CpuSparseMatrix.h 8.0 KB
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/* Copyright (c) 2016 Baidu, Inc. All Rights Reserve.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */

#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include "Matrix.h"

namespace paddle {

class CpuSparseMatrix : public Matrix {
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  CpuSparseMatrix(size_t height,
                  size_t width,
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                  size_t nnz, /* used to allocate space */
                  SparseValueType valueType = FLOAT_VALUE,
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                  SparseFormat format = SPARSE_CSR,
                  bool trans = false);

  CpuSparseMatrix(CpuMemHandlePtr memHandle,
                  size_t height,
                  size_t width,
                  size_t nnz,
                  SparseValueType valueType,
                  SparseFormat format,
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                  bool trans);

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  CpuSparseMatrix(real* data,
                  int* rows,
                  int* cols,
                  size_t height,
                  size_t width,
                  size_t nnz,
                  SparseValueType valueType,
                  SparseFormat format,
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                  bool trans);

  ~CpuSparseMatrix() {}

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  void resize(size_t newHeight,
              size_t newWidth,
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              size_t newNnz, /* used to allocate space */
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              SparseValueType valueType,
              SparseFormat format);
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  void resize(size_t newHeight, size_t newWidth);

  MatrixPtr getTranspose();

  SparseValueType getValueType();

  real* getRowValues(size_t i) const {
    if (format_ == SPARSE_CSR) {
      return value_ + rows_[i];
    } else {
      LOG(FATAL) << "SPARSE_CSC not supported";
      return 0;

  int* getRowCols(size_t i) const {
    if (format_ == SPARSE_CSR) {
      return cols_ + rows_[i];
    } else {
      LOG(FATAL) << "SPARSE_CSC not supported";
      return 0;

  /// fill row indices of each value in CSR matrix
  void fillRowIndices(IVectorPtr& outVec) const;

  size_t getColNum(size_t i) const {
    if (format_ == SPARSE_CSR) {
      return rows_[i + 1] - rows_[i];
    } else {
      LOG(FATAL) << "SPARSE_CSC not supported";
      return 0;

  real* getColumn(size_t i) const {
    if (format_ == SPARSE_CSC) {
      return value_ + cols_[i];
    } else {
      LOG(FATAL) << "SPARSE_CSR not supported";
      return 0;

  size_t getColStartIdx(size_t i) const {
    if (format_ == SPARSE_CSC) {
      return cols_[i];
    } else {
      LOG(FATAL) << "SPARSE_CSR not supported";
      return 0;

  size_t getRowStartIdx(size_t i) const {
    if (format_ == SPARSE_CSR) {
      return rows_[i];
    } else {
      LOG(FATAL) << "SPARSE_CSC not supported";
      return 0;

  size_t getRowNum(size_t i) const {
    if (format_ == SPARSE_CSC) {
      return cols_[i + 1] - cols_[i];
    } else {
      LOG(FATAL) << "SPARSE_CSR not supported";
      return 0;

  virtual real getSum() {
    if (valueType_ == NO_VALUE) {
      return elementCnt_;
    double sum = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < elementCnt_; ++i) {
      sum += value_[i];
    return sum;

  virtual void square() {
    if (valueType_ == NO_VALUE) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < elementCnt_; ++i) {
      value_[i] = value_[i] * value_[i];

   * only consider nonzero values.
   * the actual min value should compare with 0.0.
  virtual real getMin() {
    if (valueType_ == NO_VALUE) {
      return (elementCnt_ > 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0);
    real min = value_[0];
    for (size_t i = 1; i < elementCnt_; ++i) {
      min = value_[i] < min ? value_[i] : min;
    return min;

