- ``--rank``: The rank of the node, can be auto assigned by master. Default ``--rank=-1``.
- ``--log_level``: The log levl to set for logging.setLevel. Default ``--log_level=INFO``.
- ``--log_level``: The log level to set for logging.setLevel which can be CRITICAL/ERROR/WARNING/INFO/DEBUG/NOTSET, case insensitive. The rank 0 log will not print in the terminal by default, while you can enable it by adding --log_level=debug. Default ``--log_level=INFO``.
- ``--nnodes``: The number of nodes for a distributed job, it can be a range in elastic mode, e.g., ``--nnnodes=2:3``. Default ``--nnodes=1``.
- ``--nnodes``: The number of nodes for a distributed job, it can be a range in elastic mode, e.g., ``--nnodes=2:3``. Default ``--nnodes=1``.
- ``--nproc_per_node``: The number of processes to launch on a node. In gpu training, it should be less or equal to the gpus number of you system. e.g., ``--nproc_per_node=8``
@@ -93,9 +93,11 @@ def launch():
- ``None``
Examples 0 (master, ip/port auto detection):
.. code-block:: bash
:name: code-block-example-bash0
# For training on multi node, run the following command in one of the nodes
@@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ def launch():
.. code-block:: bash
:name: code-block-example-bash5
# To simulate distributed environment using single node, e.g., 2 servers and 4 workers, each worker use single gpu.
# To simulate distributed environment using single node, e.g., 2 servers and 4 workers, each worker use single gpu.
Defaults to False. `time_steps` means the length of input sequence.
dropout (float, optional): The droput probability. Dropout is applied
to the input of each layer except for the first layer. The range of
dropout from 0 to 1. Defaults to 0.
activation (str, optional): The activation in each SimpleRNN cell. It can be
`tanh` or `relu`. Defaults to `tanh`.
weight_ih_attr (ParamAttr, optional): The parameter attribute for
@@ -1148,13 +1151,13 @@ class SimpleRNN(RNNBase):
None). For more information, please refer to :ref:`api_guide_Name`.
- **inputs** (Tensor): the input sequence. If `time_major` is True, the shape is `[time_steps, batch_size, input_size]`, else, the shape is `[batch_size, time_steps, hidden_size]`.
- **inputs** (Tensor): the input sequence. If `time_major` is True, the shape is `[time_steps, batch_size, input_size]`, else, the shape is `[batch_size, time_steps, hidden_size]`. `time_steps` means the length of the input sequence.
- **initial_states** (Tensor, optional): the initial state. The shape is `[num_layers * num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size]`. If initial_state is not given, zero initial states are used.
- **sequence_length** (Tensor, optional): shape `[batch_size]`, dtype: int64 or int32. The valid lengths of input sequences. Defaults to None. If `sequence_length` is not None, the inputs are treated as padded sequences. In each input sequence, elements whose time step index are not less than the valid length are treated as paddings.
- **outputs** (Tensor): the output sequence. If `time_major` is True, the shape is `[time_steps, batch_size, num_directions * hidden_size]`, else, the shape is `[batch_size, time_steps, num_directions * hidden_size]`. Note that `num_directions` is 2 if direction is "bidirectional" else 1.
- **outputs** (Tensor): the output sequence. If `time_major` is True, the shape is `[time_steps, batch_size, num_directions * hidden_size]`, else, the shape is `[batch_size, time_steps, num_directions * hidden_size]`. Note that `num_directions` is 2 if direction is "bidirectional" else 1. `time_steps` means the length of the output sequence.
- **final_states** (Tensor): final states. The shape is `[num_layers * num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size]`. Note that `num_directions` is 2 if direction is "bidirectional" (the index of forward states are 0, 2, 4, 6... and the index of backward states are 1, 3, 5, 7...), else 1.
@@ -1242,16 +1245,19 @@ class LSTM(RNNBase):
Using key word arguments to construct is recommended.
input_size (int): The input size for the first layer's cell.
hidden_size (int): The hidden size for each layer's cell.
num_layers (int, optional): Number of layers. Defaults to 1.
input_size (int): The input size of :math:`x` for the first layer's cell.
hidden_size (int): The hidden size of :math:`h` for each layer's cell.
num_layers (int, optional): Number of recurrent layers. Defaults to 1.
direction (str, optional): The direction of the network. It can be "forward"
or "bidirect"(or "bidirectional"). When "bidirect", the way to merge
outputs of forward and backward is concatenating. Defaults to "forward".
time_major (bool, optional): Whether the first dimension of the input
means the time steps. Defaults to False.
means the time steps. If time_major is True, the shape of Tensor is
Defaults to False. `time_steps` means the length of input sequence.
dropout (float, optional): The droput probability. Dropout is applied
to the input of each layer except for the first layer. Defaults to 0.
to the input of each layer except for the first layer. The range of
dropout from 0 to 1. Defaults to 0.
weight_ih_attr (ParamAttr, optional): The parameter attribute for
`weight_ih` of each cell. Default: None.
weight_hh_attr (ParamAttr, optional): The parameter attribute for
@@ -1264,13 +1270,13 @@ class LSTM(RNNBase):
None). For more information, please refer to :ref:`api_guide_Name`.
