提交 b870f667 编写于 作者: N nrd


上级 6d4f27c6
...@@ -38,37 +38,6 @@ ...@@ -38,37 +38,6 @@
delete from customer where customer_id = #{customer_id} delete from customer where customer_id = #{customer_id}
</delete> </delete>
<!-- <resultMap id="queryOneState" type="com.hqyj.seven.pojo.House">-->
<!-- <id column="customer_id" property="customerId"/>-->
<!-- <result column="house_id" property="houseId"/>-->
<!-- <collection property="enters" ofType="com.hqyj.seven.pojo.Enter">-->
<!-- <id column="enter_id" property="enter_id"/>-->
<!-- <result column="house_id" property="house_id" />-->
<!-- <result column="customer_id" property="customer_id" />-->
<!-- <result column="customer_info" property="customer_info" />-->
<!-- <result column="start_time" property="start_time" />-->
<!-- <result column="end_time_estimate" property="end_time_estimate" />-->
<!-- <result column="end_time_actual" property="end_time_actual" />-->
<!-- <result column="fee_total" property="fee_total" />-->
<!-- <result column="fee_info" property="fee_info" />-->
<!-- <result column="user_id" property="user_id" />-->
<!-- <result column="state" property="state" />-->
<!-- <result column="price" property="price" />-->
<!-- </collection>-->
<!-- </resultMap>-->
<!-- <select id="queryOneStateI" resultMap="queryOneState">-->
<!-- select e.customer_id,h.house_id,-->
<!-- e.customer_info,-->
<!-- e.enter_id,e.house_id,-->
<!-- e.start_time,e.end_time_estimate,e.end_time_actual-->
<!-- ,e.fee_total,e.fee_info,-->
<!-- e.user_id,e.state,e.price-->
<!-- from house h-->
<!-- LEFT JOIN enter e on h.house_id = e.house_id-->
<!-- where e.customer_id = #{customer_id} and e.house_id = h.house_id-->
<!-- </select>-->
<!-- 查询用户住宿状态-->
<select id="queryState" resultType="com.hqyj.seven.pojo.House"> <select id="queryState" resultType="com.hqyj.seven.pojo.House">
select house_id houseId ,name houseName,amount,price,floor_id floorId,state,customer_id customerId from house where customer_id = #{customer_id} select house_id houseId ,name houseName,amount,price,floor_id floorId,state,customer_id customerId from house where customer_id = #{customer_id}
</select> </select>
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