未验证 提交 90af86a0 编写于 作者: 查尔斯-BUG万象集's avatar 查尔斯-BUG万象集 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #7 from Bull-BCLS/dev

docs: 完善系统管理模块相关接口文档信息
......@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ public class OnlineUserQuery implements Serializable {
* 用户昵称
@Schema(description = "用户昵称")
@Schema(description = "用户昵称", example = "张三")
private String nickname;
* 登录时间
@Schema(description = "登录时间")
@Schema(description = "登录时间", example = "2023-08-08 00:00:00,2023-08-08 23:59:59")
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = DatePattern.NORM_DATETIME_PATTERN)
private List<Date> loginTime;
......@@ -39,28 +39,29 @@ public class LoginRequest implements Serializable {
* 用户名
@Schema(description = "用户名")
@Schema(description = "用户名", example = "zhangsan")
@NotBlank(message = "用户名不能为空")
private String username;
* 密码(加密)
@Schema(description = "密码(加密)")
@Schema(description = "密码(加密)",
example = "HHwZoiBwCfh0xLdWOAd0bHOkEZlIMMOQKJyeFUw9T3ArrhL57od2i42s1o0sSXKkeHPJXvQsninhPFH2lArDDQ==")
@NotBlank(message = "密码不能为空")
private String password;
* 验证码
@Schema(description = "验证码")
@Schema(description = "验证码", example = "ABCD")
@NotBlank(message = "验证码不能为空")
private String captcha;
* 验证码标识
@Schema(description = "验证码标识")
@Schema(description = "验证码标识", example = "8a5a0296acd141a8b1bd789da867bc1a")
@NotBlank(message = "验证码标识不能为空")
private String uuid;
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ public class LoginVO implements Serializable {
* 令牌
@Schema(description = "令牌")
@Schema(description = "令牌",
example = "eyJ0eXAiOiJlV1QiLCJhbGciqiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJsb2dpblR5cGUiOiJsb29pbiIsImxvZ2luSWQiOjEsInJuU3RyIjoiSjd4SUljYnU5cmNwU09vQ3Uyc1ND1BYYTYycFRjcjAifQ.KUPOYm-2wfuLUSfEEAbpGE527fzmkAJG7sMNcQ0pUZ8")
private String token;
......@@ -37,30 +37,30 @@ public class MetaVO implements Serializable {
* 菜单标题
@Schema(description = "菜单标题")
@Schema(description = "菜单标题", example = "用户管理")
private String locale;
* 菜单图标
@Schema(description = "菜单图标")
@Schema(description = "菜单图标", example = "user")
private String icon;
* 是否隐藏
@Schema(description = "是否隐藏")
@Schema(description = "是否隐藏", example = "false")
private Boolean hideInMenu;
* 是否缓存
@Schema(description = "是否缓存")
@Schema(description = "是否缓存", example = "false")
private Boolean ignoreCache;
* 是否需要登录才能访问
@Schema(description = "是否需要登录才能访问")
@Schema(description = "是否需要登录才能访问", example = "false")
private Boolean requiresAuth = true;
......@@ -38,48 +38,49 @@ public class OnlineUserVO implements Serializable {
* ID
@Schema(description = "ID")
@Schema(description = "ID", example = "1")
private Long id;
* 令牌
@Schema(description = "令牌")
@Schema(description = "令牌",
example = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJsb2dpblR5cGUiOiJsb2dpbiIsImxvZ2luSWQiOjEsInJuU3RyIjoiTUd6djdyOVFoeHEwdVFqdFAzV3M5YjVJRzh4YjZPSEUifQ.7q7U3ouoN7WPhH2kUEM7vPe5KF3G_qavSG-vRgIxKvE")
private String token;
* 用户名
@Schema(description = "用户名")
@Schema(description = "用户名", example = "zhangsan")
private String username;
* 昵称
@Schema(description = "昵称")
@Schema(description = "昵称", example = "张三")
private String nickname;
* 登录 IP
@Schema(description = "登录 IP")
@Schema(description = "登录 IP", example = "")
private String clientIp;
* 登录地点
@Schema(description = "登录地点")
@Schema(description = "登录地点", example = "中国北京北京市")
private String location;
* 浏览器
@Schema(description = "浏览器")
@Schema(description = "浏览器", example = "Chrome")
private String browser;
* 登录时间
@Schema(description = "登录时间")
@Schema(description = "登录时间", example = "2023-08-08 08:08:08")
private LocalDateTime loginTime;
......@@ -41,19 +41,19 @@ public class RouteVO implements Serializable {
* 路由地址
@Schema(description = "路由地址")
