提交 e2d331db 编写于 作者: S Stephen Sauceda 提交者: Tim Neutkens

add mocha example (#5182)

Adding an example of testing with Mocha

上级 35c2103e
"env": {
"development": {
"presets": ["next/babel"]
"production": {
"presets": ["next/babel"]
"test": {
"presets": [["next/babel", { "preset-env": { "modules": "commonjs" } }]]
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[![Deploy to now](https://deploy.now.sh/static/button.svg)](https://deploy.now.sh/?repo=https://github.com/zeit/next.js/tree/master/examples/with-mocha)
# Example app with Mocha tests
## How to use
### Using `create-next-app`
Execute [`create-next-app`](https://github.com/segmentio/create-next-app) with [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/cli/create/) or [npx](https://github.com/zkat/npx#readme) to bootstrap the example:
npx create-next-app --example with-mocha with-mocha-app
# or
yarn create next-app --example with-mocha with-mocha-app
### Download manually
Download the example:
curl https://codeload.github.com/zeit/next.js/tar.gz/canary | tar -xz --strip=2 next.js-canary/examples/with-mocha
cd with-mocha
Install it and run:
npm install
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
## Run Mocha tests
npm run test
# or
yarn test
## The idea behind the example
This example features:
* An app with Mocha tests
> A very important part of this example is the `.babelrc` file which configures the `test` environment to use `babel-preset-env` and configures it to transpile modules to `commonjs`). [Learn more](https://github.com/zeit/next.js/issues/2895).
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import Enzyme from 'enzyme'
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16'
Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() })
"name": "with-mocha",
"version": "1.0.0",
"scripts": {
"test": "NODE_ENV=test mocha",
"dev": "next",
"build": "next build",
"start": "next start"
"dependencies": {
"next": "latest",
"react": "^16.5.0",
"react-dom": "^16.5.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "^7.0.1",
"@babel/register": "^7.0.0",
"enzyme": "^3.6.0",
"enzyme-adapter-react-16": "^1.5.0",
"expect.js": "^0.3.1",
"mocha": "^5.2.0"
export default () => (
<style jsx>{`
p {
color: red;
<p>Hello World!</p>
/* global describe, it */
import { shallow } from 'enzyme'
import React from 'react'
import expect from 'expect.js'
import App from '../pages/index.js'
describe('With Enzyme', () => {
it('App shows "Hello world!"', () => {
const app = shallow(<App />)
expect(app.find('p').text()).to.equal('Hello World!')
--require @babel/register
--file mocha.setup.js
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