提交 2e1d2e8e 编写于 作者: M mindspore-ci-bot 提交者: Gitee

!3650 add optimizer formula and verification

Merge pull request !3650 from lijiaqi/add_calculation_formula
......@@ -53,6 +53,19 @@ class Momentum(Optimizer):
To improve parameter groups performance, the customized order of parameters can be supported.
.. math::
v_{t} = v_{t-1} \ast u + gradients
If use_nesterov is True:
.. math::
p_{t} = grad \ast lr + v_{t} \ast u \ast lr
If use_nesterov is Flase:
.. math::
p_{t} = lr \ast v_{t}
Here: where grad, lr, p, v and u denote the gradients, learning_rate, parameter, accum, and momentum respectively.
params (Union[list[Parameter], list[dict]]): When the `params` is a list of `Parameter` which will be updated,
the element in `params` should be class `Parameter`. When the `params` is a list of `dict`, the "params",
......@@ -46,6 +46,21 @@ class SGD(Optimizer):
To improve parameter groups performance, the customized order of parameters can be supported.
.. math::
v_{t+1} = u \ast v_{t} + gradient \ast (1-dampening)
If nesterov is True:
.. math::
p_{t+1} = p_{t} - lr \ast (gradient + u \ast v_{t+1})
If nesterov is Flase:
.. math::
p_{t+1} = p_{t} - lr \ast v_{t+1}
To be notice, for the first step, v_{t+1} = gradient
Here : where p, v and u denote the parameters, accum, and momentum respectively.
params (Union[list[Parameter], list[dict]]): When the `params` is a list of `Parameter` which will be updated,
the element in `params` should be class `Parameter`. When the `params` is a list of `dict`, the "params",
......@@ -74,7 +89,8 @@ class SGD(Optimizer):
momentum (float): A floating point value the momentum. should be at least 0.0. Default: 0.0.
dampening (float): A floating point value of dampening for momentum. should be at least 0.0. Default: 0.0.
weight_decay (float): Weight decay (L2 penalty). It should be in range [0.0, 1.0]. Default: 0.0.
nesterov (bool): Enables the Nesterov momentum. Default: False.
nesterov (bool): Enables the Nesterov momentum. If use nesterov, momentum must greater then 0,
and dampening must equal to 1. Default: False.
loss_scale (float): A floating point value for the loss scale. Should be not less than 1.0. Default: 1.0.
......@@ -118,6 +134,10 @@ class SGD(Optimizer):
if isinstance(momentum, float) and momentum < 0.0:
raise ValueError("momentum should be at least 0.0, but got momentum {}".format(momentum))
if nesterov and (momentum <= 0 or dampening != 0):
raise ValueError("If use nesterov, momentum must be positive and dampening must equal to 0,"
"but got momentum {}, dampening {}".format(momentum, dampening))
if isinstance(dampening, int):
dampening = float(dampening)
if not isinstance(dampening, float):
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