@Schema(description = "路由地址", example = "/system/user")
private String path;
* 组件名称
@Schema(description = "组件名称")
@Schema(description = "组件名称", example = "User")
private String name;
* 组件路径
@Schema(description = "组件路径")
@Schema(description = "组件路径", example = "/system/user/index")
private String component;
......@@ -46,91 +46,93 @@ public class UserInfoVO implements Serializable {
* ID
@Schema(description = "ID")
@Schema(description = "ID", example = "1")
private Long id;
* 用户名
@Schema(description = "用户名")
@Schema(description = "用户名", example = "zhangsan")
private String username;
* 昵称
@Schema(description = "昵称")
@Schema(description = "昵称", example = "张三")
private String nickname;
* 性别(0:未知,1:男,2:女)
@Schema(description = "性别(0:未知,1:男,2:女)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"0", "1", "2"})
@Schema(description = "性别(0:未知,1:男,2:女)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"0", "1", "2"}, example = "1")
private GenderEnum gender;
* 邮箱
@Schema(description = "邮箱")
@Schema(description = "邮箱", example = "123456789@qq.com")
private String email;
* 手机号码
@Schema(description = "手机号码")
@Schema(description = "手机号码", example = "13811111111")
private String phone;
* 头像地址
@Schema(description = "头像地址")
@Schema(description = "头像地址",
example = "https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/public.1.81ac9a9e.rf1ix17UfughLQjNo7XQ_w.jpg")
private String avatar;
* 描述
@Schema(description = "描述")
@Schema(description = "描述", example = "张三用户")
private String description;
* 最后一次修改密码时间
@Schema(description = "最后一次修改密码时间")
@Schema(description = "最后一次修改密码时间", example = "2023-08-08 08:08:08")
private LocalDateTime pwdResetTime;
* 创建时间
@Schema(description = "创建时间", example = "2023-08-08 08:08:08")
private LocalDateTime createTime;
* 注册日期
@Schema(description = "注册日期")
@Schema(description = "注册日期", example = "2023-08-08")
private LocalDate registrationDate;
* 部门 ID
@Schema(description = "部门 ID")
@Schema(description = "部门 ID", example = "1")
private Long deptId;
* 所属部门
@Schema(description = "所属名称")
@Schema(description = "所属部门", example = "测试部")
private String deptName;
* 权限码集合
@Schema(description = "权限码集合")
@Schema(description = "权限码集合", example = "[system:user:list,system:user:add]")
private Set<String> permissions;
* 角色编码集合
@Schema(description = "角色编码集合")
@Schema(description = "角色编码集合", example = "[admin,test]")
private Set<String> roles;
public String getPhone() {
......@@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ public class DeptQuery implements Serializable {
* 部门名称
@Schema(description = "部门名称")
@Schema(description = "部门名称", example = "测试部")
@Query(type = QueryTypeEnum.INNER_LIKE)
private String name;
* 状态(1:启用,2:禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)")
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)", example = "1")
private Integer status;
......@@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ public class MenuQuery implements Serializable {
* 菜单标题
@Schema(description = "菜单标题")
@Schema(description = "菜单标题", example = "用户管理")
@Query(type = QueryTypeEnum.INNER_LIKE)
private String title;
* 状态(1:启用,2:禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)")
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)", example = "1")
private Integer status;
......@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ public class RoleQuery implements Serializable {
* 角色名称
@Schema(description = "角色名称")
@Schema(description = "角色名称", example = "测试人员")
@Query(blurry = "name,code")
private String name;
* 状态(1:启用,2:禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)")
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)", example = "1")
private Integer status;
......@@ -46,21 +46,21 @@ public class UserQuery implements Serializable {
