提交 443c7c35 编写于 作者: D dzzxzz@gmail.com

revert BSP(m16c62p) to r2035

git-svn-id: https://rt-thread.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2307 bbd45198-f89e-11dd-88c7-29a3b14d5316
上级 c784dd2e
* File : application.c
* This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS
* COPYRIGHT (C) 2009, RT-Thread Development Team
* The license and distribution terms for this file may be
* found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
* http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2009-01-05 Bernard the first version
* 2010-04-09 fify modified for M16C
* For : Renesas M16C
* Toolchain : IAR's EW for M16C v3.401
#include <rtthread.h>
#include "bsp.h"
static struct rt_thread led;
static rt_uint8_t led_stack[256];
static void rt_thread_entry_led(void* parameter)
while (1)
/* led off */
rt_thread_delay(100); /* sleep 1 second and switch to other thread */
/* led on */
int rt_application_init(void)
/* create led thread */
rt_thread_entry_led, RT_NULL,
&led_stack[0], sizeof(led_stack),
5, 32);
if (&led != RT_NULL)
return 0;
* File : application.c
* This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS
* COPYRIGHT (C) 2009 - 2012, RT-Thread Development Team
* The license and distribution terms for this file may be
* found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
* http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2009-01-05 Bernard the first version
* 2010-04-09 fify modified for M16C
* For : Renesas M16C
* Toolchain : IAR's EW for M16C v3.401
#include <rtthread.h>
#include "bsp.h"
static struct rt_thread led;
static rt_uint8_t led_stack[256];
static void rt_thread_entry_led(void *parameter)
while (1)
int rt_application_init(void)
rt_err_t result;
/* create led thread */
result = rt_thread_init(&led,
if (result == RT_EOK)
return 0;
* Copyright(C) NEC Electronics Corporation 2010
* All rights reserved by NEC Electronics Corporation.
* This program should be used on your own responsibility.
* NEC Electronics Corporation assumes no responsibility for any losses
* incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of this file.
* This device driver was created by Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3
* 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontrollers
* Filename: CG_macrodriver.h
* Abstract: This file implements general head file.
* APIlib: Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3 V2.01 [20 Apr 2010]
* Device: uPD70F3746
* Compiler: IAR Systems ICCV850
* Creation date: 6/26/2010
#ifndef _MDSTATUS_
#define _MDSTATUS_
** Include files
#include <intrinsics.h>
#include "io70f3454.h"
** Register bit define
** Macro define
#define DI __disable_interrupt
#define EI __enable_interrupt
#define NOP __no_operation
#define HALT __halt
/* Data type defintion */
typedef unsigned long ULONG;
typedef signed long SLONG;
typedef unsigned int UINT;
typedef signed int SINT;
typedef unsigned short USHORT;
typedef signed short SHORT;
typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
typedef signed char SCHAR;
typedef unsigned char BOOL;
typedef unsigned short MD_STATUS;
#define MD_ON 1U
#define MD_OFF 0U
#define MD_TRUE 1U
#define MD_FALSE 0U
#define MD_SET 1U
#define MD_CLEAR 0U
/* Status list definition */
#define MD_STATUSBASE 0x00U
#define MD_OK (MD_STATUSBASE + 0x00U) /* register setting OK */
#define MD_RESET (MD_STATUSBASE + 0x01U) /* reset input */
#define MD_SENDCOMPLETE (MD_STATUSBASE + 0x02U) /* send data complete */
#define MD_ADDRESSMATCH (MD_STATUSBASE + 0x03U) /* IIC slave address match */
#define MD_OVF (MD_STATUSBASE + 0x04U) /* timer count overflow */
#define MD_SPT (MD_STATUSBASE + 0x07U) /* IIC stop */
#define MD_NACK (MD_STATUSBASE + 0x08U) /* IIC no ACK */
#define MD_SLAVE_SEND_END (MD_STATUSBASE + 0x09U) /* IIC slave send end */
#define MD_SLAVE_RCV_END (MD_STATUSBASE + 0x0AU) /* IIC slave receive end */
#define MD_MASTER_SEND_END (MD_STATUSBASE + 0x0BU) /* IIC master send end */
#define MD_MASTER_RCV_END (MD_STATUSBASE + 0x0CU) /* IIC master receive end */
#define MD_UNDEREXEC (MD_STATUSBASE + 0x0DU) /* DMA transfer under execute */
#define MD_COMPLETED (MD_STATUSBASE + 0x0EU) /* DMA transfer completed */
#define MD_BUSY1 (MD_STATUSBASE + 0x0FU) /* busy 1 */
#define MD_BUSY2 (MD_STATUSBASE + 0x10U) /* busy 2 */
/* Error list definition */
#define MD_ERRORBASE 0x80U
#define MD_ERROR (MD_ERRORBASE + 0x00U) /* error */
#define MD_RESOURCEERROR (MD_ERRORBASE + 0x01U) /* no resource available */
#define MD_PARITYERROR (MD_ERRORBASE + 0x02U) /* UARTn parity error n=0,1,2 */
#define MD_OVERRUNERROR (MD_ERRORBASE + 0x03U) /* UARTn overrun error n=0,1,2 */
#define MD_FRAMEERROR (MD_ERRORBASE + 0x04U) /* UARTn frame error n=0,1,2 */
#define MD_ARGERROR (MD_ERRORBASE + 0x05U) /* Error agrument input error */
#define MD_TIMINGERROR (MD_ERRORBASE + 0x06U) /* Error timing operation error */
#define MD_SETPROHIBITED (MD_ERRORBASE + 0x07U) /* setting prohibited */
#define MD_ODDBUF (MD_ERRORBASE + 0x08U) /* in 16bit transfer mode,buffer size should be even */
#define MD_DATAEXISTS (MD_ERRORBASE + 0x09U) /* Data to be transferred next exists in TXBn register */
#define MD_STSERROR (MD_ERRORBASE + 0x0AU) /* CAN status error */
#define MD_ALRDYSTART (MD_ERRORBASE + 0x0BU) /* CAN-controller is already started error */
#define MD_NOMSG (MD_ERRORBASE + 0x0CU) /* CAN message not received */
#define MD_ERROR1 (MD_ERRORBASE + 0x0DU) /* error 1 */
#define MD_ERROR2 (MD_ERRORBASE + 0x0EU) /* error 2 */
** Function define
* Copyright(C) NEC Electronics Corporation 2010
* All rights reserved by NEC Electronics Corporation.
* This program should be used on your own responsibility.
* NEC Electronics Corporation assumes no responsibility for any losses
* incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of this file.
* This device driver was created by Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3
* 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontrollers
* Filename: CG_port.c
* Abstract: This file implements device driver for PORT module.
