未验证 提交 2d9d649d 编写于 作者: J JJ Kasper 提交者: GitHub

Add handling for custom-routes with basePath (#15041)

This adds handling for custom-routes with `basePath` to automatically add the `basePath` for custom-routes `source` and `destination` unless `basePath: false` is set for the route. 

Closes: https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/14782
上级 4af7f6c7
......@@ -259,11 +259,22 @@ export default async function build(
const buildCustomRoute = (
r: {
source: string
basePath?: false
statusCode?: number
destination?: string
type: RouteType
) => {
const keys: any[] = []
if (r.basePath !== false) {
r.source = `${config.basePath}${r.source}`
if (r.destination && r.destination.startsWith('/')) {
r.destination = `${config.basePath}${r.destination}`
const routeRegex = pathToRegexp(r.source, keys, {
strict: true,
sensitive: false,
......@@ -137,7 +137,9 @@ const nextServerlessLoader: loader.Loader = function () {
const { parsedDestination } = prepareDestination(
Object.assign(parsedUrl.query, parsedDestination.query, params)
......@@ -173,6 +175,7 @@ const nextServerlessLoader: loader.Loader = function () {
? `
// always strip the basePath if configured since it is required
req.url = req.url.replace(new RegExp('^${basePath}'), '') || '/'
parsedUrl.pathname = parsedUrl.pathname.replace(new RegExp('^${basePath}'), '') || '/'
: ''
......@@ -204,13 +207,13 @@ const nextServerlessLoader: loader.Loader = function () {
try {
await initServer()
// We need to trust the dynamic route params from the proxy
// to ensure we are using the correct values
const trustQuery = req.headers['${vercelHeader}']
const parsedUrl = handleRewrites(parse(req.url, true))
const params = ${
? `
......@@ -296,8 +299,6 @@ const nextServerlessLoader: loader.Loader = function () {
export async function renderReqToHTML(req, res, renderMode, _renderOpts, _params) {
const fromExport = renderMode === 'export' || renderMode === true;
const options = {
......@@ -324,6 +325,8 @@ const nextServerlessLoader: loader.Loader = function () {
const trustQuery = !getStaticProps && req.headers['${vercelHeader}']
const parsedUrl = handleRewrites(parse(req.url, true))
if (parsedUrl.pathname.match(/_next\\/data/)) {
_nextData = true
parsedUrl.pathname = parsedUrl.pathname
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import {
export type Rewrite = {
source: string
destination: string
basePath?: false
export type Redirect = Rewrite & {
......@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ export type Redirect = Rewrite & {
export type Header = {
source: string
basePath?: false
headers: Array<{ key: string; value: string }>
......@@ -148,10 +150,11 @@ function checkCustomRoutes(
allowedKeys = new Set([
...(isRedirect ? ['statusCode', 'permanent'] : []),
} else {
allowedKeys = new Set(['source', 'headers'])
allowedKeys = new Set(['source', 'headers', 'basePath'])
for (const route of routes) {
......@@ -171,6 +174,10 @@ function checkCustomRoutes(
const invalidKeys = keys.filter((key) => !allowedKeys.has(key))
const invalidParts: string[] = []
if (typeof route.basePath !== 'undefined' && route.basePath !== false) {
invalidParts.push('`basePath` must be undefined or false')
if (!route.source) {
invalidParts.push('`source` is missing')
} else if (typeof route.source !== 'string') {
......@@ -253,13 +253,11 @@ export default class Server {
const { basePath } = this.nextConfig
// if basePath is set require it be present
if (basePath && !req.url!.startsWith(basePath)) {
return this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl)
} else {
// If replace ends up replacing the full url it'll be `undefined`, meaning we have to default it to `/`
parsedUrl.pathname = parsedUrl.pathname!.replace(basePath, '') || '/'
req.url = req.url!.replace(basePath, '')
if (basePath && req.url?.startsWith(basePath)) {
// store original URL to allow checking if basePath was
// provided or not
;(req as any)._nextHadBasePath = true
req.url = req.url!.replace(basePath, '') || '/'