* 用户名
@Schema(description = "用户名")
@Schema(description = "用户名", example = "zhangsan")
@Query(blurry = "username,nickname,email,phone")
private String username;
* 状态(1:启用,2:禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)")
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)", example = "1")
private Integer status;
* 创建时间
@Schema(description = "创建时间")
@Schema(description = "创建时间", example = "2023-08-08 00:00:00,2023-08-08 23:59:59")
@Query(type = QueryTypeEnum.BETWEEN)
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = DatePattern.NORM_DATETIME_PATTERN)
private List<Date> createTime;
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public class UserQuery implements Serializable {
* 部门 ID
@Schema(description = "部门 ID")
@Schema(description = "部门 ID", example = "1")
private Long deptId;
......@@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ public class DeptRequest extends BaseRequest {
* 上级部门 ID
@Schema(description = "上级部门 ID", example = "2")
@NotNull(message = "上级部门不能为空", groups = ValidateGroup.Crud.Add.class)
@Schema(description = "上级部门 ID")
private Long parentId;
* 部门名称
@Schema(description = "部门名称")
@Schema(description = "部门名称", example = "测试部")
@NotBlank(message = "部门名称不能为空")
@Pattern(regexp = RegexConsts.GENERAL_NAME, message = "部门名称长度为 1 到 20 位,可以包含中文、字母、数字、下划线,短横线")
private String name;
......@@ -61,21 +61,21 @@ public class DeptRequest extends BaseRequest {
* 部门排序
@Schema(description = "部门排序")
@Schema(description = "部门排序", example = "1")
@NotNull(message = "部门排序不能为空")
private Integer sort;
* 描述
@Schema(description = "描述")
@Schema(description = "描述", example = "测试部描述信息")
@Length(max = 200, message = "描述长度不能超过 {max} 个字符")
private String description;
* 状态(1启用 2禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1启用 2禁用)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"1", "2"})
@Schema(description = "状态(1启用 2禁用)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"1", "2"}, example = "1")
private DisEnableStatusEnum status;
......@@ -44,20 +44,20 @@ public class MenuRequest extends BaseRequest {
* 菜单类型(1目录 2菜单 3按钮)
@Schema(description = "菜单类型(1目录 2菜单 3按钮)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"1", "2", "3"})
@Schema(description = "菜单类型(1目录 2菜单 3按钮)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"1", "2", "3"}, example = "2")
@NotNull(message = "菜单类型非法")
private MenuTypeEnum type;
* 菜单图标
@Schema(description = "菜单图标")
@Schema(description = "菜单图标", example = "user")
private String icon;
* 菜单标题
@Schema(description = "菜单标题")
@Schema(description = "菜单标题", example = "用户管理")
@NotBlank(message = "菜单标题不能为空")
@Pattern(regexp = RegexConsts.GENERAL_NAME, message = "菜单标题长度为 1 到 20 位,可以包含中文、字母、数字、下划线,短横线")
private String title;
......@@ -65,61 +65,61 @@ public class MenuRequest extends BaseRequest {
* 菜单排序
@Schema(description = "菜单排序")
@Schema(description = "菜单排序", example = "1")
@NotNull(message = "菜单排序不能为空")
private Integer sort;
* 权限标识
@Schema(description = "权限标识")
@Schema(description = "权限标识", example = "system:user:list")
private String permission;
* 路由地址
@Schema(description = "路由地址")
@Schema(description = "路由地址", example = "/system/user")
private String path;
* 组件名称
@Schema(description = "组件名称")
@Schema(description = "组件名称", example = "User")
private String name;
* 组件路径
@Schema(description = "组件路径")
@Schema(description = "组件路径", example = "/system/user/index")
private String component;
* 是否外链
@Schema(description = "是否外链")
@Schema(description = "是否外链", example = "false")
private Boolean isExternal;
* 是否缓存
@Schema(description = "是否缓存")
@Schema(description = "是否缓存", example = "false")
private Boolean isCache;
* 是否隐藏
@Schema(description = "是否隐藏")
@Schema(description = "是否隐藏", example = "false")
private Boolean isHidden;
