- 11 3月, 2021 2 次提交
由 Aurelius84 提交于
* Fix bug with static_convert_var_shape * replace dot with dash
由 Aurelius84 提交于
* fix bug with jit.save * refine code
- 04 3月, 2021 3 次提交
由 liym27 提交于
由 Huihuang Zheng 提交于
Fix wrong code comment
由 Huihuang Zheng 提交于
Fix Read-Only Attribute as while_loop Output: Usually, our convert_while_loop will be like: ``` [a, b, c] = paddle.jit.dy2static.convert_while_loop( condition_name, body_name, [a, b, c]) ``` where a, b, c are in loop_var_names. However, if loop_var_names contains property such as foo.x, we cannot assign the attribute as output of convert_while_loop because Python property is a kind of read-only attribute. To handle the case, we replace the attributes which are output of convert_while_loop with generated variables, then if we know the attribute is not read-only at runtime, we assign the attribute. The created statements are like: ``` [a, b, __attribute_variable_1] = paddle.jit.dy2static.convert_while_loop( condition_name, body_name, [a, b, foo.x]) if not isinstance(getattr(type(foo), x, None), property): foo.x = __attribute_variable_1 ```
- 26 2月, 2021 1 次提交
由 Aurelius84 提交于
* fix eval_if_exist_else_none bug * fix typo * fix typo * fix test_op_num unittest
- 24 2月, 2021 1 次提交
由 chentianyu03 提交于
* add error msg when dtypes of operator are not same * add error msg when dtypes of operator are not same * change error msg to warning msg when dtypes of operator are not same * modify test case to fit for python2
- 22 2月, 2021 1 次提交
由 Huihuang Zheng 提交于
**Problem** In our old shape transformer logic, if user write: ``` s = tensor.shape ... y = paddle.some_api(s) ``` Dy2stat will change it to ``` ... y = paddle.some_api(convert_var_shape(tensor)) ``` However it will cause fatal bug if user changes the shape of `x` after assign. For example: ``` s = tensor.shape ... tensor = paddle.some_change_shape_api(tensor) ... y = paddle.some_api(s) ``` Then the Dy2stat will get wrong result because the code is translated into: ``` tensor = paddle.some_change_shape_api(tensor) ... y = paddle.some_api(convert_var_shape(tensor)) # tensor shape has been changed, not origin `s` value ``` **Solution Logic** It can not be solved in the old logic, so I refactoring tensor_shape_transformer logic. Now we will use `s` to store shape attribute and generate a var `s__STATIC_CONVERT_VAR_SHAPE_SUFFIX` to store static shape API `shape(tensor)` ``` s = tensor.shape ... y = paddle.some_api(s) ``` Dy2stat will change it to ``` s = tensor.shape s__STATIC_CONVERT_VAR_SHAPE_SUFFIX = shape(tensor) ... y = paddle.some_api(choose_shape_attr_or_api(s, s__STATIC_CONVERT_VAR_SHAPE_SUFFIX )) ``` In this case, the code is consistent with origin dygraph meaning and it fixed the change after assign bug. **Code Key Note** To help reviewers, the key change of this PR is changing `self.name_to_var_shape` from "mapping name to shape node" to "mapping name to its STATIC_CONVERT_VAR_SHAPE_SUFFIX name", then if a variable name has the SUFFIX, we can choose to use attribute shape or shape api. Other changes go with the key change. **Consideration** The issue of this PR is that we store extra static `shape` API result, will it harms the speed of Dy2stat? In some cases it will, but we argue that the benefit would be greater than the cost. 1. The extra calling to static `shape` API will happen when coder assign among shape variables. Take the following dygraph code as an instance: ``` s1 = tensor.shape s2 = s1 s3 = s2 ... ``` Then we called extra static `shape` APIs again and again, however users seldom write code like this. 2. If the shape variable is used a lot, for example: ``` s = tensor.shape y1 = paddle.some_api1(s) y2 = paddle.some_api2(s) y3 = paddle.some_api3(s) ``` Our old logic will create 3 shape APIs but now just 1. This is more common user code pattern. In fact, if reviewers take a look at the current unit test in this PR, you could see the op numbers decrease after this PR. So we argue that this PR can also improve speed in this code pattern.
- 20 2月, 2021 1 次提交
由 Huihuang Zheng 提交于
As the title, when slice_node like 1:3 being passed to idx of convert_var_shape, it will cause syntax error because a function cannot take this as argument. This PR fixed it.