* APIlib: Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3 V2.01 [20 Apr 2010]
* Device: uPD70F3746
* Compiler: IAR Systems ICCV850
* Creation date: 6/26/2010
** Include files
#include "CG_macrodriver.h"
#include "CG_port.h"
/* Start user code for include. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
#include "CG_userdefine.h"
** Global define
/* Start user code for global. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
** Abstract:
** This function initializes setting for Port I/O.
** Parameters:
** None
** Returns:
** None
void PORT_Init(void)
PDLH = _10_Pn4_OUTPUT_1;
void led_on(void)
PDLH = _10_Pn4_OUTPUT_1;
void led_off(void)
PDLH = _00_Pn4_OUTPUT_0;
/* Start user code for adding. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
* Copyright(C) NEC Electronics Corporation 2010
* All rights reserved by NEC Electronics Corporation.
* This program should be used on your own responsibility.
* NEC Electronics Corporation assumes no responsibility for any losses
* incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of this file.
* This device driver was created by Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3
* 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontrollers
* Filename: CG_port.h
* Abstract: This file implements device driver for PORT module.
* APIlib: Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3 V2.01 [20 Apr 2010]
* Device: uPD70F3746
* Compiler: IAR Systems ICCV850
* Creation date: 6/26/2010
#ifndef _MDPORT_
#define _MDPORT_
** Register bit define
/* Port mode control register (PMCn.7 - PMCn.0) */
#define _00_PMCn0_OPER_PORT 0x00U /* Pn0 as port mode */
#define _00_PMCn1_OPER_PORT 0x00U /* Pn1 as port mode */
#define _00_PMCn2_OPER_PORT 0x00U /* Pn2 as port mode */
#define _00_PMCn3_OPER_PORT 0x00U /* Pn3 as port mode */
#define _00_PMCn4_OPER_PORT 0x00U /* Pn4 as port mode */
#define _00_PMCn5_OPER_PORT 0x00U /* Pn5 as port mode */
#define _00_PMCn6_OPER_PORT 0x00U /* Pn6 as port mode */
#define _00_PMCn7_OPER_PORT 0x00U /* Pn7 as port mode */
#define _01_PMCn0_OPER_ALTER 0x01U /* Pn0 as alternative mode */
#define _02_PMCn1_OPER_ALTER 0x02U /* Pn1 as alternative mode */
#define _04_PMCn2_OPER_ALTER 0x04U /* Pn2 as alternative mode */
#define _08_PMCn3_OPER_ALTER 0x08U /* Pn3 as alternative mode */
#define _10_PMCn4_OPER_ALTER 0x10U /* Pn4 as alternative mode */
#define _20_PMCn5_OPER_ALTER 0x20U /* Pn5 as alternative mode */
#define _40_PMCn6_OPER_ALTER 0x40U /* Pn6 as alternative mode */
#define _80_PMCn7_OPER_ALTER 0x80U /* Pn7 as alternative mode */
#define _00_PMCn0_OPER_OCD 0x00U /* PMC0 for MINI2 */
/* Port mode register (PMn.7 - PMn.0) */
#define _01_PMn0_MODE_INPUT 0x01U /* Pn0 as input mode */
#define _02_PMn1_MODE_INPUT 0x02U /* Pn1 as input mode */
#define _04_PMn2_MODE_INPUT 0x04U /* Pn2 as input mode */
#define _08_PMn3_MODE_INPUT 0x08U /* Pn3 as input mode */
#define _10_PMn4_MODE_INPUT 0x10U /* Pn4 as input mode */
#define _20_PMn5_MODE_INPUT 0x20U /* Pn5 as input mode */
#define _40_PMn6_MODE_INPUT 0x40U /* Pn6 as input mode */
#define _80_PMn7_MODE_INPUT 0x80U /* Pn7 as input mode */
#define _00_PMn0_MODE_OUTPUT 0x00U /* Pn0 as output mode */
#define _00_PMn1_MODE_OUTPUT 0x00U /* Pn1 as output mode */
#define _00_PMn2_MODE_OUTPUT 0x00U /* Pn2 as output mode */
#define _00_PMn3_MODE_OUTPUT 0x00U /* Pn3 as output mode */
#define _00_PMn4_MODE_OUTPUT 0x00U /* Pn4 as output mode */
#define _00_PMn5_MODE_OUTPUT 0x00U /* Pn5 as output mode */
#define _00_PMn6_MODE_OUTPUT 0x00U /* Pn6 as output mode */
#define _00_PMn7_MODE_OUTPUT 0x00U /* Pn7 as output mode */
#define _01_PMn0_MODE_UNUSED 0x01U /* Pn0 as default mode */
#define _02_PMn1_MODE_UNUSED 0x02U /* Pn1 as default mode */
#define _04_PMn2_MODE_UNUSED 0x04U /* Pn2 as default mode */
#define _08_PMn3_MODE_UNUSED 0x08U /* Pn3 as default mode */
#define _10_PMn4_MODE_UNUSED 0x10U /* Pn4 as default mode */
#define _20_PMn5_MODE_UNUSED 0x20U /* Pn5 as default mode */
#define _40_PMn6_MODE_UNUSED 0x40U /* Pn6 as default mode */
#define _80_PMn7_MODE_UNUSED 0x80U /* Pn7 as default mode */
#define _00_PMn0_MODE_OCD 0x00U /* PMC0 for MINI2 */
/* Port register (Pn.7 - Pn.0) */
#define _00_Pn0_OUTPUT_0 0x00U /* Pn0 output 0 */
#define _00_Pn1_OUTPUT_0 0x00U /* Pn1 output 0 */
#define _00_Pn2_OUTPUT_0 0x00U /* Pn2 output 0 */
#define _00_Pn3_OUTPUT_0 0x00U /* Pn3 output 0 */
#define _00_Pn4_OUTPUT_0 0x00U /* Pn4 output 0 */
#define _00_Pn5_OUTPUT_0 0x00U /* Pn5 output 0 */
#define _00_Pn6_OUTPUT_0 0x00U /* Pn6 output 0 */
#define _00_Pn7_OUTPUT_0 0x00U /* Pn7 output 0 */
#define _01_Pn0_OUTPUT_1 0x01U /* Pn0 output 1 */
#define _02_Pn1_OUTPUT_1 0x02U /* Pn1 output 1 */
#define _04_Pn2_OUTPUT_1 0x04U /* Pn2 output 1 */
#define _08_Pn3_OUTPUT_1 0x08U /* Pn3 output 1 */
#define _10_Pn4_OUTPUT_1 0x10U /* Pn4 output 1 */
#define _20_Pn5_OUTPUT_1 0x20U /* Pn5 output 1 */
#define _40_Pn6_OUTPUT_1 0x40U /* Pn6 output 1 */
#define _80_Pn7_OUTPUT_1 0x80U /* Pn7 output 1 */
/* Function register resistor (PFn.7 - PFn.0) */
#define _00_PFn0_FUN_NORMAL 0x00U /* Pn0 normal output */
#define _00_PFn1_FUN_NORMAL 0x00U /* Pn1 normal output */
#define _00_PFn2_FUN_NORMAL 0x00U /* Pn2 normal output */
#define _00_PFn3_FUN_NORMAL 0x00U /* Pn3 normal output */
#define _00_PFn4_FUN_NORMAL 0x00U /* Pn4 normal output */
#define _00_PFn5_FUN_NORMAL 0x00U /* Pn5 normal output */
#define _00_PFn6_FUN_NORMAL 0x00U /* Pn6 normal output */
#define _00_PFn7_FUN_NORMAL 0x00U /* Pn7 normal output */
#define _01_PFn0_FUN_OPEN 0x01U /* Pn0 open-drain output */
#define _02_PFn1_FUN_OPEN 0x02U /* Pn1 open-drain output */
#define _04_PFn2_FUN_OPEN 0x04U /* Pn2 open-drain output */
#define _08_PFn3_FUN_OPEN 0x08U /* Pn3 open-drain output */
#define _10_PFn4_FUN_OPEN 0x10U /* Pn4 open-drain output */
#define _20_PFn5_FUN_OPEN 0x20U /* Pn5 open-drain output */
#define _40_PFn6_FUN_OPEN 0x40U /* Pn6 open-drain output */
#define _80_PFn7_FUN_OPEN 0x80U /* Pn7 open-drain output */
** Macro define
#define _80_PM0_DEFAULT 0x80U /* PM0 default value */
#define _FC_PM1_DEFAULT 0xFCU /* PM1 default value */
#define _FC_PM3H_DEFAULT 0xFCU /* PM3H default value */
#define _F8_PM4_DEFAULT 0xF8U /* PM4 default value */
#define _C0_PM5_DEFAULT 0xC0U /* PM5 default value */
#define _FC_PM8_DEFAULT 0xFCU /* PM8 default value */
#define _F0_PMCD_DEFAULT 0xF0U /* PMCD default value */
** Function define
void PORT_Init(void);
void led_on(void);
void led_off(void);
/* Start user code for function. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
* Copyright(C) NEC Electronics Corporation 2010
* All rights reserved by NEC Electronics Corporation.
