名称 最后提交 最后更新
tests clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
CMakeLists.txt Add job=time in trainer, refine cudnn_conv to reduce gpu memory and speed up training. (#218)
MergeModel.cpp fix dash and space bug,
ParamUtil.cpp clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
ParamUtil.h clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
ParameterUpdater.cpp clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
ParameterUpdater.h clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
RemoteParameterUpdater.cpp clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
RemoteParameterUpdater.h clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
Tester.cpp clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
Tester.h clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
TesterConfig.h clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
ThreadParameterUpdater.cpp clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
ThreadParameterUpdater.h clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
Trainer.cpp clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
Trainer.h clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
TrainerBenchmark.cpp Add job=time in trainer, refine cudnn_conv to reduce gpu memory and speed up training. (#218)
TrainerConfigHelper.cpp clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
TrainerConfigHelper.h clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
TrainerInternal.cpp clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
TrainerInternal.h clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
TrainerInternalConfig.cpp clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
TrainerInternalConfig.h clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file
TrainerMain.cpp clang format .cc .h .cpp .c and .hpp file


PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)

:rocket: Github 镜像仓库 :rocket:

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贡献者 228



  • C++ 45.8 %
  • Python 45.5 %
  • Cuda 6.4 %
  • CMake 1.1 %
  • Shell 0.7 %
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