未验证 提交 e7101460 编写于 作者: S Sam Ko 提交者: GitHub

Fix invalid console.error link (#23213)

上级 c72e85cd
......@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ function checkCustomRoutes(
`The route ${
(route as Rewrite).source
} rewrites urls outside of the basePath. Please use a destination that starts with \`http://\` or \`https://\` https://err.sh/vercel/next.js/invalid-external-rewrite.md`
} rewrites urls outside of the basePath. Please use a destination that starts with \`http://\` or \`https://\` https://err.sh/vercel/next.js/invalid-external-rewrite`
......@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ const runTests = () => {
`The route /hello rewrites urls outside of the basePath. Please use a destination that starts with \`http://\` or \`https://\` https://err.sh/vercel/next.js/invalid-external-rewrite.md`
`The route /hello rewrites urls outside of the basePath. Please use a destination that starts with \`http://\` or \`https://\` https://err.sh/vercel/next.js/invalid-external-rewrite`
expect(stderr).toContain('Invalid rewrites found')
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