* This program should be used on your own responsibility.
* NEC Electronics Corporation assumes no responsibility for any losses
* incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of this file.
* This device driver was created by Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3
* 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontrollers
* Filename: CG_port_user.c
* Abstract: This file implements device driver for PORT module.
* APIlib: Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3 V2.01 [20 Apr 2010]
* Device: uPD70F3746
* Compiler: IAR Systems ICCV850
* Creation date: 6/26/2010
** Include files
#include "CG_macrodriver.h"
#include "CG_port.h"
/* Start user code for include. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
#include "CG_userdefine.h"
** Global define
/* Start user code for global. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* Start user code for adding. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
* Copyright(C) NEC Electronics Corporation 2010
* All rights reserved by NEC Electronics Corporation.
* This program should be used on your own responsibility.
* NEC Electronics Corporation assumes no responsibility for any losses
* incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of this file.
* This device driver was created by Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3
* 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontrollers
* Filename: CG_system.c
* Abstract: This file implements device driver for System module.
* APIlib: Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3 V2.01 [20 Apr 2010]
* Device: uPD70F3746
* Compiler: IAR Systems ICCV850
* Creation date: 6/26/2010
** Include files
#include "CG_macrodriver.h"
#include "CG_system.h"
/* Start user code for include. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
#include "CG_userdefine.h"
** Global define
/* Start user code for global. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
void clock_pll_mode(void)
/* CPU operation clock selection */
/* Set PLL mode. */
PLLCTL = 0x03; /* bit 1: CPU clock selection (PLL mode/clock-through mode selection) */
/* 1: PLL mode, 0: Clock-through mode */
__asm("_loop: set1 1,0xF82C[r0]"); //__IO_REG8_BIT( PLLCTL, 0xFFFFF82C, __READ_WRITE )
__asm(" tst1 1,0xF82C[r0]"); //__IO_REG8_BIT( PLLCTL, 0xFFFFF82C, __READ_WRITE )
__asm(" bz _loop");
void clock_pcc_mode(void)
/* DMA is forcibly terminated in this sample since DMA transfer must be terminated
before data is set to a special register. */
if(TC0 == 0 && E00 == 1){ /* DMA0 transfer judgment */
INIT0 = 1; /* DMA0 forcible termination */
if(TC1 == 0 && E11 == 1){ /* DMA1 transfer judgment */
INIT1 = 1; /* DMA1 forcible termination */
if(TC2 == 0 && E22 == 1){ /* DMA2 transfer judgment */
INIT2 = 1; /* DMA2 forcible termination */
if(TC3 == 0 && E33 == 1){ /* DMA3 transfer judgment */
INIT3 = 1; /* DMA3 forcible termination */
/* The PCC register is a special register. Data can be written to this register only in a combination of specific sequences. */
/* bit 1, bit 0: Clock selection, 11: fxx/8, 10: fxx/4, 01: fxx/2, 00: fxx */
/* Clock selection: fxx */
__asm("mov 0x00, r10"); /* Set general-purpose register data to be set to special register. */
__asm("st.b r10, 0xF1FC[r0]"); /* Write to PRCMD register. */ //__IO_REG8(PRCMD, 0xFFFFF1FC, __WRITE)
__asm("st.b r10, 0xF828[r0]"); /* Set PCC register. */ //__IO_REG8_BIT(PCC, 0xFFFFF828, __READ_WRITE)
__asm("nop"); /* Insert five or more NOP instructions. */
** Abstract:
** This function initializes the clock generator module.
** Parameters:
** None
** Returns:
** None
void CLOCK_Init(void)
DI(); /* Maskable interrupt disabled */
clock_pll_mode(); /* PLL mode setting function */
clock_pcc_mode(); /* PCC register setting function */
}while(PRERR); /* Written in correct sequence? */
/* Start user code for adding. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
* Copyright(C) NEC Electronics Corporation 2010
* All rights reserved by NEC Electronics Corporation.
* This program should be used on your own responsibility.
* NEC Electronics Corporation assumes no responsibility for any losses
* incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of this file.
* This device driver was created by Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3
* 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontrollers
* Filename: CG_system.h
* Abstract: This file implements device driver for System module.
