提交 0328add2 编写于 作者: T Tobias Koppers

you can't assign to undeclared globals in strict mode so we declare it as var

上级 423395b6
......@@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ export default async function getBaseWebpackConfig(
: '[name].js'
: `static/chunks/[name]${dev ? '' : '-[chunkhash]'}.js`,
library: isServer ? undefined : '_N_E',
libraryTarget: isServer ? 'commonjs2' : 'assign',
libraryTarget: isServer ? 'commonjs2' : 'var',
hotUpdateChunkFilename: isWebpack5
? 'static/webpack/[id].[fullhash].hot-update.js'
: 'static/webpack/[id].[hash].hot-update.js',
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