未验证 提交 3fd34a0e 编写于 作者: zhouweiwei2014's avatar zhouweiwei2014 提交者: GitHub

Polish sccache on windows (#34147)

上级 1b377635
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ rem -------Caching strategy 1: End --------------------------------
rem -------Caching strategy 2: sccache decorate compiler-----------
if "%WITH_SCCACHE%"=="ON" (
rem cmd /C sccache -V || call :install_sccache
cmd /C sccache -V || call :install_sccache
sccache --stop-server 2> NUL
if not exist D:\sccache mkdir D:\sccache
set SCCACHE_DIR=D:\sccache\.cache
......@@ -164,11 +164,10 @@ if "%WITH_SCCACHE%"=="ON" (
set SCCACHE_ERROR_LOG=D:\sccache\sccache_log.txt
set SCCACHE_LOG=quiet
sccache --start-server
if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 exit /b 1
sccache -z
goto :CASE_%1
) else (
del %PYTHON_ROOT%\sccache.exe
del %PYTHON_ROOT%\sccache.exe 2> NUL
goto :CASE_%1
......@@ -473,7 +472,7 @@ echo Build Paddle successfully!
echo 0 > %cache_dir%\error_code.txt
type %cache_dir%\error_code.txt
:: ci will collect clcache hit rate
:: ci will collect sccache hit rate
if "%WITH_SCCACHE%"=="ON" (
call :collect_sccache_hits
......@@ -809,11 +808,11 @@ type sccache_summary.txt
for /f "tokens=2,3" %%i in ('type sccache_summary.txt ^| findstr "requests hits" ^| findstr /V "executed C/C++ CUDA"') do set %%i=%%j
if %requests% EQU 0 (
echo "sccache hit rate: 0%"
echo ipipe_log_param_Clcache_Hit_Hate: 0%
echo ipipe_log_param_sccache_Hit_Hate: 0%
) else (
set /a rate=!hits!*10000/!requests!
echo "sccache hit rate: !rate:~0,-2!.!rate:~-2!%%"
echo ipipe_log_param_Clcache_Hit_Hate: !rate:~0,2!.!rate:~2,2!%%
echo ipipe_log_param_sccache_Hit_Hate: !rate:~0,-2!.!rate:~-2!%%
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