* 上级菜单 ID
@Schema(description = "上级菜单 ID")
@Schema(description = "上级菜单 ID", example = "1000")
private Long parentId;
* 状态(1启用 2禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1启用 2禁用)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"1", "2"})
@Schema(description = "状态(1启用 2禁用)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"1", "2"}, example = "1")
private DisEnableStatusEnum status;
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public class RoleRequest extends BaseRequest {
* 角色名称
@Schema(description = "角色名称")
@Schema(description = "角色名称", example = "测试人员")
@NotBlank(message = "角色名称不能为空")
@Pattern(regexp = RegexConsts.GENERAL_NAME, message = "角色名称长度为 1 到 20 位,可以包含中文、字母、数字、下划线,短横线")
private String name;
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ public class RoleRequest extends BaseRequest {
* 角色编码
@Schema(description = "角色编码")
@Schema(description = "角色编码", example = "test")
@NotBlank(message = "角色编码不能为空")
@Pattern(regexp = RegexConsts.GENERAL_CODE, message = "角色编码长度为 2 到 16 位,可以包含字母、数字,下划线,以字母开头")
private String code;
......@@ -65,39 +65,39 @@ public class RoleRequest extends BaseRequest {
* 角色排序
@Schema(description = "角色排序")
@Schema(description = "角色排序", example = "1")
@NotNull(message = "角色排序不能为空")
private Integer sort;
* 描述
@Schema(description = "描述")
@Schema(description = "描述", example = "测试人员描述信息")
@Length(max = 200, message = "描述长度不能超过 {max} 个字符")
private String description;
* 功能权限:菜单 ID 列表
@Schema(description = "功能权限:菜单 ID 列表")
@Schema(description = "功能权限:菜单 ID 列表", example = "1000,1010,1011,1012,1013,1014")
private List<Long> menuIds = new ArrayList<>();
* 数据权限(1:全部数据权限,2:本部门及以下数据权限,3:本部门数据权限,4:仅本人数据权限,5:自定义数据权限)
@Schema(description = "数据权限(1:全部数据权限,2:本部门及以下数据权限,3:本部门数据权限,4:仅本人数据权限,5:自定义数据权限)", type = "Integer",
allowableValues = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"})
allowableValues = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}, example = "5")
private DataScopeEnum dataScope;
* 权限范围:部门 ID 列表
@Schema(description = "权限范围:部门 ID 列表")
@Schema(description = "权限范围:部门 ID 列表", example = "5")
private List<Long> deptIds = new ArrayList<>();
* 状态(1:启用,2:禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"1", "2"})
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"1", "2"}, example = "1")
private DisEnableStatusEnum status;
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public class UpdateBasicInfoRequest implements Serializable {
* 昵称
@Schema(description = "昵称")
@Schema(description = "昵称", example = "张三")
@NotBlank(message = "昵称不能为空")
@Pattern(regexp = RegexConsts.GENERAL_NAME, message = "昵称长度为 1 到 20 位,可以包含中文、字母、数字、下划线,短横线")
private String nickname;
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public class UpdateBasicInfoRequest implements Serializable {
* 性别(0未知 1男 2女)
@Schema(description = "性别(0未知 1男 2女)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"0", "1", "2"})
@Schema(description = "性别(0未知 1男 2女)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"0", "1", "2"}, example = "1")
@NotNull(message = "性别非法")
private GenderEnum gender;
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public class UpdateEmailRequest implements Serializable {
* 新邮箱
@Schema(description = "新邮箱")
@Schema(description = "新邮箱", example = "123456789@qq.com")
@NotBlank(message = "新邮箱不能为空")
@Pattern(regexp = RegexConsts.EMAIL, message = "邮箱格式错误")
private String newEmail;
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public class UpdateEmailRequest implements Serializable {
* 验证码
@Schema(description = "验证码")
@Schema(description = "验证码", example = "888888")
@NotBlank(message = "验证码不能为空")
@Length(max = 6, message = "验证码非法")
private String captcha;