   * only consider nonzero values.
   * the actual max value should compare with 0.0.
  virtual real getMax() {
    if (valueType_ == NO_VALUE) {
      return (elementCnt_ > 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0);
    real max = value_[0];
    for (size_t i = 1; i < elementCnt_; ++i) {
      max = value_[i] > max ? value_[i] : max;
    return max;

  void rowMax(IVector& maxIds, Matrix& maxVal);
  int* getRows() const { return rows_; }
  int* getCols() const { return cols_; }
  real* getValue() const { return value_; }
  SparseFormat getFormat() const { return format_; }
  SparseValueType getValueType() const { return valueType_; }

   * @brief return value_ of sparse matrix
   * Some times CpuSparseMatrix maybe Matrix,
   * if getValue, must dynamic_cast to CpuSparseMatrix,
   * getData is convenient to get value
  real* getData() { return getValue(); }
  const real* getData() const { return getValue(); }
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   * @brief only set value_ of FLOAT_VALUE sparse matrix to zero
  void zeroMem();

  /// mem MUST be alloced outside (memAlloc=false)
  void transpose(MatrixPtr matTrans, bool memAlloc);

  void mul(MatrixPtr A, MatrixPtr B, real alpha, real beta);

   * @brief sparseMatrix += denseMatrix
   *  Named add3 just because add/add2 has been used in BaseMatrix.cu
   *  and they are not virtual function.
   *  Only add value of same (row, col) index in dense matrix
   *  and do not use others values whoes postions are not in sparse matirx.
   * @param[in]  b   dense matrix
  void add3(CpuMatrix* b);
  void add3(MatrixPtr b);

   * @brief sparseMatrix[i,j] += bias[j], (j is the col index of sparse matrix)
   * @param[in]  b      bias, dense matrix and height = 1
   * @param[in]  scale  scale of b
  void addBias(Matrix& b, real scale);

  void print(std::ostream& os) const;

  void printOneRow(std::ostream& os, size_t idx) const;

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  void setRow(size_t row,
              size_t colNum,
              const unsigned int* cols,
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              const real* values);

  void randomizeUniform();

  void copyFrom(const GpuSparseMatrix& src, hl_stream_t stream);

  void copyFrom(const Matrix& src, hl_stream_t stream = HPPL_STREAM_DEFAULT);

  void copyFrom(const Matrix& src);

   * Get a temporary matrix. This is threadsafe. It should be only used
   * temporarily, i.e. do not store it or use it as return value.
   * @note  Do NOT use large amount of tmp matrix.
  CpuSparseMatrixPtr getTmpSparseMatrix(size_t height, size_t width);

  virtual MatrixPtr subMatrix(size_t startRow, size_t numRows);

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  void copyFrom(std::vector<int>& rows,
                std::vector<int>& cols,
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                std::vector<real>& values);

  void copyFrom(const CpuMatrix& src);

  void copyFrom(const CpuSparseMatrix& src);

  // trim the large size
  void trimFrom(const CpuSparseMatrix& src);

  void copyRow(int offsets, size_t colNum, const sparse_non_value_t* row);

  void copyRow(int offsets, size_t colNum, const sparse_float_value_t* row);

  template <class T>
  void copyFrom(int64_t* ids, int64_t* indices, T* data);

  template <class T>
  void copyFrom(int64_t* indices, T* data);

  void copyFrom(const real* data, size_t len) {
    LOG(FATAL) << "not supported!";

  MatrixPtr clone(size_t height = 0, size_t width = 0, bool useGpu = false);

  void sparseResize();
  /*for csr , record row start position, for csc, record row index for every no
   * zero value*/
  int* rows_;
  /*for csc , record col start position, for csr, record col index for every no
   * zero value*/
  int* cols_;
  real* value_;               /*nonzero value*/
  SparseFormat format_;       /* matrix format */
  SparseValueType valueType_; /*with value or not  */
  static const size_t DEFAULT_AVG_WIDTH = 20;

  static ThreadLocal<std::vector<CpuSparseMatrixPtr>> cpuLocalMats_;

  // BaseMatrixT interface
  bool isSparse() const { return true; }
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  using Matrix::copyFrom;
}  // namespace paddle