- **inputs** (Tensor): the input sequence. If `time_major` is True, the shape is `[time_steps, batch_size, input_size]`, else, the shape is `[batch_size, time_steps, hidden_size]`.
- **inputs** (Tensor): the input sequence. If `time_major` is True, the shape is `[time_steps, batch_size, input_size]`, else, the shape is `[batch_size, time_steps, hidden_size]`. `time_steps` means the length of the input sequence.
- **initial_states** (list|tuple, optional): the initial state, a list/tuple of (h, c), the shape of each is `[num_layers * num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size]`. If initial_state is not given, zero initial states are used.
- **sequence_length** (Tensor, optional): shape `[batch_size]`, dtype: int64 or int32. The valid lengths of input sequences. Defaults to None. If `sequence_length` is not None, the inputs are treated as padded sequences. In each input sequence, elements whos time step index are not less than the valid length are treated as paddings.
- **outputs** (Tensor): the output sequence. If `time_major` is True, the shape is `[time_steps, batch_size, num_directions * hidden_size]`, If `time_major` is False, the shape is `[batch_size, time_steps, num_directions * hidden_size]`. Note that `num_directions` is 2 if direction is "bidirectional" else 1.
- **outputs** (Tensor): the output sequence. If `time_major` is True, the shape is `[time_steps, batch_size, num_directions * hidden_size]`, If `time_major` is False, the shape is `[batch_size, time_steps, num_directions * hidden_size]`. Note that `num_directions` is 2 if direction is "bidirectional" else 1. `time_steps` means the length of the output sequence.
- **final_states** (tuple): the final state, a tuple of two tensors, h and c. The shape of each is `[num_layers * num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size]`. Note that `num_directions` is 2 if direction is "bidirectional" (the index of forward states are 0, 2, 4, 6... and the index of backward states are 1, 3, 5, 7...), else 1.
@@ -1349,16 +1355,19 @@ class GRU(RNNBase):
Using key word arguments to construct is recommended.
input_size (int): The input size for the first layer's cell.
hidden_size (int): The hidden size for each layer's cell.
num_layers (int, optional): Number of layers. Defaults to 1.
input_size (int): The input size of :math:`x` for the first layer's cell.
hidden_size (int): The hidden size of :math:`h` for each layer's cell.
num_layers (int, optional): Number of recurrent layers. Defaults to 1.
direction (str, optional): The direction of the network. It can be "forward"
or "bidirect"(or "bidirectional"). When "bidirect", the way to merge
outputs of forward and backward is concatenating. Defaults to "forward".
time_major (bool, optional): Whether the first dimension of the input
means the time steps. Defaults to False.
means the time steps. If time_major is True, the shape of Tensor is
Defaults to False. `time_steps` means the length of input sequence.
dropout (float, optional): The droput probability. Dropout is applied
to the input of each layer except for the first layer. Defaults to 0.
to the input of each layer except for the first layer. The range of
dropout from 0 to 1. Defaults to 0.
weight_ih_attr (ParamAttr, optional): The parameter attribute for
`weight_ih` of each cell. Default: None.
weight_hh_attr (ParamAttr, optional): The parameter attribute for
@@ -1371,13 +1380,13 @@ class GRU(RNNBase):
None). For more information, please refer to :ref:`api_guide_Name`.
- **inputs** (Tensor): the input sequence. If `time_major` is True, the shape is `[time_steps, batch_size, input_size]`, else, the shape is `[batch_size, time_steps, hidden_size]`.
- **inputs** (Tensor): the input sequence. If `time_major` is True, the shape is `[time_steps, batch_size, input_size]`, else, the shape is `[batch_size, time_steps, hidden_size]`. `time_steps` means the length of the input sequence.
- **initial_states** (Tensor, optional): the initial state. The shape is `[num_layers * num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size]`. If initial_state is not given, zero initial states are used. Defaults to None.
- **sequence_length** (Tensor, optional): shape `[batch_size]`, dtype: int64 or int32. The valid lengths of input sequences. Defaults to None. If `sequence_length` is not None, the inputs are treated as padded sequences. In each input sequence, elements whos time step index are not less than the valid length are treated as paddings.
- **outputs** (Tensor): the output sequence. If `time_major` is True, the shape is `[time_steps, batch_size, num_directions * hidden_size]`, else, the shape is `[batch_size, time_steps, num_directions * hidden_size]`. Note that `num_directions` is 2 if direction is "bidirectional" else 1.
- **outputs** (Tensor): the output sequence. If `time_major` is True, the shape is `[time_steps, batch_size, num_directions * hidden_size]`, else, the shape is `[batch_size, time_steps, num_directions * hidden_size]`. Note that `num_directions` is 2 if direction is "bidirectional" else 1. `time_steps` means the length of the output sequence.
- **final_states** (Tensor): final states. The shape is `[num_layers * num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size]`. Note that `num_directions` is 2 if direction is "bidirectional" (the index of forward states are 0, 2, 4, 6... and the index of backward states are 1, 3, 5, 7...), else 1.