......@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ public class UpdateEmailRequest implements Serializable {
* 当前密码(加密后)
@Schema(description = "当前密码(加密后)")
@Schema(description = "当前密码(加密后)",
example = "SYRLSszQGcMv4kP2Yolou9zf28B9GDakR9u91khxmR7V++i5A384kwnNZxqgvT6bjT4zqpIDuMFLWSt92hQJJA==")
@NotBlank(message = "当前密码不能为空")
private String currentPassword;
......@@ -39,14 +39,16 @@ public class UpdatePasswordRequest implements Serializable {
* 当前密码(加密后)
@Schema(description = "当前密码(加密后)")
@Schema(description = "当前密码(加密后)",
example = "E7c72TH+LDxKTwavjM99W1MdI9Lljh79aPKiv3XB9MXcplhm7qJ1BJCj28yaflbdVbfc366klMtjLIWQGqb0qw==")
@NotBlank(message = "当前密码不能为空")
private String oldPassword;
* 新密码(加密后)
@Schema(description = "新密码(加密后)")
@Schema(description = "新密码(加密后)",
example = "Gzc78825P5baH190lRuZFb9KJxRt/psN2jiyOMPoc5WRcCvneCwqDm3Q33BZY56EzyyVy7vQu7jQwYTK4j1+5w==")
@NotBlank(message = "新密码不能为空")
private String newPassword;
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public class UpdateUserRoleRequest implements Serializable {
* 角色 ID 列表
@Schema(description = "所属角色")
@Schema(description = "所属角色", example = "1,2")
@NotEmpty(message = "所属角色不能为空")
private List<Long> roleIds;
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public class UserRequest extends BaseRequest {
* 用户名
@Schema(description = "用户名")
@Schema(description = "用户名", example = "zhangsan")
@NotBlank(message = "用户名不能为空")
@Pattern(regexp = RegexConsts.USERNAME, message = "用户名长度为 4 到 16 位,可以包含字母、数字,下划线,以字母开头")
private String username;
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ public class UserRequest extends BaseRequest {
* 昵称
@Schema(description = "昵称")
@Schema(description = "昵称", example = "张三")
@NotBlank(message = "昵称不能为空")
@Pattern(regexp = RegexConsts.GENERAL_NAME, message = "昵称长度为 1 到 20 位,可以包含中文、字母、数字、下划线,短横线")
private String nickname;
......@@ -65,48 +65,48 @@ public class UserRequest extends BaseRequest {
* 邮箱
@Schema(description = "邮箱")
@Schema(description = "邮箱", example = "123456789@qq.com")
@Pattern(regexp = RegexConsts.EMAIL, message = "邮箱格式错误")
private String email;
* 手机号码
@Schema(description = "手机号码")
@Schema(description = "手机号码", example = "13811111111")
@Pattern(regexp = RegexConsts.MOBILE, message = "手机号码格式错误")
private String phone;
* 性别(0:未知,1:男,2:女)
@Schema(description = "性别(0:未知,1:男,2:女)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"0", "1", "2"})
@Schema(description = "性别(0:未知,1:男,2:女)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"0", "1", "2"}, example = "1")
@NotNull(message = "性别非法")
private GenderEnum gender;
* 所属部门
@Schema(description = "所属部门")
@Schema(description = "所属部门", example = "5")
@NotNull(message = "所属部门不能为空")
private Long deptId;
* 所属角色
@Schema(description = "所属角色")
@Schema(description = "所属角色", example = "2")
@NotEmpty(message = "所属角色不能为空")
private List<Long> roleIds;
* 描述
@Schema(description = "描述")
@Schema(description = "描述", example = "张三描述信息")
@Length(max = 200, message = "描述长度不能超过 {max} 个字符")
private String description;
* 状态(1:启用,2:禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"1", "2"})
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)", type = "Integer", allowableValues = {"1", "2"}, example = "1")
private DisEnableStatusEnum status;
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ public class AvatarVO implements Serializable {
* 头像地址
@Schema(description = "头像地址")
@Schema(description = "头像地址",
example = "https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/public.1.81ac9a9e.rf1ix17UfughLQjNo7XQ_w.jpg")
private String avatar;
......@@ -45,20 +45,20 @@ public class DeptDetailVO extends BaseDetailVO {
* 部门名称
@Schema(description = "部门名称")
@Schema(description = "部门名称", example = "测试部")
@ExcelProperty(value = "部门名称")