res.statusCode = 200
......@@ -308,6 +306,7 @@ export default class Server {
protected generateRoutes(): {
basePath: string
headers: Route[]
rewrites: Route[]
fsRoutes: Route[]
......@@ -445,11 +444,17 @@ export default class Server {
const getCustomRouteBasePath = (r: { basePath?: false }) => {
return r.basePath !== false && this.renderOpts.dev
? this.nextConfig.basePath
: ''
const getCustomRoute = (r: Rewrite | Redirect | Header, type: RouteType) =>
match: getCustomRouteMatcher(r.source),
match: getCustomRouteMatcher(`${getCustomRouteBasePath(r)}${r.source}`),
name: type,
fn: async (_req, _res, _params, _parsedUrl) => ({ finished: false }),
} as Route & Rewrite & Header)
......@@ -458,7 +463,13 @@ export default class Server {
if (!value.includes(':')) {
return value
const { parsedDestination } = prepareDestination(value, params, {})
const { parsedDestination } = prepareDestination(
if (
!parsedDestination.pathname ||
......@@ -507,7 +518,9 @@ export default class Server {
const { parsedDestination } = prepareDestination(
const updatedDestination = formatUrl(parsedDestination)
......@@ -531,6 +544,7 @@ export default class Server {
const rewrites = this.customRoutes.rewrites.map((rewrite) => {
const rewriteRoute = getCustomRoute(rewrite, 'rewrite')
return {
check: true,
type: rewriteRoute.type,
name: `Rewrite route`,
......@@ -540,7 +554,8 @@ export default class Server {
// external rewrite, proxy it
......@@ -560,8 +575,9 @@ export default class Server {
finished: true,
;(req as any)._nextDidRewrite = true
;(req as any)._nextRewroteUrl = newUrl
;(req as any)._nextDidRewrite =
(req as any)._nextRewroteUrl !== req.url
return {
finished: false,
......@@ -618,6 +634,7 @@ export default class Server {
dynamicRoutes: this.dynamicRoutes,
basePath: this.nextConfig.basePath,
pageChecker: this.hasPage.bind(this),
......@@ -304,8 +304,7 @@ export async function renderToHTML(
const headTags = (...args: any) => callMiddleware('headTags', args)
const didRewrite =
(req as any)._nextDidRewrite && (req as any)._nextRewroteUrl !== req.url
const didRewrite = (req as any)._nextDidRewrite
const isFallback = !!query.__nextFallback
delete query.__nextFallback
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ export type Route = {
check?: boolean
statusCode?: number
name: string
requireBasePath?: false
fn: (
req: IncomingMessage,
res: ServerResponse,
......@@ -34,11 +35,14 @@ export type DynamicRoutes = Array<{ page: string; match: RouteMatch }>
export type PageChecker = (pathname: string) => Promise<boolean>
const customRouteTypes = new Set(['rewrite', 'redirect', 'header'])
export const prepareDestination = (
destination: string,
params: Params,
query: ParsedUrlQuery,
appendParamsToQuery?: boolean
appendParamsToQuery: boolean,
basePath: string
) => {
const parsedDestination = parseUrl(destination, true)
const destQuery = parsedDestination.query
......@@ -77,8 +81,12 @@ export const prepareDestination = (
const shouldAddBasePath = destination.startsWith('/') && basePath
try {
newUrl = encodeURI(destinationCompiler(params))
newUrl = `${shouldAddBasePath ? basePath : ''}${encodeURI(
const [pathname, hash] = newUrl.split('#')
parsedDestination.pathname = pathname
......@@ -109,7 +117,12 @@ export const prepareDestination = (
function replaceBasePath(basePath: string, pathname: string) {
return pathname!.replace(basePath, '') || '/'
export default class Router {
basePath: string
headers: Route[]
fsRoutes: Route[]
rewrites: Route[]
......@@ -120,6 +133,7 @@ export default class Router {
useFileSystemPublicRoutes: boolean
basePath = '',
headers = [],
fsRoutes = [],
rewrites = [],
......@@ -129,6 +143,7 @@ export default class Router {
}: {
basePath: string
headers: Route[]
fsRoutes: Route[]
rewrites: Route[]
......@@ -138,6 +153,7 @@ export default class Router {
pageChecker: PageChecker
useFileSystemPublicRoutes: boolean
}) {
this.basePath = basePath
this.headers = headers
this.fsRoutes = fsRoutes
this.rewrites = rewrites