* APIlib: Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3 V2.01 [20 Apr 2010]
* Device: uPD70F3746
* Compiler: IAR Systems ICCV850
* Creation date: 6/26/2010
#ifndef _MDSYSTEM_
#define _MDSYSTEM_
** Register bit define
Processor clock control register (PCC)
#define _03_CG_PCC_INITIALVALUE 0x03U
/* Use of subclock on-chip feedback resistor (FRC) */
#define _00_CG_SUBCLK_FEEDBACK_USE 0x00U /* subclock on-chip feedback resistor connected */
#define _08_CG_SUBCLK_FEEDBACK_UNUSE 0x80U /* subclock on-chip feedback resistor not connected */
/* Main clock osillator control (MCK) */
#define _00_CG_MAINCLK_ENABLE 0x00U /* main clock oscillation enabled */
#define _04_CG_MAINCLK_STOP 0x40U /* main clock oscillation stopped */
/* Use of main clock on-chip feedback resistor (MFRC) */
#define _00_CG_MAINCLK_FEEDBACK_USE 0x00U /* main clock feedback resistor connected */
#define _20_CG_MAINCLK_FEEDBACK_UNUSE 0x20U /* main clock feedback resistor not connected */
/* Status of CPU clock fCPU (CLS) */
#define _00_CG_CPUCLK_MAINCLK 0x00U /* main clock operation */
#define _10_CG_CPUCLK_SUBCLK 0x10U /* subclock operation */
/* Clock(fCLK/fCPU) selection (CK3 - CK0) */
#define _0F_CG_CPUCLK 0x0FU
#define _00_CG_CPUCLK_MAIN0 0x00U /* fCPU = fXX */
#define _01_CG_CPUCLK_MAIN1 0x01U /* fCPU = fXX/2 */
#define _02_CG_CPUCLK_MAIN2 0x02U /* fCPU = fXX/2^2 */
#define _03_CG_CPUCLK_MAIN3 0x03U /* fCPU = fXX/2^3 */
#define _04_CG_CPUCLK_MAIN4 0x04U /* fCPU = fXX/2^4 */
#define _05_CG_CPUCLK_MAIN5 0x05U /* fCPU = fXX/2^5 */
#define _0B_CG_CPUCLK_SUB 0x0BU /* fXT */
Internal oscillator mode register (RCM)
/* Oscillation/stop of internal oscillator (RSTOP) */
#define _00_CG_INTER_OSC_ON 0x00U /* internal oscillator oscillation */
#define _01_CG_INTER_OSC_OFF 0x01U /* internal oscillator stopped */
CPU operation clock status register (CCLS)
/* CPU operation clock status (CCLSF) */
#define _00_CG_CPUCLK_STATUS_MAINORSUB 0x00U /* operating on main clock(fX) or subclock(fXT) */
#define _01_CG_CPUCLK_STATUS_INTEROSC 0x01U /* operating on internal oscillation clock(fR) */
Lock register (LOCKR)
/* PLL lock status check (LOCK) */
#define _00_CG_PLLSTATUS_LOCK 0x00U /* locked status */
#define _01_CG_PLLSTATUS_UNLOCK 0x01U /* unlocked status */
PLL control register (PLLCTL)
/* CPU operation clock selection register (SELPLL) */
#define _00_CG_CPUCLK_CLKTHROUGH 0x00U /* clock-through mode */
#define _02_CG_CPUCLK_PLL 0x02U /* PLL mode */
/* PLL operation stop register (PLLON) */
#define _00_CG_CPUCLK_PLLOFF 0x00U /* PLL stopped */
#define _01_CG_CPUCLK_PLLON 0x01U /* PLL operating */
Clock control register (CKC)
/* Internal system clock(fXX) in PLL mode */
#define _00_CG_CPUCLK_4PLL 0x00U /* fXX = 4* fX (fX = 2.5 to 5.0 MHz) */
#define _01_CG_CPUCLK_8PLL 0x01U /* fXX = 8* fX (fX = 2.5 to 4.0 MHz) */
PLL lockup time specification register (PLLS)
#define _03_CG_PLLS_INITIALVALUE 0x03U
/* PLL lockup time selection (PLLS2 - PLLS0) */
#define _00_CG_PLLLOCKUP_SEL0 0x00U /* 2^10/fX */
#define _01_CG_PLLLOCKUP_SEL1 0x01U /* 2^11/fX*/
#define _02_CG_PLLLOCKUP_SEL2 0x02U /* 2^12/fX */
#define _03_CG_PLLLOCKUP_SEL3 0x03U /* 2^13/fX (default value) */
Power save control register (PSC)
/* Stand-by mode release control by occurrence of INTWDT2 signal (NMI1M) */
#define _00_CG_STANDBY_INTWDT2EN 0x00U /* enable releasing stand-by mode by INTWDT2 signal */
#define _40_CG_STANDBY_INTWDT2DIS 0x40U /* disable releasing stand-by mode by INTWDT2 signal */
/* Stand-by mode release control by NMI pin input (NMI0M) */
#define _00_CG_STANDBY_NMIEN 0x00U /* enable releasing stand-by mode by NMI pin input */
#define _20_CG_STANDBY_NMIDIS 0x20U /* disable releasing stand-by mode by NMI pin input */
/* Stand-by mode release control by maskable interrupt request signal (NMI0M) */
#define _00_CG_STANDBY_MASKIEN 0x00U /* enable releasing stand-by mode by maskable interrupt request signal */
#define _10_CG_STANDBY_MASKIDIS 0x10U /* disable releasing stand-by mode by maskable interrupt request signal */
/* Setting of stand-by mode (STP) */
#define _00_CG_STANDBY_UNUSE 0x00U /* normal mode */
#define _02_CG_STANDBY_USE 0x02U /* stand-by mode */
Power save mode control register (PSMR)
/* Specification of operation in software stand-by mode (PSM1,PSM0) */
#define _00_CG_POWERSAVE_IDLE1 0x00U /* IDLE1, sub-IDLE modes */
#define _01_CG_POWERSAVE_STOP1 0x01U /* STOP, sub-IDLE modes */
#define _02_CG_POWERSAVE_IDLE2 0x02U /* IDLE2, sub-IDLE modes */
#define _03_CG_POWERSAVE_STOP2 0x03U /* STOP mode */
Clock monitor mode register (CLM)
/* Clock monitor operation enable or disable (CLME) */
#define _01_CG_MONITOR_ENABLE 0x01U /* enable clock monitor operation */
#define _00_CG_MONITOR_DISABLE 0x00U /* disable clock monitor operation */
Watchdog Timer 2 mode register (WDTM2)
/* Selection of operation mode (WDM21, WDM20) */
#define _00_WDT2_OPERMODE_STOP 0x00U /* stops operation */
#define _20_WDT2_OPERMODE_NONMASK 0x20U /* non-maskable interrupt request mode (generation of INTWDT2) */
#define _40_WDT2_OPERMODE_RESET 0x40U /* reset mode (generation of RESWDT2) */
/* Selection of clock mode (WDCS24,WDCS23) */
#define _00_WDT2_CLKMODE_INTEROSC 0x00U /* use internal oscillator */
#define _08_WDT2_CLKMODE_MAINCLK 0x08U /* use Main clock */
#define _10_WDT2_CLKMODE_SUBCLK 0x10U /* use subclock */
/* Watchdog Timer 2 clock Selection (WDCS22 - WDCS20) */
#define _00_WDT2_CLOCK_SEL0 0x00U /* 2^12/fR or 2^18/fXX or 2^9/fXT */
#define _01_WDT2_CLOCK_SEL1 0x01U /* 2^13/fR or 2^19/fXX or 2^10/fXT */
#define _02_WDT2_CLOCK_SEL2 0x02U /* 2^14/fR or 2^20/fXX or 2^11/fXT */
#define _03_WDT2_CLOCK_SEL3 0x03U /* 2^15/fR or 2^21/fXX or 2^12/fXT */
#define _04_WDT2_CLOCK_SEL4 0x04U /* 2^16/fR or 2^22/fXX or 2^13/fXT */
#define _05_WDT2_CLOCK_SEL5 0x05U /* 2^17/fR or 2^23/fXX or 2^14/fXT */
#define _06_WDT2_CLOCK_SEL6 0x06U /* 2^18/fR or 2^24/fXX or 2^15/fXT */
#define _07_WDT2_CLOCK_SEL7 0x07U /* 2^19/fR or 2^25/fXX or 2^16/fXT */
** Macro define
#define _00_CG_VSWC_VALUE 0x00U
** Function define
void CLOCK_Init(void);
void WDT2_Restart(void);
void CG_ReadResetSource(void);
/* Start user code for function. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
* Copyright(C) NEC Electronics Corporation 2010
* All rights reserved by NEC Electronics Corporation.
