提交 a996ae9c 编写于 作者: A Aston Zhang

add sm studio lab button

上级 62421502
......@@ -17,3 +17,8 @@ for fn in `find _build/html/_images/ -iname '*.svg' `; do
rsvg-convert -z 1 -f svg -o tmp.svg $fn
mv tmp.svg $fn
# Add SageMaker Studio Lab buttons
for f in _build/html/chapter*/*.html; do
sed -i s/Open\ the\ notebook\ in\ Colab\<\\\/div\>\<\\\/div\>\<\\\/div\>\<\\\/h1\>/Open\ the\ notebook\ in\ Colab\<\\\/div\>\<\\\/div\>\<\\\/div\>\<a\ href=\"https:\\\/\\\/studiolab.sagemaker.aws\"\ onclick=\"captureOutboundLink\\\(\'https\:\\\/\\\/studiolab.sagemaker.aws\'\\\)\;\ return\ false\;\"\>\ \<button\ style=\"float\:right\",\ id=\"SageMaker\_Studio\_Lab\"\ class=\"mdl-button\ mdl-js-button\ mdl-button--primary\ mdl-js-ripple-effect\"\>\ \<i\ class=\"\ fas\ fa-external-link-alt\"\>\<\\\/i\>\ SageMaker\ Studio\ Lab\ \<\\\/button\>\<\\\/a\>\<div\ class=\"mdl-tooltip\"\ data-mdl-for=\"SageMaker\_Studio\_Lab\"\>\ Open\ the\ notebook\ in\ SageMaker\ Studio\ Lab\<\\\/div\>\<\\\/h1\>/g $f
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