未验证 提交 393db2c0 编写于 作者: W WISNU GINANJAR SAPUTRA 提交者: GitHub

Added free e-book reference (#3995)

* Add resource link free e-book

* Fix lint Atomic Design

* Bug fixing alphabetic ordering

* Fix validate lint by alphabetic

* Update free-programming-books.md

* Update free-programming-books.md
上级 6744e4ae
......@@ -1292,7 +1292,8 @@ Kerridge (PDF) (email address *requested*, not required)
* [Cookbook](https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook)
* [Flutter Succinctly, Syncfusion](https://www.syncfusion.com/ebooks/flutter-succinctly) (PDF, Kindle) (email address *requested*, not required)
* [Flutter Tutorials Handbook](https://kodestat.gitbook.io/flutter/)
* [Flutter Tutorial](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/flutter/flutter_tutorial.pdf) (PDF)
* [Flutter Tutorials Handbook](https://kodestat.gitbook.io/flutter)
### Force.com
......@@ -1449,6 +1450,7 @@ Kerridge (PDF) (email address *requested*, not required)
* [A free guide to learn HTML and CSS](http://marksheet.io)
* [Adaptive Web Design](http://adaptivewebdesign.info/1st-edition/) - Aaron Gustafson
* [An advanced guide to HTML&CSS](http://learn.shayhowe.com/advanced-html-css/)
* [Atomic Design](https://atomicdesign.bradfrost.com) - Brad Frost
* [Canvassing](https://web.archive.org/web/20160505010319/http://learnjs.io/canvassing/read/)
* [Code Guide: Standards for developing flexible, durable, and sustainable HTML and CSS](http://mdo.github.io/code-guide/) - Mark Otto
* [CSS Animation 101](https://github.com/cssanimation/css-animation-101)
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