* This program should be used on your own responsibility.
* NEC Electronics Corporation assumes no responsibility for any losses
* incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of this file.
* This device driver was created by Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3
* 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontrollers
* Filename: CG_system_user.c
* Abstract: This file implements device driver for System module.
* APIlib: Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3 V2.01 [20 Apr 2010]
* Device: uPD70F3746
* Compiler: IAR Systems ICCV850
* Creation date: 6/26/2010
** Include files
#include "CG_macrodriver.h"
#include "CG_system.h"
/* Start user code for include. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
#include "CG_userdefine.h"
** Global define
/* Start user code for global. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
** Abstract:
** This function processes of Reset.
** Parameters:
** None
** Returns:
** None
void CG_ReadResetSource( void )
UCHAR resetflag = RESF;
/* Start user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* Start user code for adding. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
* Copyright(C) NEC Electronics Corporation 2010
* All rights reserved by NEC Electronics Corporation.
* This program should be used on your own responsibility.
* NEC Electronics Corporation assumes no responsibility for any losses
* incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of this file.
* This device driver was created by Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3
* 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontrollers
* Filename: CG_systeminit.c
* Abstract: This file implements system initializing function.
* APIlib: Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3 V2.01 [20 Apr 2010]
* Device: uPD70F3746
* Compiler: IAR Systems ICCV850
* Creation date: 6/26/2010
** Include files
#include "CG_macrodriver.h"
#include "CG_system.h"
#include "CG_port.h"
#include "CG_timer.h"
/* Start user code for include. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
#include "CG_userdefine.h"
** Global define
/* Start user code for global. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
UCHAR __low_level_init(void);
void systeminit(void);
** Abstract:
** This function initializes each macro.
** Parameters:
** None
** Returns:
** None
void systeminit(void)
DI(); /* disable interrupt */
EI(); /* enable interrupt */
** Abstract:
** This function initializes hardware setting.
** Parameters:
** None
** Returns:
** None
UCHAR __low_level_init(void)
VSWC = 0x13U;
CLOCK_Init(); /* call Clock_Init function */
return MD_TRUE;
/* Start user code for adding. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
* Copyright(C) NEC Electronics Corporation 2010
* All rights reserved by NEC Electronics Corporation.
* This program should be used on your own responsibility.
* NEC Electronics Corporation assumes no responsibility for any losses
* incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of this file.
* This device driver was created by Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3
* 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontrollers
* Filename: CG_timer.c
* Abstract: This file implements device driver for Timer module.
* APIlib: Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3 V2.01 [20 Apr 2010]
* Device: uPD70F3746
* Compiler: IAR Systems ICCV850
* Creation date: 6/26/2010
** Include files
#include "CG_macrodriver.h"
#include "CG_timer.h"
/* Start user code for include. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
#include "CG_userdefine.h"
** Global define
/* Count Clock (TABnCTL0) */
#define TAB_CNT_CLK 0x00 /* Count Clock fxx */
#define TAB_CNT_CLK_2 0x01 /* Count Clock fxx/2 */
#define TAB_CNT_CLK_4 0x02 /* Count Clock fxx/4 */
#define TAB_CNT_CLK_8 0x03 /* Count Clock fxx/8 */
#define TAB_CNT_CLK_16 0x04 /* Count Clock fxx/16 */
#define TAB_CNT_CLK_32 0x05 /* Count Clock fxx/32 */
#define TAB_CNT_CLK_64 0x06 /* Count Clock fxx/64 */
#define TAB_CNT_CLK_128 0x07 /* Count Clock fxx/128 */
/* Mode (TABkMD2 + TABkMD1 + TABkMD0) */
#define TAB_INTERVAL_MODE 0x00 /* Interval Timer Mode */
/* TAB0I/O Control Register (TABmIOC0) */
#define TAB_TOB00_DISABLE 0x00 /* TOB00 Output Disable */
#define TAB_TOB00_ENABLE 0x01 /* TOB00 Output Enable */
#define TAB_TOB00_HI_LEV_ST 0x00 /* TOB00 Output High Level Start */
#define TAB_TOB00_LO_LEV_ST 0x02 /* TOB00 Output Low Level Start */
#define TAB_TOB01_DISABLE 0x00 /* TOB01 Output Disable */
#define TAB_TOB01_ENABLE 0x04 /* TOB01 Output Enable */
#define TAB_TOB01_HI_LEV_ST 0x00 /* TOB01 Output High Level Start */
#define TAB_TOB01_LO_LEV_ST 0x08 /* TOB01 Output Low Level Start */
#define TAB_TOB02_DISABLE 0x00 /* TOB02 Output Disable */
#define TAB_TOB02_ENABLE 0x10 /* TOB02 Output Enable */
#define TAB_TOB02_HI_LEV_ST 0x00 /* TOB02 Output High Level Start */
#define TAB_TOB02_LO_LEV_ST 0x20 /* TOB02 Output Low Level Start */
#define TAB_TOB03_DISABLE 0x00 /* TOB03 Output Disable */
#define TAB_TOB03_ENABLE 0x40 /* TOB03 Output Enable */
#define TAB_TOB03_HI_LEV_ST 0x00 /* TOB03 Output High Level Start */
#define TAB_TOB03_LO_LEV_ST 0x80 /* TOB03 Output Low Level Start */
/* Start user code for global. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
void timerab_interval(void)
