dongzhihong 推送
"test fc without gradient" 81a352af
名称 最后提交 最后更新
.clang-format Use Google Style in new directories
CMakeLists.txt "test fc without gradient"
attr_checker.h Skeleton Of fully connected operator
attr_type.proto Add OpProto implementation
ddim.cc Fix Merge Bugs
ddim.h Merge branch 'develop' into tensor_to_EigenTensor
ddim_test.cc Add DDim::size()
dim.h Remove Dim::contiguous and Dim::contiguous_strides
dim_test.cu Refactor DDim's product() and add slice_ddim()
enforce.cc Add enforce switch for convient develop (#2850)
enforce.h Add enforce switch for convient develop (#2850)
enforce_test.cc Using paddle::string in enforce
fully_connected_op.h move unused file
net.cc "test fc without gradient"
net.h Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into backward2
net_design.md net design with NetBuilder (#2598)
net_op_test.cc "test fc without gradient"
net_proto.proto "move opContext to DeviceContext"
op_desc.proto add op_desc.proto (#2736)
op_desc_test.cc add op_desc.proto (#2736)
op_proto.proto "ignore some gradient of specific op"
op_proto_test.cc Add OpProto unittest.
op_registry.cc FIX: cpplint code style
op_registry.h "test fc without gradient"
op_registry_test.cc check duplicate of ProtoAndCheckerMaker (#2903)
operator.cc Merge branch 'develop' into tensor_to_EigenTensor
operator.h Refactor Rigistry::CreateGradOp()
operator_test.cc support multiple template parameter in KernelType for REGISTER_OP_XPU_KERNEL (#2932)
scope.h Optimize ptr (#2851)
scope_test.cc do not use default argument in Scope
tensor.cc Refine CMake dependencies graph
tensor.h Merge pull request #2939 from reyoung/feature/refine_tensor_hpp
tensor.md Move paddle/majel/* to paddle/platform/ and paddle/framework/
tensor_test.cc add conditional compilation for tensor
tensor_types.h add simple add_op_functor
variable.h Add `Variable::IsType`
variable.md Add design doc
variable_test.cc Add variable.h and test


PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)

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贡献者 228



  • C++ 45.8 %
  • Python 45.5 %
  • Cuda 6.4 %
  • CMake 1.1 %
  • Shell 0.7 %