......@@ -192,7 +208,8 @@ export default class Router {
? [
type: 'route',
name: 'Page checker',
name: 'page checker',
requireBasePath: false,
match: route('/:path*'),
fn: async (checkerReq, checkerRes, params, parsedCheckerUrl) => {
const { pathname } = parsedCheckerUrl
......@@ -218,12 +235,44 @@ export default class Router {
// disabled
...(this.useFileSystemPublicRoutes ? [this.catchAllRoute] : []),
const originallyHadBasePath =
!this.basePath || (req as any)._nextHadBasePath
for (const testRoute of allRoutes) {
const newParams = testRoute.match(parsedUrlUpdated.pathname)
// if basePath is being used, the basePath will still be included
// in the pathname here to allow custom-routes to require containing
// it or not, filesystem routes and pages must always include the basePath
// if it is set
let currentPathname = parsedUrlUpdated.pathname
const originalPathname = currentPathname
const requireBasePath = testRoute.requireBasePath !== false
const isCustomRoute = customRouteTypes.has(testRoute.type)
if (!isCustomRoute) {
// If replace ends up replacing the full url it'll be `undefined`, meaning we have to default it to `/`
currentPathname = replaceBasePath(this.basePath, currentPathname!)
const newParams = testRoute.match(currentPathname)
// Check if the match function matched
if (newParams) {
// since we require basePath be present for non-custom-routes we
// 404 here when we matched an fs route
if (!isCustomRoute) {
if (!originallyHadBasePath && !(req as any)._nextDidRewrite) {
if (requireBasePath) {
// consider this a non-match so the 404 renders
return false
// page checker occurs before rewrites so we need to continue
// to check those since they don't always require basePath
parsedUrlUpdated.pathname = currentPathname
const result = await testRoute.fn(req, res, newParams, parsedUrlUpdated)
// The response was handled
......@@ -231,6 +280,12 @@ export default class Router {
return true
// since the fs route didn't match we need to re-add the basePath
// to continue checking rewrites with the basePath present
if (!isCustomRoute) {
parsedUrlUpdated.pathname = originalPathname
if (result.pathname) {
parsedUrlUpdated.pathname = result.pathname
......@@ -244,10 +299,15 @@ export default class Router {
// check filesystem
if (testRoute.check === true) {
const originalFsPathname = parsedUrlUpdated.pathname
const fsPathname = replaceBasePath(this.basePath, originalFsPathname!)
for (const fsRoute of this.fsRoutes) {
const fsParams = fsRoute.match(parsedUrlUpdated.pathname)
const fsParams = fsRoute.match(fsPathname)
if (fsParams) {
parsedUrlUpdated.pathname = fsPathname
const fsResult = await fsRoute.fn(
......@@ -258,17 +318,17 @@ export default class Router {
if (fsResult.finished) {
return true
parsedUrlUpdated.pathname = originalFsPathname
let matchedPage = await memoizedPageChecker(
let matchedPage = await memoizedPageChecker(fsPathname)
// If we didn't match a page check dynamic routes
if (!matchedPage) {
for (const dynamicRoute of this.dynamicRoutes) {
if (dynamicRoute.match(parsedUrlUpdated.pathname)) {
if (dynamicRoute.match(fsPathname)) {
matchedPage = true
......@@ -276,6 +336,8 @@ export default class Router {
// Matched a page or dynamic route so render it using catchAllRoute
if (matchedPage) {
parsedUrlUpdated.pathname = fsPathname
const pageParams = this.catchAllRoute.match(
......@@ -336,6 +336,17 @@ export default class DevServer extends Server {
parsedUrl: UrlWithParsedQuery
): Promise<void> {
await this.devReady
const { basePath } = this.nextConfig
let removedBasePath = false
if (basePath && parsedUrl.pathname?.startsWith(basePath)) {
// strip basePath before handling dev bundles
// If replace ends up replacing the full url it'll be `undefined`, meaning we have to default it to `/`
parsedUrl.pathname = parsedUrl.pathname!.replace(basePath, '') || '/'
removedBasePath = true
const { pathname } = parsedUrl
if (pathname!.startsWith('/_next')) {
......@@ -351,6 +362,13 @@ export default class DevServer extends Server {
