1. 11 2月, 2020 4 次提交
    • H
    • Y
      multi-loss optimization by adding a DownpourOpt worker (#22025) · 2235ee1a
      yaoxuefeng 提交于
      * update
      * update test=develop
      * update compile set test=develop
      * update compile set test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update compile setting test=develop
      * update compile setting test=develop
      * update run demo test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * fix test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update format test=develop
      * update format test=develop
      * update style test=develop
      * update style test=develop
      * change style test=develop
      * change style test=develop
      * change style test=develop
      * add dataset unittest test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update for record test=develop
      * udpate style for record test=develop
      * update for record test=develop
      * update for record test=develop
      * update for record test=develop
      * fix format test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update test=develop
      * update test=develop
    • Z
      Improve transpose performance with tile sm copy, test=develop (#22311) · 54970444
      zhaoyuchen2018 提交于
      * Refine code, fix select tile error,test=develop
      * Refine element type and some comments, test=develop
      * Refine comments and gpu utils, test=develop
      * Remove some useless condition
      * Refine floor and ceil, test=develop
      * refine for loop. test=develop
      Signed-off-by: Nzhaoyuchen <zhaoyuchen01@baidu.com>
    • G
      Make assign op support LoDTensorArray and modify while_loop API (#22309) · 3a59a7a1
      guofei 提交于
      This PR makes assign op support LoDTensorArray and enable the loop_vars in
      while_loop to support tuple or list.
  2. 10 2月, 2020 4 次提交
  3. 07 2月, 2020 2 次提交
    • Y
      Enable the detection of subgraph composed of grad ops (#21223) · dcfb6038
      Yiqun Liu 提交于
      * Add the first implememtation of fusion_group op #19621 (#3)
      * Add the dynamic load of nvrtc, and support runtime compiling of CUDA kernel using nvrtc.
      * Call CUDA driver api to launch the kernel compiled by nvrtc.
      * Disable for mac and windows.
      * Refine the codes to support manually specified num_threads and workload_per_thread.
      * Refine the CUDA kernel to support large dims.
      * Add DeviceCodePool to manage all device codes.
      * Add the first implementation fusion_group op.
      * Add unit-test for fusion_group op.
      * Add the check of result.
      * Add the check of nvrtc in unit-test.
      * Add comment to explain the inputs, outputs and features of fusion_group op.
      * Disable fusion_group op for mac and windows.
      * Make the compiling of device code return status instead of hanging up.
      * Add the check of whether there is CUDA driver library, and do not core dump when failing to call the CUDA driver API.
      * Unify fusion_group_op's input and output names.
      * Add the check of CUDA driver library in unittest.
      * Enable generating code for a given subgraph. #21126 (#4)
      * Enable generating code for a given subgraph.
      * Support sorting the subgraph.
      * Remove the rearange of expressions because we use the sorted subgraph directly.
      * Enable generating code for a subgraph which is composed of grad ops.
      * Use expression information to check the accuracy in unittest.
      * Separate load and store from computation expressions.
      * Improve the loading statements in generated codes.
      * Remove unused arguments from formal list.
      * Enable the detection of subgraph of grad ops.
      * Generate code for detected subgraph in fusion_group_pass.
      * Add an option in BuildStrategy to enable fusion_group_pass and add unittest.
      * Fix a bug when checking whether the shape of all inputs are the same.
      * Add debug information.
      * Remove subgraph_detector from inference/analysis to the common framework/ir directory. (#5)
      * Call subgraph_detector in fusion_group pass.
      * Disable fusion_group when WITH_GPU is OFF.
      * Refine all PADDLE_ENFORCE message.
      * Fix the case that some inputs are not defined in grad ops, and set op_role for fused op.
      * Follow review comments.
    • A
      polish no_grad_set of gradient and append_backward (#22440) · 50af6b5d
      Aurelius84 提交于
      * polish backward api doc test=develop, test=document_preview,
      * polish backward api doc test=develop, test=document_preview, test=document_fix
      * no_grad supports set of Variable test=develop, test=document_preview
      * polish sample code of append_backward test=develop, test=document_preview
      * modify assert into Raise TypeError test=develop,test=document_preview
      * fix unittest failed test=develop
      * rm useless file test=develop
      * polish en doc test=develop
      * polish code of no_grad_set test=develop
      * polish code of no_grad_set test=develop
  4. 06 2月, 2020 1 次提交
  5. 05 2月, 2020 2 次提交
  6. 04 2月, 2020 1 次提交
    • L
      Support int16 for Tensor (#22423) · 822e5b36
      Leo Chen 提交于
      * add int16 support, test=develop
      * add test, test=develop
      * fix typo, test=develop
      * fix dtype error in slice, test=develop
  7. 03 2月, 2020 1 次提交
  8. 02 2月, 2020 2 次提交
  9. 25 1月, 2020 1 次提交
  10. 23 1月, 2020 1 次提交
  11. 22 1月, 2020 1 次提交
  12. 21 1月, 2020 5 次提交
  13. 20 1月, 2020 1 次提交
    • Z
      Polish backward.py to prune more ops (#22246) · 039bb505
      Zeng Jinle 提交于
      * polish backward prune, test=develop
      * fix control flow op bug, test=develop
      * add some unittests, test=develop
      * fix unittest args, test=develop
      * follow huihuang's comments, test=develop
  14. 19 1月, 2020 3 次提交
  15. 18 1月, 2020 1 次提交
  16. 17 1月, 2020 4 次提交
  17. 16 1月, 2020 5 次提交
    • H
      add learning rate api of optimizer (#22080) · 00c0139e
      hong 提交于
      * add learning rate api; test=develop
      * fix uni test converage; test=develop
      * fix travis ci error; test=develop
      * fix comment; test=develop
      * fix example error; test=develop
      * polish the api description, test=develop
      Co-authored-by: Nzhongpu <2013000149@qq.com>
    • Z
      skip cases with small shape (#22318) · cb5e0d20
      zhupengyang 提交于
    • H
      Fix test layers 单测随机挂问题 (#22278) · 008ea1ae
      hong 提交于
      * fix test_layers compare static graph and dygraph result; test=develop
      * fix test_layers random error; test=develop
    • C
      Speeding up dygraph DataLoader with multiprocessing (#21762) · 35efbe6d
      Chen Weihang 提交于
      * add multiprocess for dygraph data loader, test=develop
      * polish code & add safe gurad, test=develop
      * refactor dygraph dataloader & add signal handler, test=develop
      * fix member initializer compile error on ci, test=develop
      * fix member initializer compile error one more, test=develop
      * remove useless config, test=develop
      * skip windows incompatible problem, test=develop
      * add unittest for coverage, test=coverage
      * add more exception unittest case, test=develop
      * deal with signal handler coverage, test=develop
      * polish code & add signal handler tests, test=develop
      * deal with coverage ci problem, test=develop
      * split data loader test & coverage ci fix, test=develop
      * remove test_imperative_data_loader_with_exception, test=develop
      * remove singal process except test case, test=develop
      * add exception tests again & remove sample list test, test=develop
      * split normal and exception unittests to diff class, test=develop
      * polish doc for use_multiprocess effect in static mode, test=develop
    • Z
      check op tests' shape should be 100+ (#22047) · 7ab44afb
      zhupengyang 提交于
  18. 15 1月, 2020 1 次提交