TAB0CTL0 = TAB_CNT_CLK_32; /* TAB0CKS2 = 1 + TAB0CKS1 = 0 + TAB0CKS0 = 0 */
/* : Clock Count = fxx/32 */
TAB0CTL1 = TAB_INTERVAL_MODE; /* TAB0MD2 = 0 + TAB0MD1 = 0 + TAB0MD0 = 0 */
/* : Interval Timer Mode */
// TAB0IOC2 = TAB_TOB03_LO_LEV_ST | /* TAB0OL3 = 1 : TOB03 Low Level Start */
// TAB_TOB03_DISABLE | /* TAB0OE3 = 0 : TOB03 Output Disable */
// TAB_TOB02_LO_LEV_ST | /* TAB0OL2 = 1 : TOB02 Low Level Start */
// TAB_TOB02_DISABLE | /* TAB0OE2 = 0 : TOB02 Output Disable */
// TAB_TOB01_HI_LEV_ST | /* TAB0OL1 = 0 : TOB01 High Level Start */
// TAB_TOB01_ENABLE | /* TAB0OE1 = 1 : TOB01 Output Enable */
// TAB_TOB00_HI_LEV_ST | /* TAB0OL0 = 0 : TOB00 High Level Start */
// TAB_TOB00_ENABLE; /* TAB0OE0 = 1 : TOB00 Output Enable */
TAB0CCR0 = 19999; /* Compare Register */
TAB0CCR1 = 0xFFFF; /* Compare Register */
TAB0CCR2 = 0xFFFF; /* No Use */
TAB0CCR3 = 0xFFFF; /* No Use */
** Abstract:
** This function initializes the TAB0 module.
** Parameters:
** None
** Returns:
** None
void TAB0_Init(void)
TAB0CE = 0; /* Stop TAB */
/* Port Definition */
// PFC1 = 0x00; /* PFC17 = 0 : TOB00 Output */
/* PFC10 = 0 : TOB01 Output */
// PFCE1 = 0x01; /* PFCE10 = 1 : TOB01 Output */
// PMC1 = 0x81; /* PMC17 = 1 : TOB00 Output/INTP09 Input */
/* PMC10 = 1 : TOB0T1 Output/TIB01 Input/TOB01 Output */
/* Enable Interrupt */
TB0CCMK0 = 0; /* TB0CCMK0 = 0 : INTTB0CC0 Enable */
TB0CCMK1 = 1; /* TB0CCMK1 = 0 : INTTB0CC1 Enable */
TB0CCMK2 = 1; /* TB0CCMK2 = 1 : INTTB0CC2 Disable */
TB0CCMK3 = 1; /* TB0CCMK3 = 1 : INTTB0CC3 Disable */
** Abstract:
** This function starts TMP0 counter.
** Parameters:
** None
** Returns:
** None
void TAB0_Start(void)
TB0CCIF0 = 0U; /* clear INTTP0CC0 interrupt flag */
TB0CCMK0 = 0U; /* enable INTTP0CC0 interrupt */
TAB0CE = 1U; /* enable TMP0 operation */
** Abstract:
** This function stops TMP0 counter.
** Parameters:
** None
** Returns:
** None
void TAB0_Stop(void)
TAB0CE = 0U; /* disable TMP0 operation */
TB0CCMK0 = 1U; /* disable INTTP0CC0 interrupt */
TB0CCIF0 = 0U; /* clear INTTP0CC0 interrupt flag */
** Abstract:
** This function changes TMP0 register value.
** Parameters:
** array_reg: register value buffer
** array_num: register index to be changed
** Returns:
** MD_OK
MD_STATUS TAB0_ChangeTimerCondition(USHORT *array_reg, UCHAR array_num)
MD_STATUS status = MD_OK;
switch (array_num)
case 1U:
TAB0CCR0 = array_reg[0U];
status = MD_OK;
case 2U:
TAB0CCR0 = array_reg[0U];
TAB0CCR1 = array_reg[1U];
status = MD_OK;
status = MD_ARGERROR;
return (status);
/* Start user code for adding. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
* Copyright(C) NEC Electronics Corporation 2010
* All rights reserved by NEC Electronics Corporation.
* This program should be used on your own responsibility.
* NEC Electronics Corporation assumes no responsibility for any losses
* incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of this file.
* This device driver was created by Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3
* 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontrollers
* Filename: CG_timer.h
* Abstract: This file implements device driver for Timer module.
* APIlib: Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3 V2.01 [20 Apr 2010]
* Device: uPD70F3746
* Compiler: IAR Systems ICCV850
* Creation date: 6/26/2010
#ifndef _MDTIMER_
#define _MDTIMER_
** Register bit define
TMP control register 0 (TPnCTL0)
/* TMP operation control (TPnCE) */
#define _00_TMP_OPERATION_DISABLE 0x00U /* disable internal operating clock operation (asynchronously reset TMPn) */
#define _80_TMP_OPERATION_ENABLE 0x80U /* enable internal operating clock operation */
/* Internal count clock selection (TPnCKS2 - TPnCKS0) */
#define _00_TMP_INTERNAL_CLOCK0 0x00U /* fXX */
#define _01_TMP_INTERNAL_CLOCK1 0x01U /* fXX/2 */
#define _02_TMP_INTERNAL_CLOCK2 0x02U /* fXX/2^2 */
#define _03_TMP_INTERNAL_CLOCK3 0x03U /* fXX/2^3 */
#define _04_TMP_INTERNAL_CLOCK4 0x04U /* fXX/2^4 */
#define _05_TMP_INTERNAL_CLOCK5 0x05U /* fXX/2^5 */
#define _06_TMP_INTERNAL_CLOCK6 0x06U /* fXX/2^6 or fXX/2^8 */
#define _07_TMP_INTERNAL_CLOCK7 0x07U /* fXX/2^7 or fXX/2^9 */
TMP control register 1 (TPnCTL1)
/* Software trigger control (TPnEST) */
#define _00_TMP_SOFTTRIGGER_OFF 0x00U /* no operation */
#define _40_TMP_SOFTTRIGGER_ON 0x40U /* in one-shot pulse mode: One-shot pulse software trigger */
/* in external trigger pulse output mode: Pulse output software trigger */
/* Count clock selection (TPnEEE) */
#define _00_TMP_INTERNAL_CLOCK 0x00U /* use the internal clock (clock selected with bits TPnCKS2 to TPnCKS0) */
#define _20_TMP_EXTERNAL_CLOCK 0x20U /* use the external clock from the TIPn0 input pin */
/* Timer mode selection (TPnMD2 - TPnMD0) */
#define _00_TMP_MODE_INTERVAL 0x00U /* interval timer mode */
#define _01_TMP_MODE_EXTERNALCOUNT 0x01U /* external event counter mode */
#define _02_TMP_MODE_EXTERNALTRG 0x02U /* external trigger pulse output mode */
#define _03_TMP_MODE_ONESHOT 0x03U /* one-shot pulse mode */
#define _04_TMP_MODE_PWM 0x04U /* PWM mode */
#define _05_TMP_MODE_FREERUNNING 0x05U /* free-running mode */
#define _06_TMP_MODE_PULSEMEASURE 0x06U /* pulse width measurement mode */
TMP I/O control register 0 (TPnIOC0)
/* TOPn0 pin output level setting (TPnOL0) */
#define _00_TMP_OUTPUT0_NORMAL 0x00U /* normal output */
#define _02_TMP_OUTPUT0_INVERTED 0x02U /* inverted output */
/* TOPn0 pin output setting (TPnOE0) */
#define _00_TMP_OUTPUT0_DISABLE 0x00U /* disable timer output */
