名称 最后提交 最后更新
dataset Remove dependency on nltk for paddle __init__. (#27388)
distributed terminate http server used by gloo for fleet after init (#27698)
fluid [Dy2stat] Add Ptb Lm Test for V2 APIs (#27461)
framework Add new paddle.save/load APIs (#27331)
hapi Refine vision models (#27476)
incubate Move hapi to python/paddle root dir. (#26442)
inference update for 2.0 inference api. (#27473)
io Add new paddle.save/load APIs (#27331)
jit [Dy2stat] Refine Dy2stat APIs to 2.0rc (#27430)
libs use -rpath to fix libmklml_intel.so not found (#11806)
metric remove paddle.metrics.cos_sim api (#27569)
nn migrate code example and doc (#27627)
optimizer Remove DataParallel.scale_loss & apply_collective_grads (#27603)
proto Change "Baidu, Inc" into "PaddlePaddle Authors"
reader [doc] Add example for cache and buffered (#26819)
static Polish api BuildStrategy/ExecutionStrategy doc & code example (#27662)
tensor add multinomial op (#27219)
tests Refine vision models (#27476)
text Remove dependency on nltk for paddle __init__. (#27388)
utils Remove dependences of cv2 (#27286)
vision Refine vision models (#27476)
.gitignore Add gitignores
__init__.py add multinomial op (#27219)
batch.py Modify English documents (#20452)
check_import_scipy.py Optimized error reporting information (#19173)
common_ops_import.py Add the zeros, ones, ones_like, zeros_like for api 2.0, test=develop (#23471)
compat.py fix typo word (#22784)
device.py use paddle.is_compile_with_cuda (#27586)
distribution.py fix _check_values_dtype_in_probs method in Distribution class (#27046)
regularizer.py fix reg (#27647)
sysconfig.py Enable users to create custom cpp op outside framework. (#19256)


PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)

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  • C++ 45.8 %
  • Python 45.5 %
  • Cuda 6.4 %
  • CMake 1.1 %
  • Shell 0.7 %
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