// re-add basePath before continuing only if we removed it
// so that custom-routes can accurately determine if they should
// match against the basePath or not
if (removedBasePath) {
parsedUrl.pathname = `${basePath}${parsedUrl.pathname}`
return super.run(req, res, parsedUrl)
......@@ -393,7 +411,8 @@ export default class DevServer extends Server {
match: route('/:path*'),
type: 'route',
name: 'Catchall public directory route',
requireBasePath: false,
name: 'catchall public directory route',
fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => {
const { pathname } = parsedUrl
if (!pathname) {
......@@ -4,4 +4,66 @@ module.exports = {
maxInactiveAge: 1000 * 60 * 60,
basePath: '/docs',
// replace me
async rewrites() {
return [
source: '/rewrite-1',
destination: '/gssp',
source: '/rewrite-no-basepath',
destination: '/gssp',
basePath: false,
source: '/rewrite/chain-1',
destination: '/rewrite/chain-2',
source: '/rewrite/chain-2',
destination: '/gssp',
async redirects() {
return [
source: '/redirect-1',
destination: '/somewhere-else',
permanent: false,
source: '/redirect-no-basepath',
destination: '/another-destination',
permanent: false,
basePath: false,
async headers() {
return [
source: '/add-header',
headers: [
key: 'x-hello',
value: 'world',
source: '/add-header-no-basepath',
basePath: false,
headers: [
key: 'x-hello',
value: 'world',
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import {
} from 'next-test-utils'
import fs, {
......@@ -116,6 +117,98 @@ const runTests = (context, dev = false) => {
it('should rewrite with basePath by default', async () => {
const html = await renderViaHTTP(context.appPort, '/docs/rewrite-1')
it('should not rewrite without basePath without disabling', async () => {
const res = await fetchViaHTTP(context.appPort, '/rewrite-1')
it('should not rewrite with basePath when set to false', async () => {
// won't 404 as it matches the dynamic [slug] route
const html = await renderViaHTTP(
it('should rewrite without basePath when set to false', async () => {
const html = await renderViaHTTP(context.appPort, '/rewrite-no-basePath')
it('should redirect with basePath by default', async () => {
const res = await fetchViaHTTP(
redirect: 'manual',
const { pathname } = url.parse(res.headers.get('location') || '')
it('should not redirect without basePath without disabling', async () => {
const res = await fetchViaHTTP(context.appPort, '/redirect-1', undefined, {
redirect: 'manual',
it('should not redirect with basePath when set to false', async () => {
// won't 404 as it matches the dynamic [slug] route
const html = await renderViaHTTP(
it('should redirect without basePath when set to false', async () => {
const res = await fetchViaHTTP(
redirect: 'manual',
const { pathname } = url.parse(res.headers.get('location') || '')
it('should add header with basePath by default', async () => {
const res = await fetchViaHTTP(context.appPort, '/docs/add-header')
it('should not add header without basePath without disabling', async () => {
const res = await fetchViaHTTP(context.appPort, '/add-header')
it('should not add header with basePath when set to false', async () => {
const res = await fetchViaHTTP(
it('should add header without basePath when set to false', async () => {
const res = await fetchViaHTTP(context.appPort, '/add-header-no-basepath')
it('should not update URL for a 404', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(context.appPort, '/missing')
const pathname = await browser.eval(() => window.location.pathname)
......@@ -759,8 +852,9 @@ describe('basePath serverless', () => {
const nextConfig = new File(join(appDir, 'next.config.js'))
beforeAll(async () => {
await nextConfig.write(
`module.exports = { target: 'experimental-serverless-trace', basePath: '/docs' } `
await nextConfig.replace(
'// replace me',
`target: 'experimental-serverless-trace',`
await nextBuild(appDir)
context.appPort = await findPort()
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