chengduoZH 推送
Add max pool with index 6326c40d
名称 最后提交 最后更新
api golang pserver use OptimizerConfig.proto (#3358)
capi Fix bug in cc_library, when merging several libraries into one on Linux.
cuda Merge pull request #4154 from luotao1/avg_pool
framework Merge pull request #4457 from Canpio/dev_move_desc_to_framework
function Use scalar implementation instead of neon implementation to avoid out of range memory access in the tail conv3x3.
gserver fix compiler warning from MKLDNNLayer and so on
math Merge pull request #3764 from Xreki/build_ios
memory Use StridedMemCpy in Concat/Split Kernel (#4188)
operators Add max pool with index
optimizer FIX: virtual OptimizerTest
parameter use existed sgd updater function
platform Merge pull request #4375 from reyoung/feature/use_bool_for_enforce
pserver Remove the generation of executable, such as paddle_trainer, when setting WITH_C_API.
py_paddle fix typo
pybind Merge pull request #4468 from chengduoZH/develop
scripts Fix if-statement error in CMakeLists.txt and remove build_ios task from travis.
string Unify clang-format and add some missing clang-format
testing Fix CI tests
trainer rename script and modify comments
utils Merge branch 'develop' into build_ios
.common_test_util.sh Change "Baidu, Inc" into "PaddlePaddle Authors"
.gitignore Fix bug in NO_AVX when using lstm
.set_port.sh Change "Baidu, Inc" into "PaddlePaddle Authors"
.set_python_path.sh Update set python path
CMakeLists.txt Add paddle_pserver back to c-api library, because it is used in Evaluator.h.


PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)

:rocket: Github 镜像仓库 :rocket:

源项目地址 :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down:




贡献者 228



  • C++ 45.8 %
  • Python 45.5 %
  • Cuda 6.4 %
  • CMake 1.1 %
  • Shell 0.7 %