private String name;
* 上级部门 ID
@Schema(description = "上级部门 ID")
@Schema(description = "上级部门 ID", example = "2")
private Long parentId;
* 上级部门
@Schema(description = "上级部门")
@Schema(description = "上级部门", example = "天津总部")
@TableField(exist = false)
@ExcelProperty(value = "上级部门")
private String parentName;
......@@ -66,27 +66,27 @@ public class DeptDetailVO extends BaseDetailVO {
* 部门排序
@Schema(description = "部门排序")
@Schema(description = "部门排序", example = "1")
private Integer sort;
* 状态(1:启用,2:禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)")
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)", example = "1")
@ExcelProperty(value = "状态", converter = ExcelBaseEnumConverter.class)
private DisEnableStatusEnum status;
* 类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)
@Schema(description = "类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)")
@Schema(description = "类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)", example = "2")
@ExcelProperty(value = "类型", converter = ExcelBaseEnumConverter.class)
private DataTypeEnum type;
* 描述
@Schema(description = "描述")
@Schema(description = "描述", example = "测试部描述信息")
@ExcelProperty(value = "描述")
private String description;
......@@ -41,37 +41,37 @@ public class DeptVO extends BaseVO {
* 部门名称
@Schema(description = "部门名称")
@Schema(description = "部门名称", example = "测试部")
private String name;
* 上级部门 ID
@Schema(description = "上级部门 ID")
@Schema(description = "上级部门 ID", example = "2")
private Long parentId;
* 部门排序
@Schema(description = "部门排序")
@Schema(description = "部门排序", example = "3")
private Integer sort;
* 状态(1:启用,2:禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)")
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)", example = "1")
private DisEnableStatusEnum status;
* 类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)
@Schema(description = "类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)")
@Schema(description = "类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)", example = "2")
private DataTypeEnum type;
* 描述
@Schema(description = "描述")
@Schema(description = "描述", example = "测试部描述信息")
private String description;
......@@ -46,90 +46,90 @@ public class MenuVO extends BaseVO {
* 菜单标题
@Schema(description = "菜单标题")
@Schema(description = "菜单标题", example = "用户管理")
@ExcelProperty(value = "菜单标题")
private String title;
* 菜单图标
@Schema(description = "菜单图标")
@Schema(description = "菜单图标", example = "user")
@ExcelProperty(value = "菜单图标")
private String icon;
* 菜单排序
@Schema(description = "菜单排序")
@Schema(description = "菜单排序", example = "1")
@ExcelProperty(value = "菜单排序")
private Integer sort;
* 权限标识
@Schema(description = "权限标识")
@Schema(description = "权限标识", example = "system:user:list")
@ExcelProperty(value = "权限标识")
private String permission;
* 组件路径
@Schema(description = "组件路径")
@Schema(description = "组件路径", example = "/system/user/index")
@ExcelProperty(value = "组件路径")
private String component;
* 状态(1:启用,2:禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)")
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)", example = "1")
@ExcelProperty(value = "状态", converter = ExcelBaseEnumConverter.class)
private DisEnableStatusEnum status;
* 是否外链
@Schema(description = "是否外链")
@Schema(description = "是否外链", example = "false")
@ExcelProperty(value = "是否外链")
private Boolean isExternal;
* 是否缓存
@Schema(description = "是否缓存")
@Schema(description = "是否缓存", example = "false")
@ExcelProperty(value = "是否缓存")
private Boolean isCache;
* 是否隐藏
@Schema(description = "是否隐藏")
@Schema(description = "是否隐藏", example = "false")
@ExcelProperty(value = "是否隐藏")
private Boolean isHidden;
* 路由地址
@Schema(description = "路由地址")
@Schema(description = "路由地址", example = "/system/user")
@ExcelProperty(value = "路由地址")
