提交 cadc6a97 编写于 作者: W WangXi 提交者: gongweibao

fix dgc test and bug when not set trainers_endpoints_, test=develop (#20617)

上级 46797f53
......@@ -465,8 +465,7 @@ void MultiDevSSAGraphBuilderBase::CreateAllReduceOp(ir::Graph *result,
new details::SparseAllReduceOpHandle(
result->CreateEmptyNode("allreduce", ir::Node::Type::kOperation),
scopes, places, multi_nccl_ctxs_, is_encoded,
static_cast<int>(strategy_.trainers_endpoints_.size()) *
strategy_.num_trainers_ * places_.size()));
} else {
new details::AllReduceOpHandle(
......@@ -271,7 +271,6 @@ class CollectiveOptimizer(DistributedOptimizer):
node_num = self._node_num()
assert node_num >= 1, "nccl2 node_num must >= 1, now:{}" % node_num
self._strategy.fuse_all_reduce_ops = True
exec_strategy = self._strategy.exec_strategy
if node_num <= 1:
......@@ -291,6 +291,10 @@ class TestDistRunnerBase(object):
build_stra.num_trainers = 1
build_stra.trainer_id = 0
if args.use_dgc:
# fuse_all_reduce_ops require that gradients should not be sparse types
build_stra.fuse_all_reduce_ops = False
print_to_err(type(self).__name__, "begin to compile with data parallel")
binary = compiler.CompiledProgram(trainer_prog).with_data_parallel(
......@@ -852,7 +856,9 @@ class TestDistBase(unittest.TestCase):
if check_error_log:
required_envs["GLOG_vmodule"] = \
"fused_all_reduce_op_handle=10,all_reduce_op_handle=10,alloc_continuous_space_op=10,fuse_all_reduce_op_pass=10," \
"alloc_continuous_space_for_grad_pass=10,fast_threaded_ssa_graph_executor=10,executor=10,operator=10," \
required_envs["GLOG_logtostderr"] = "1"
local_losses \
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