- 19 2月, 2021 1 次提交
由 ShenLiang 提交于
- 18 2月, 2021 1 次提交
由 Huihuang Zheng 提交于
Dy2stat didn't support tuple as iteration variable in the past. This PR added there main cases: 1). Non-enumerate case: for var1, var2 in var|var.numpy() will be re-written as: for FOR_ITER_TUPLE_PREFIX_x in var | var.numpy(): var1 = FOR_ITER_TUPLE_PREFIX_x[0] var2 = FOR_ITER_TUPLE_PREFIX_x[1] 2). Enumerate out tuple case: for t in enumerate(var|var.numpy) will be rewritten as: for FOR_ITER_TUPLE_INDEX_PREFIX_x, FOR_ITER_TUPLE_PREFIX_x in enumerate(var|var.numpy): t = (FOR_ITER_TUPLE_INDEX_PREFIX_x, FOR_ITER_TUPLE_PREFIX_x) 3). Enumerate inner tuple case: for i, (var1, (var2, va3)) in enumerate(var|var.numpy()) will be re-written as: for i, FOR_ITER_TUPLE_PREFIX_x in var | var.numpy(): var1 = FOR_ITER_TUPLE_PREFIX_x[0] var2 = FOR_ITER_TUPLE_PREFIX_x[1][0] var3 = FOR_ITER_TUPLE_PREFIX_x[1][1]
- 07 2月, 2021 1 次提交
由 wanghuancoder 提交于
* fix a bug of Sequential::__getitem__, test=develop * add testcase, test=develop
- 05 2月, 2021 1 次提交
由 wanghuancoder 提交于
- 03 2月, 2021 2 次提交
由 AshburnLee 提交于
由 WangXi 提交于
- 27 1月, 2021 1 次提交
由 liym27 提交于
- 26 1月, 2021 1 次提交
由 Leo Chen 提交于
* polish printing dtype * fix special case
- 20 1月, 2021 3 次提交
由 wanghuancoder 提交于
* delete empty line of pybing.cc, test=develop * fix layers train eval bug, test=develop
由 Aurelius84 提交于
* add paddle. * add unittest
由 Aurelius84 提交于
- 14 1月, 2021 1 次提交
由 Chen Weihang 提交于
- 13 1月, 2021 2 次提交
- 11 1月, 2021 3 次提交
由 WeiXin 提交于
* Fix bug for 'save mutiple method' * To pass coverage. * edit code to pass coverage. * edit code to pass coverage. * add unittest for coverage. * change for coverage. * edit for coverage.
由 Huihuang Zheng 提交于
Add clone method for static Variable so that this interface will be same as dygraph. It fixed some bugs in dy2stat
由 XiaoguangHu 提交于
* delete paddle.nn.functional.assign * fix dynamic to static error
- 08 1月, 2021 3 次提交
由 Aurelius84 提交于
* fix tensor shape bug * fix op_num * clean code
由 liym27 提交于
由 liym27 提交于
1. When x is Variable, call nn.shape(x) only in following cases: 1)The shape of x is used in control flow condition. 2)The dim to be used is negetive 2. When x is Variable, but x.shape or x.shape[idx] doesn't contain negetive value, don't convert to paddle.shape()
- 07 1月, 2021 1 次提交
由 wangchaochaohu 提交于
- 06 1月, 2021 1 次提交
由 Zhou Wei 提交于
* Polish and Optimize the print/repr message of all layer * fix some code format
- 31 12月, 2020 1 次提交
由 lilong12 提交于
* add distributed.split, test=develop
- 28 12月, 2020 1 次提交
由 wawltor 提交于
fix the state_dict bug for the xpu
- 22 12月, 2020 1 次提交
由 ShenLiang 提交于
* fix fleet for multi-stream * fix memcpy for ncclid * use sync to solve move operation
- 21 12月, 2020 1 次提交
由 liym27 提交于
[Dy2Stat] Fix bug for loop: a variable is used and created in loop, but used before created (#29769)
- 18 12月, 2020 2 次提交
由 Huihuang Zheng 提交于
Enable jit.save to Save Without Running.
由 liym27 提交于
Support to transformfor ele in var stms in which var is a slice of Tensor.
- 14 12月, 2020 1 次提交
由 liym27 提交于
[Dy2Stat] 1. Fix bug of for-range stmts. 2. Support that step value is negative in for-range stmts (#29519) 1. Fix error in _build_cond_stmt of for-range stmts. 2. Support that step value is negative in for-range stmts 3. Fix code because of the diff between Py2 and Py3
- 11 12月, 2020 2 次提交
由 Chen Weihang 提交于
由 Leo Chen 提交于
* add fast path for p == 0 in dropout * add ut