#define _01_TMP_OUTPUT0_ENABLE 0x01U /* enable timer output (TOPn0 pin outputs pulses) */
/* TOPn1 pin output level setting (TPnOL1) */
#define _00_TMP_OUTPUT1_NORMAL 0x00U /* normal output */
#define _08_TMP_OUTPUT1_INVERTED 0x08U /* inverted output */
/* TOPn1 pin output setting (TPnOE1) */
#define _00_TMP_OUTPUT1_DISABLE 0x00U /* disable timer output */
#define _04_TMP_OUTPUT1_ENABLE 0x04U /* enable timer output (TOPn1 pin outputs pulses) */
TMP I/O control register 1 (TPnIOC1)
/* Capture trigger input signal (TIPn1 pin) valid edge setting (TPnIS3,TPnIS2) */
#define _00_TMP_INPUT1_EDGE_NONE 0x00U /* detect no edge (capture operation is invalid) */
#define _04_TMP_INPUT1_EDGE_RISING 0x04U /* detection of rising edge */
#define _08_TMP_INPUT1_EDGE_FALLING 0x08U /* detection of falling edge */
#define _0C_TMP_INPUT1_EDGE_BOTH 0x0CU /* detection of both edges */
/* Capture trigger input signal (TIPn0 pin) valid edge setting (TPnIS1,TPnIS0) */
#define _00_TMP_INPUT0_EDGE_NONE 0x00U /* detect no edge (capture operation is invalid) */
#define _01_TMP_INPUT0_EDGE_RISING 0x01U /* detection of rising edge */
#define _02_TMP_INPUT0_EDGE_FALLING 0x02U /* detection of falling edge */
#define _03_TMP_INPUT0_EDGE_BOTH 0x03U /* detection of both edges */
TMP I/O control register 2 (TPnIOC2)
/* External event count input signal (TIPn0 pin) valid edge setting (TPnEES1,TPnEES0) */
#define _00_TMP_EXTCOUNT_EDGE_NONE 0x00U /* detect no edge (external event count is invalid) */
#define _04_TMP_EXTCOUNT_EDGE_RISING 0x04U /* detection of rising edge */
#define _08_TMP_EXTCOUNT_EDGE_FALLING 0x08U /* detection of falling edge */
#define _0C_TMP_EXTCOUNT_EDGE_BOTH 0x0CU /* detection of both edges */
/* External trigger input signal (TIPn0 pin) valid edge setting (TPnETS1,TPnETS0) */
#define _00_TMP_EXTTRIGGER_EDGE_NONE 0x00U /* detect no edge (external trigger is invalid) */
#define _01_TMP_EXTTRIGGER_EDGE_RISING 0x01U /* detection of rising edge */
#define _02_TMP_EXTTRIGGER_EDGE_FALLING 0x02U /* detection of falling edge */
#define _03_TMP_EXTTRIGGER_EDGE_BOTH 0x03U /* detection of both edges */
TMP option register 0 (TPnOPT0)
/* TPnCCR1 register capture/compare selection (TPnCCS1) */
#define _00_TMP_CCR1_COMPARE 0x00U /* compare register */
#define _20_TMP_CCR1_CAPTURE 0x20U /* capture register */
/* TPnCCR0 register capture/compare selection (TPnCCS0) */
#define _00_TMP_CCR0_COMPARE 0x00U /* compare register */
#define _10_TMP_CCR0_CAPTURE 0x10U /* capture register */
/* TMPn overflow detection flag (TPnOVF) */
#define _01_TMP_OVERFLOW_OCCUR 0x01U /* overflow occurred */
#define _00_TMP_OVERFLOW_CLEAR 0x00U /* clear overflow */
TMQ0 control register 0 (TQ0CTL0)
/* TMQ operation control (TQ0CE) */
#define _00_TMQ_OPERATION_DISABLE 0x00U /* disable internal operating clock operation (asynchronously reset TMQ0) */
#define _80_TMQ_OPERATION_ENABLE 0x80U /* enable internal operating clock operation */
/* Internal count clock selection (TQ0CKS2 - TQ0CKS0) */
#define _00_TMQ_INTERNAL_CLOCK0 0x00U /* fXX */
#define _01_TMQ_INTERNAL_CLOCK1 0x01U /* fXX/2 */
#define _02_TMQ_INTERNAL_CLOCK2 0x02U /* fXX/2^2 */
#define _03_TMQ_INTERNAL_CLOCK3 0x03U /* fXX/2^3 */
#define _04_TMQ_INTERNAL_CLOCK4 0x04U /* fXX/2^4 */
#define _05_TMQ_INTERNAL_CLOCK5 0x05U /* fXX/2^5 */
#define _06_TMQ_INTERNAL_CLOCK6 0x06U /* fXX/2^6 */
#define _07_TMQ_INTERNAL_CLOCK7 0x07U /* fXX/2^7 */
TMQ0 control register 1 (TQ0CTL1)
/* Software trigger control (TQ0EST) */
#define _00_TMQ_SOFTTRIGGER_OFF 0x00U /* no operation */
#define _40_TMQ_SOFTTRIGGER_ON 0x40U /* in one-shot pulse mode: One-shot pulse software trigger */
/* in external trigger pulse output mode: Pulse output software trigger */
/* Count clock selection (TQ0EEE) */
#define _00_TMQ_INTERNAL_CLOCK 0x00U /* use the internal clock (clock selected with bits TQ0CKS2 to TQ0CKS0) */
#define _20_TMQ_EXTERNAL_CLOCK 0x20U /* use the external clock from the TIQ00 input pin */
/* Timer mode selection (TQ0MD2 - TQ0MD0) */
#define _00_TMQ_MODE_INTERVAL 0x00U /* interval timer mode */
#define _01_TMQ_MODE_EXTERNALCOUNT 0x01U /* external event counter mode */
#define _02_TMQ_MODE_EXTERNALTRG 0x02U /* external trigger pulse output mode */
#define _03_TMQ_MODE_ONESHOT 0x03U /* one-shot pulse mode */
#define _04_TMQ_MODE_PWM 0x04U /* PWM mode */
#define _05_TMQ_MODE_FREERUNNING 0x05U /* free-running mode */
#define _06_TMQ_MODE_PULSEMEASURE 0x06U /* pulse width measurement mode */
TMQ0 I/O control register 0 (TQ0IOC0)
/* TOQ00 pin output level setting (TQ0OL0) */
#define _00_TMQ_OUTPUT0_NORMAL 0x00U /* normal output */
#define _02_TMQ_OUTPUT0_INVERTED 0x02U /* inverted output */
/* TOQ00 pin output setting (TQ0OE0) */
#define _00_TMQ_OUTPUT0_DISABLE 0x00U /* disable timer output */
#define _01_TMQ_OUTPUT0_ENABLE 0x01U /* enable timer output (TOQ00 pin outputs pulses) */
/* TOQ01 pin output level setting (TQ0OL1) */
#define _00_TMQ_OUTPUT1_NORMAL 0x00U /* normal output */
#define _08_TMQ_OUTPUT1_INVERTED 0x08U /* inverted output */
/* TOQ01 pin output setting (TQ0OE1) */
#define _00_TMQ_OUTPUT1_DISABLE 0x00U /* disable timer output */
#define _04_TMQ_OUTPUT1_ENABLE 0x04U /* enable timer output (TOQ01 pin outputs pulses) */
/* TOQ02 pin output level setting (TQ0OL2) */
#define _00_TMQ_OUTPUT2_NORMAL 0x00U /* normal output */
#define _20_TMQ_OUTPUT2_INVERTED 0x20U /* inverted output */
/* TOQ02 pin output setting (TQ0OE2) */
#define _00_TMQ_OUTPUT2_DISABLE 0x00U /* disable timer output */
#define _10_TMQ_OUTPUT2_ENABLE 0x10U /* enable timer output (TOQ02 pin outputs pulses) */
