Error clip is widely used in model training to prevent gradient exploding. It takes a value as clip threshold. With error clip, all gradient values will be checked before they are taken by the next `grad_op`, and values greater than the threshold will be clipped.
## Usage
Users can enable clip and set related attributes via invoking `Optimizer`'s `minimize` API:
# ...
The default value of `error_clip` is `None`, which means no error clip is employed. When it's not `None`, it should take an object of `BaseErrorClipAttr`'s derived class. So far, `BaseErrorClipAttr` has only one derived class: `ErrorClipByValue`, whose constructor is:
`max` and `min` represent the maximal and minimal clip threshold respectively. When the `min` is None, the minimal threshold will be assigned with `-max`.
So we can enable the error clip with threshold `[-5.0, 5.0]` by:
The `BaseErrorClipAttr` have two main member functions:
-**`create_clip_op_desc(self, grad_name)`**
> This function is used to create a C++ `OpDesc` object of `clip_op` and return its pointer to Python. For different error clips require different `clip_op`, the function is defined as virtual in the base class. All derived classes must implement their own versions of this function.
-**`prepend_clip_op_desc(self, op_descs)`**
> This function takes a list of C++ `OpDesc` as input. It checks each `OpDesc` in the list, creates `clip_op`s for every gradient outputs and then appends them to the input list. The input `op_descs` is supposed to be the backward of a certain forward op. It can contain one or more `OpDesc`s (Some op's backward is a combination of several other ops).
This two functions take effort during the backward building. Just as we showed in the *Usage* section, `Optimizer`'s `minimize` function can take an object of `ErrorClipByValue`(or some other `BaseErrorClipAttr`'s derived class). Inside the `minimize` function, the `prepend_clip_op_desc` function will be send to backward building process as an callback function:
Each time we get the backward of a forward op, we invoke the callback function to append `clip_op` for all the new generated gradients(In the `_append_backward_ops_` function of **):