提交 a20cf445 编写于 作者: 刘兴


上级 513e3abd
......@@ -63,9 +63,10 @@ public class HouseController {
PageData<House> houseList = houseService.getAllHouse(number, size);
Map<String, Object> house = new HashMap<>();
if (houseList.getList().size() ==0) {
if (houseList.getList() == null) {
house.put("code", -1);
house.put("msg", "没有客房信息");
house.put("data", houseList);
} else {
house.put("code", 0);
house.put("data", houseList);
......@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ public class HouseController {
List<House> houseList = houseService.searchHouse(names);
if (houseList.size() == 0) {
houseMap.put("code", -1);
houseMap.put("msg", "房间不存在!");
houseMap.put("msg", "房间"+names+"不存在!");
} else {
houseMap.put("code", 0);
houseMap.put("msg", "搜索房间成功!");
......@@ -195,9 +196,7 @@ public class HouseController {
houseMap.put("code", -2);
houseMap.put("message", "房间号不能为空");
} else {
houseMap = houseService.checkOut(name);
return houseMap;
......@@ -233,6 +232,7 @@ public class HouseController {
if (houseList.size() == 0) {
houseMap.put("code", -1);
houseMap.put("msg", "房间已打扫或空闲中!");
houseMap.put("data", houseList);
} else {
houseMap.put("code", 0);
houseMap.put("msg", "搜索房间成功!");
......@@ -255,6 +255,7 @@ public class HouseController {
if (houseList.size() == 0) {
houseMap.put("code", -1);
houseMap.put("msg", "房间已维修或空闲中!");
houseMap.put("data", houseList);
} else {
houseMap.put("code", 0);
houseMap.put("msg", "搜索房间成功!");
......@@ -315,9 +316,10 @@ public class HouseController {
PageData<House> houseList = houseService.queryBySateClean(number, size);
Map<String, Object> house = new HashMap<>();
if (houseList.getList().size() == 0) {
if (houseList.getList() == null) {
house.put("code", -1);
house.put("msg", "没有未打扫客房信息");
house.put("data", houseList);
} else {
house.put("code", 0);
house.put("data", houseList);
......@@ -345,9 +347,10 @@ public class HouseController {
PageData<House> houseList = houseService.queryBySateMaintain(number, size);
Map<String, Object> house = new HashMap<>();
if (houseList.getList().size() == 0) {
if (houseList.getList() == null) {
house.put("code", -1);
house.put("msg", "没有待维修客房信息");
house.put("data", houseList);
} else {
house.put("code", 0);
house.put("data", houseList);
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