for (const auto& value_pair : value_nodes) {
if (KeepValueNodeDuplication(value_pair.first, res)) {
TryToDoReplace(manager.get(), value_pair.first, &hash_cache, &hashes);
return true;
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