jit_kernel_macro.h 4.7 KB
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/* Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.

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#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/cpu_info.h"

namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace math {
namespace jitkernel {

namespace jit = platform::jit;

#define SEARCH_BLOCK(macro_, ker, dtype, isa)                 \
  if (d < AVX_FLOAT_BLOCK) {                                  \
    macro_(ker, dtype, isa, kLT8);                            \
  } else if (d == AVX_FLOAT_BLOCK) {                          \
    macro_(ker, dtype, isa, kEQ8);                            \
  } else if (d > AVX_FLOAT_BLOCK && d < AVX512_FLOAT_BLOCK) { \
    macro_(ker, dtype, isa, kGT8LT16);                        \
  } else if (d == AVX512_FLOAT_BLOCK) {                       \
    macro_(ker, dtype, isa, kEQ16);                           \
  } else {                                                    \
    macro_(ker, dtype, isa, kGT16);                           \

#define SEARCH_ISA_BLOCK(macro_, ker, dtype)        \
  if (jit::MayIUse(jit::avx512f)) {                 \
    SEARCH_BLOCK(macro_, ker, dtype, jit::avx512f); \
  } else if (jit::MayIUse(jit::avx2)) {             \
    SEARCH_BLOCK(macro_, ker, dtype, jit::avx2);    \
  } else if (jit::MayIUse(jit::avx)) {              \
    SEARCH_BLOCK(macro_, ker, dtype, jit::avx);     \
  } else {                                          \
    SEARCH_BLOCK(macro_, ker, dtype, jit::isa_any); \

#define JITKERNEL_DECLARE(ker_class, ker_dtype) \
  template <>                                   \
  std::shared_ptr<const ker_class<ker_dtype>>   \
  KernelPool::Get<ker_class<ker_dtype>, int>(int d)

#define JITKERNEL_KEY(ker_key, dtype_key) \
  #ker_key #dtype_key + std::to_string(d)

#define JITKERNEL_NEW_IMPL(ker, dtype, isa, k) \
  p = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ker<dtype>>(   \
      std::make_shared<ker##Impl<dtype, isa, k>>(d))

#define JITKERNEL_WITH_DTYPE(ker_key, ker_class, ker_dtype, dtype_key, \
                             marco_declare, macro_key, macro_impl)     \
  marco_declare(ker_class, ker_dtype) {                                \
    std::string key = macro_key(ker_key, dtype_key);                   \
    if (kers_.find(key) == kers_.end()) {                              \
      std::shared_ptr<ker_class<ker_dtype>> p;                         \
      SEARCH_ISA_BLOCK(macro_impl, ker_class, ker_dtype);              \
      kers_.insert({key, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Kernel>(p)});       \
      return p;                                                        \
    }                                                                  \
    return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const ker_class<ker_dtype>>(      \
        kers_.at(key));                                                \

#define REGISTER_JITKERNEL(ker_key, ker_class)                           \
  JITKERNEL_WITH_DTYPE(ker_key, ker_class, float, f, JITKERNEL_DECLARE,  \
                       JITKERNEL_KEY, JITKERNEL_NEW_IMPL);               \
  JITKERNEL_WITH_DTYPE(ker_key, ker_class, double, d, JITKERNEL_DECLARE, \
                       JITKERNEL_KEY, JITKERNEL_NEW_IMPL)

#define REGISTER_JITKERNEL_ARGS(ker_key, ker_class, marco_declare, macro_key,  \
                                macro_impl)                                    \
  JITKERNEL_WITH_DTYPE(ker_key, ker_class, float, f, marco_declare, macro_key, \
                       macro_impl);                                            \
  JITKERNEL_WITH_DTYPE(ker_key, ker_class, double, d, marco_declare,           \
                       macro_key, macro_impl)

#define FOR_EACH_ISA(macro_, block) \
  macro_(jit::avx512f, block);      \
  macro_(jit::avx2, block);         \
  macro_(jit::avx, block);          \
  macro_(jit::isa_any, block)

#define FOR_EACH_BLOCK(macro_, isa) \
  macro_(isa, kLT8);                \
  macro_(isa, kEQ8);                \
  macro_(isa, kGT8LT16);            \
  macro_(isa, kEQ16);               \
  macro_(isa, kGT16)

#define FOR_EACH_ISA_BLOCK(macro_)      \
  FOR_EACH_BLOCK(macro_, jit::avx512f); \
  FOR_EACH_BLOCK(macro_, jit::avx2);    \
  FOR_EACH_BLOCK(macro_, jit::avx);     \
  FOR_EACH_BLOCK(macro_, jit::isa_any)

}  // namespace jitkernel
}  // namespace math
}  // namespace operators
}  // namespace paddle