private String path;
* 组件名称
@Schema(description = "组件名称")
@Schema(description = "组件名称", example = "User")
@ExcelProperty(value = "组件名称")
private String name;
* 菜单类型(1:目录,2:菜单,3:按钮)
@Schema(description = "菜单类型(1:目录,2:菜单,3:按钮)")
@Schema(description = "菜单类型(1:目录,2:菜单,3:按钮)", example = "2")
@ExcelProperty(value = "菜单类型", converter = ExcelBaseEnumConverter.class)
private MenuTypeEnum type;
* 上级菜单 ID
@Schema(description = "上级菜单 ID")
@Schema(description = "上级菜单 ID", example = "1000")
private Long parentId;
......@@ -47,62 +47,62 @@ public class RoleDetailVO extends BaseDetailVO {
* 角色名称
@Schema(description = "角色名称")
@Schema(description = "角色名称", example = "测试人员")
@ExcelProperty(value = "角色名称")
private String name;
* 角色编码
@Schema(description = "角色编码")
@Schema(description = "角色编码", example = "test")
@ExcelProperty(value = "角色编码")
private String code;
* 数据权限(1:全部数据权限,2:本部门及以下数据权限,3:本部门数据权限,4:仅本人数据权限,5:自定义数据权限)
@Schema(description = "数据权限(1:全部数据权限,2:本部门及以下数据权限,3:本部门数据权限,4:仅本人数据权限,5:自定义数据权限)")
@Schema(description = "数据权限(1:全部数据权限,2:本部门及以下数据权限,3:本部门数据权限,4:仅本人数据权限,5:自定义数据权限)", example = "5")
@ExcelProperty(value = "数据权限", converter = ExcelBaseEnumConverter.class)
private DataScopeEnum dataScope;
* 角色排序
@Schema(description = "角色排序")
@Schema(description = "角色排序", example = "1")
@ExcelProperty(value = "角色排序")
private Integer sort;
* 状态(1:启用,2:禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)")
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)", example = "1")
@ExcelProperty(value = "状态", converter = ExcelBaseEnumConverter.class)
private DisEnableStatusEnum status;
* 类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)
@Schema(description = "类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)")
@Schema(description = "类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)", example = "2")
@ExcelProperty(value = "类型", converter = ExcelBaseEnumConverter.class)
private DataTypeEnum type;
* 描述
@Schema(description = "描述")
@Schema(description = "描述", example = "测试人员描述信息")
@ExcelProperty(value = "描述")
private String description;
* 功能权限:菜单 ID 列表
@Schema(description = "功能权限:菜单 ID 列表")
@Schema(description = "功能权限:菜单 ID 列表", example = "1000,1010,1011,1012,1013,1014")
private List<Long> menuIds;
* 权限范围:部门 ID 列表
@Schema(description = "权限范围:部门 ID 列表")
@Schema(description = "权限范围:部门 ID 列表", example = "5")
private List<Long> deptIds;
......@@ -40,43 +40,43 @@ public class RoleVO extends BaseVO {
* 角色名称
@Schema(description = "角色名称")
@Schema(description = "角色名称", example = "测试人员")
private String name;
* 角色编码
@Schema(description = "角色编码")
@Schema(description = "角色编码", example = "test")
private String code;
* 数据权限(1:全部数据权限,2:本部门及以下数据权限,3:本部门数据权限,4:仅本人数据权限,5:自定义数据权限)
@Schema(description = "数据权限(1:全部数据权限,2:本部门及以下数据权限,3:本部门数据权限,4:仅本人数据权限,5:自定义数据权限)")
@Schema(description = "数据权限(1:全部数据权限,2:本部门及以下数据权限,3:本部门数据权限,4:仅本人数据权限,5:自定义数据权限)", example = "5")
private DataScopeEnum dataScope;
* 角色排序
@Schema(description = "角色排序")
@Schema(description = "角色排序", example = "1")
private Integer sort;
* 状态(1:启用,2:禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)")
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)", example = "1")
private DisEnableStatusEnum status;
* 类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)
@Schema(description = "类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)")
@Schema(description = "类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)", example = "2")
private DataTypeEnum type;
* 描述
@Schema(description = "描述")
@Schema(description = "描述", example = "测试人员描述信息")
private String description;
......@@ -50,95 +50,96 @@ public class UserDetailVO extends BaseDetailVO {
* 用户名
@Schema(description = "用户名")
@Schema(description = "用户名", example = "zhangsan")
