MKLPackedRecurrentLayer.h 4.7 KB
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/* Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserve.

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#pragma once

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#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include "Layer.h"
#include "MKLPackedGemm.h"
#include "SequenceToBatch.h"
#include "paddle/utils/Stat.h"


namespace paddle {

 * @brief MKLPackedRecurrentLayer takes 1 input layer. The output size is the
 * same with
 * input layer.
 * For each sequence [start, end] it performs the following computation:
 * \f[
 *    out_{i} = act(in_{i})     \      \      \text{for} \ i = start \\
 *    out_{i} = act(in_{i} + out_{i-1} * W) \ \ \text{for} \ start < i <= end
 * \f]
 * If reversed is true, the order is reversed:
 * \f[
 *   out_{i} = act(in_{i})           \    \   \text{for} \ i = end  \\
 *   out_{i} = act(in_{i} + out_{i+1} * W) \ \ \text{for} \ start <= i < end
 * \f]
 * There are two methods to calculate rnn. One way is to compute rnn one
 * sequence by one sequence. The other way is to reorganize the input
 * into batches, then compute rnn one batch by one batch. Users can select
 * them by rnn_use_batch flag.

class MKLPackedRecurrentLayer : public Layer {
  explicit MKLPackedRecurrentLayer(const LayerConfig& config) : Layer(config) {}

  bool init(const LayerMap& layerMap,
            const ParameterMap& parameterMap) override;

  void forward(PassType passType) override;

  void backward(const UpdateCallback& callback) override;

  void resetState() override;

  void setState(LayerStatePtr state) override;

  LayerStatePtr getState() override;

   * @brief If user do not set --rnn_use_batch=true, it will
   * compute rnn forward one sequence by one sequence in default.
   * @param batchSize Total words number of all samples in this batch.
   * @param numSequences The sample number.
   * @param starts Each start position of each samples.
  void forwardSequence(int batchSize, size_t numSequences, const int* starts);
   * @brief Compute rnn forward by one sequence.
   * @param start The start position of this sequence (or sample).
   * @param length The length of this sequence (or sample), namely the words
   * number of this sequence.
  void forwardOneSequence(int start, int length);
   * @brief Compute rnn backward one sequence by onesequence.
   * @param batchSize Total words number of all samples in this batch.
   * @param numSequences The sample number.
   * @param starts Each start position of each samples.
  void backwardSequence(int batchSize, size_t numSequences, const int* starts);
   * @brief Compute rnn backward by one sequence.
   * @param start The start position of this sequence (or sample).
   * @param length The length of this sequence (or sample), namely the words
   * number of this sequence.
  void backwardOneSequence(int start, int length);

   * @brief Reorganize input into batches and compute rnn forward batch
   * by batch. It will convert batch shape to sequence after finishing forward.
   * The batch info can refer to SequenceToBatch class.
   * @param batchSize Total words number of all samples in this batch.
   * @param numSequences The sample number.
   * @param starts Each start position of each samples.
  void forwardBatch(int batchSize, size_t numSequences, const int* starts);

   * @brief Reorganize input into batches and compute rnn forward batch
   * by batch.
   * @param batchSize Total words number of all samples in this batch.
   * @param numSequences The sample number.
   * @param starts Each start position of each samples.
  void backwardBatch(int batchSize, size_t numSequences, const int* starts);

  std::unique_ptr<Weight> weight_;
  std::unique_ptr<Weight> bias_;

  /// frameOutput_[i] is used to hold the i-th sample of output_
  std::vector<Argument> frameOutput_;
  MatrixPtr prevOutput_;
  /// Whether compute rnn by reverse.
  bool reversed_;
  /// If compute batch by batch, batchValue_ will be used to save the
  /// reorganized input value.
  std::unique_ptr<SequenceToBatch> batchValue_;
  /// If compute batch by batch, batchGrad_ will be used to save the
  /// gradient with respect to reorganized input value.
  std::unique_ptr<SequenceToBatch> batchGrad_;

  std::unique_ptr<MKLPackedGemm> sgemm_packed_;
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}  // namespace paddle