提交 ff6b7c4c 编写于 作者: B Bernard Xiong

Update Change log for v3.0.2

上级 8123ab4c
# RT-Thread v3.0.2 Change log
## Platform
* Make sure the Object_Class to a fixed value
* Add `rt_device_create/destroy` API
* Add memory trace for small memory management algorithm for memory leak and overwritten.
* Add a first version of asynchronous I/O API
* Add cputime for high resolution counter
* Add pipe device functions in DeviceDrivers
* USB Host available in stm32f4 with mass storage class
* Add 'df' command in msh
* Update UI engine and add an example
* Split `clock_time` from pthreads and add a new clock id: `CLOCK_CPUTIME_ID`
* Enable IPv6 in lwIP 2.0.2 version
* Add memlog in logtrace
* Fix closesocket issue in dfs_net
* Fix IPv6 issue in NFS
* Update JFFS2 file system with new DFS API
* Fix the issue of stat "/.." of lwext4 (parai)
* Fix the fs type search issue in mkfs
* Fix the select issue in dfs_net
## Tools
* scons: add '--useconfig' command to use an exist config file
* scons: force to use g++ for link when enable `RT_USING_CPLUSPLUS` in GNU GCC configuration
* Enable package feature in Linux/MacOS host
## BSP
* Add NUC472 bsp (bluebear)
* Update SD/MMC driver for qemu-vexpress-A9
* Add keyboard/mouse driver for qemu-vexpress-a9
* Add ADC/I2C/Flash/PWM/RTC/smbus/SPI driver for apollo2 (Haleyl)
* Add I2C/LCD/Touch driver for i.MXRT1052-EVK
* Update SD/MMC driver for mini2440 (kuangdazzidd)
* Update simulator to adapt VC++ compiler
* Add USB host driver in stm32f4xx-HAL (uestczyh222)
* Update EMAC driver for IPv6 in stm32f40x/stm32f107
* Add stm32h743-nucleo bsp (polariss)
# RT-Thread v3.0.1 Change log # RT-Thread v3.0.1 Change log
## Platform: ## Platform:
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