提交 5cefe869 编写于 作者: A Aston Zhang

center graphics, cover table

上级 820063cd
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ pdf: $(DEPS) $(OBJ) $(PDFIMG)
sed -i /{\\\\tablename\\\\\ \\\\thetable{}\ --\ continued\ from\ previous\ page}/d $(TEX)
sed -i s/\\\\maketitle/\\\\maketitle\ \\\\pagebreak\\\\hspace{0pt}\\\\vfill\\\\begin{center}本书稿为测试版本(\ 生成日期:\\\\zhtoday\ )。\\\\\\\\\ 访问\\\\url{https:\\/\\/zh.d2l.ai},获取本书的最新版本或正式版本。\\\\end{center}\\\\vfill\\\\hspace{0pt}\\\\pagebreak/g $(TEX)
python build/utils/post_tex.py zh
python build/utils/post_latex.py zh
cd build/_build/latex && \
bash ../../utils/convert_output_svg.sh && \
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