@ExcelProperty(value = "用户名")
private String username;
* 昵称
@Schema(description = "昵称")
@Schema(description = "昵称", example = "张三")
@ExcelProperty(value = "昵称")
private String nickname;
* 性别(0:未知,1:男,2:女)
@Schema(description = "性别(0:未知,1:男,2:女)")
@Schema(description = "性别(0:未知,1:男,2:女)", example = "1")
@ExcelProperty(value = "性别", converter = ExcelBaseEnumConverter.class)
private GenderEnum gender;
* 邮箱
@Schema(description = "邮箱")
@Schema(description = "邮箱", example = "123456789@qq.com")
@ExcelProperty(value = "邮箱")
private String email;
* 手机号码
@Schema(description = "手机号码")
@Schema(description = "手机号码", example = "13811111111")
@ExcelProperty(value = "手机号码")
private String phone;
* 头像地址
@Schema(description = "头像地址")
@Schema(description = "头像地址",
example = "https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/public.1.81ac9a9e.rf1ix17UfughLQjNo7XQ_w.jpg")
@ExcelProperty(value = "头像地址")
private String avatar;
* 状态(1:启用,2:禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)")
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)", example = "1")
@ExcelProperty(value = "状态", converter = ExcelBaseEnumConverter.class)
private DisEnableStatusEnum status;
* 类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)
@Schema(description = "类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)")
@Schema(description = "类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)", example = "2")
@ExcelProperty(value = "类型", converter = ExcelBaseEnumConverter.class)
private DataTypeEnum type;
* 描述
@Schema(description = "描述")
@Schema(description = "描述", example = "张三描述信息")
@ExcelProperty(value = "描述")
private String description;
* 最后一次修改密码时间
@Schema(description = "最后一次修改密码时间")
@Schema(description = "最后一次修改密码时间", example = "2023-08-08 08:08:08")
private LocalDateTime pwdResetTime;
* 部门 ID
@Schema(description = "部门 ID")
@Schema(description = "部门 ID", example = "5")
private Long deptId;
* 所属部门
@Schema(description = "所属部门")
@Schema(description = "所属部门", example = "测试部")
@ExcelProperty(value = "所属部门")
private String deptName;
* 角色 ID 列表
@Schema(description = "角色 ID 列表")
@Schema(description = "角色 ID 列表", example = "2")
private List<Long> roleIds;
* 所属角色
@Schema(description = "所属角色")
@Schema(description = "所属角色", example = "测试人员")
@ExcelProperty(value = "所属角色")
private String roleNames;
......@@ -45,55 +45,56 @@ public class UserVO extends BaseVO {
* 用户名
@Schema(description = "用户名")
@Schema(description = "用户名", example = "zhangsan")
private String username;
* 昵称
@Schema(description = "昵称")
@Schema(description = "昵称", example = "张三")
private String nickname;
* 性别(0:未知,1:男,2:女)
@Schema(description = "性别(0:未知,1:男,2:女)")
@Schema(description = "性别(0:未知,1:男,2:女)", example = "1")
private GenderEnum gender;
* 头像地址
@Schema(description = "头像地址")
@Schema(description = "头像地址",
example = "https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/public.1.81ac9a9e.rf1ix17UfughLQjNo7XQ_w.jpg")
private String avatar;
* 邮箱
@Schema(description = "邮箱")
@Schema(description = "邮箱", example = "123456789@qq.com")
private String email;
* 手机号码
@Schema(description = "手机号码")
@Schema(description = "手机号码", example = "13811111111")
private String phone;
* 状态(1:启用,2:禁用)
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)")
@Schema(description = "状态(1:启用,2:禁用)", example = "1")
private DisEnableStatusEnum status;
* 类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)
@Schema(description = "类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)")
@Schema(description = "类型(1:系统内置,2:自定义)", example = "2")
private DataTypeEnum type;
* 描述
@Schema(description = "描述")
@Schema(description = "描述", example = "张三描述信息")
private String description;
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