/* TOQ03 pin output level setting (TQ0OL3) */
#define _00_TMQ_OUTPUT3_NORMAL 0x00U /* normal output */
#define _80_TMQ_OUTPUT3_INVERTED 0x80U /* inverted output */
/* TOQ03 pin output setting (TQ0OE3) */
#define _00_TMQ_OUTPUT3_DISABLE 0x00U /* disable timer output */
#define _40_TMQ_OUTPUT3_ENABLE 0x40U /* enable timer output (TOQ03 pin outputs pulses) */
TMQ0 I/O control register 1 (TQ0IOC1)
/* Capture trigger input signal (TIQ00 pin) valid edge setting (TQ0IS1,TQ0IS0) */
#define _00_TMQ_INPUT0_EDGE_NONE 0x00U /* detect no edge (capture operation is invalid) */
#define _01_TMQ_INPUT0_EDGE_RISING 0x01U /* detection of rising edge */
#define _02_TMQ_INPUT0_EDGE_FALLING 0x02U /* detection of falling edge */
#define _03_TMQ_INPUT0_EDGE_BOTH 0x03U /* detection of both edges */
/* Capture trigger input signal (TIQ01 pin) valid edge setting (TQ0IS3,TQ0IS2) */
#define _00_TMQ_INPUT1_EDGE_NONE 0x00U /* detect no edge (capture operation is invalid) */
#define _04_TMQ_INPUT1_EDGE_RISING 0x04U /* detection of rising edge */
#define _08_TMQ_INPUT1_EDGE_FALLING 0x08U /* detection of falling edge */
#define _0C_TMQ_INPUT1_EDGE_BOTH 0x0CU /* detection of both edges */
/* Capture trigger input signal (TIQ02 pin) valid edge setting (TQ0IS5,TQ0IS4) */
#define _00_TMQ_INPUT2_EDGE_NONE 0x00U /* detect no edge (capture operation is invalid) */
#define _10_TMQ_INPUT2_EDGE_RISING 0x10U /* detection of rising edge */
#define _20_TMQ_INPUT2_EDGE_FALLING 0x20U /* detection of falling edge */
#define _30_TMQ_INPUT2_EDGE_BOTH 0x30U /* detection of both edges */
/* Capture trigger input signal (TIQ03 pin) valid edge setting (TQ0IS7,TQ0IS6) */
#define _00_TMQ_INPUT3_EDGE_NONE 0x00U /* detect no edge (capture operation is invalid) */
#define _40_TMQ_INPUT3_EDGE_RISING 0x40U /* detection of rising edge */
#define _80_TMQ_INPUT3_EDGE_FALLING 0x80U /* detection of falling edge */
#define _C0_TMQ_INPUT3_EDGE_BOTH 0xC0U /* detection of both edges */
TMQ0 I/O control register 2 (TQ0IOC2)
/* External event count input signal (TIQ00 pin) valid edge setting (TQ0EES1,TQ0EES0) */
#define _00_TMQ_EXTCOUNT_EDGE_NONE 0x00U /* detect no edge (external event count is invalid) */
#define _04_TMQ_EXTCOUNT_EDGE_RISING 0x04U /* detection of rising edge */
#define _08_TMQ_EXTCOUNT_EDGE_FALLING 0x08U /* detection of falling edge */
#define _0C_TMQ_EXTCOUNT_EDGE_BOTH 0x0CU /* detection of both edges */
/* External trigger input signal (TIQ00 pin) valid edge setting (TQ0ETS1,TQ0ETS0) */
#define _00_TMQ_EXTTRIGGER_EDGE_NONE 0x00U /* detect no edge (external trigger is invalid) */
#define _01_TMQ_EXTTRIGGER_EDGE_RISING 0x01U /* detection of rising edge */
#define _02_TMQ_EXTTRIGGER_EDGE_FALLING 0x02U /* detection of falling edge */
#define _03_TMQ_EXTTRIGGER_EDGE_BOTH 0x03U /* detection of both edges */
TMQ0 option register 0 (TQ0OPT0)
/* TQ0CCR3 register capture/compare selection (TQ0CCS3) */
#define _00_TMQ_CCR3_COMPARE 0x00U /* compare register */
#define _80_TMQ_CCR3_CAPTURE 0x80U /* capture register */
/* TQ0CCR2 register capture/compare selection (TQ0CCS2) */
#define _00_TMQ_CCR2_COMPARE 0x00U /* compare register */
#define _40_TMQ_CCR2_CAPTURE 0x40U /* capture register */
/* TQ0CCR1 register capture/compare selection (TQ0CCS1) */
#define _00_TMQ_CCR1_COMPARE 0x00U /* compare register */
#define _20_TMQ_CCR1_CAPTURE 0x20U /* capture register */
/* TQ0CCR0 register capture/compare selection (TQ0CCS0) */
#define _00_TMQ_CCR0_COMPARE 0x00U /* compare register */
#define _10_TMQ_CCR0_CAPTURE 0x10U /* capture register */
/* TMQ0 overflow detection flag (TQ0OVF) */
#define _01_TMQ_OVERFLOW_OCCUR 0x01U /* overflow occurred */
#define _00_TMQ_OVERFLOW_CLEAR 0x00U /* clear overflow */
TMM0 control register 0 (TM0CTL0)
/* TMM0 operation control (TM0CE) */
#define _00_TMM_OPERATION_DISABLE 0x00U /* disable internal operating clock operation (asynchronously reset TMM0) */
#define _80_TMM_OPERATION_ENABLE 0x80U /* enable internal operating clock operation */
/* Internal count clock selection (TM0CKS2 - TM0CKS0) */
#define _00_TMM_INTERNAL_CLOCK0 0x00U /* fXX */
#define _01_TMM_INTERNAL_CLOCK1 0x01U /* fXX/2 */
#define _02_TMM_INTERNAL_CLOCK2 0x02U /* fXX/4 */
#define _03_TMM_INTERNAL_CLOCK3 0x03U /* fXX/64 */
#define _04_TMM_INTERNAL_CLOCK4 0x04U /* fXX/512 */
#define _05_TMM_INTERNAL_CLOCK5 0x05U /* INTWT */
#define _06_TMM_INTERNAL_CLOCK6 0x06U /* fR/8 */
#define _07_TMM_INTERNAL_CLOCK7 0x07U /* fXT */
** Macro define
/* TMP0 compare register 0 (TP0CCR0)*/
#define _9C3F_TMP0_CCR0_VALUE 0x9C3FU
enum TMChannel
** Function define
void TAB0_Init(void);
void TAB0_Start(void);
void TAB0_Stop(void);
MD_STATUS TAB0_ChangeTimerCondition(USHORT *array_reg, UCHAR array_num);
__interrupt void MD_INTTP0CC0(void);
/* Start user code for function. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
* Copyright(C) NEC Electronics Corporation 2010
* All rights reserved by NEC Electronics Corporation.
* This program should be used on your own responsibility.
* NEC Electronics Corporation assumes no responsibility for any losses
* incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of this file.
* This device driver was created by Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3
* 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontrollers
* Filename: CG_timer_user.c
* Abstract: This file implements device driver for Timer module.
* APIlib: Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3 V2.01 [20 Apr 2010]
* Device: uPD70F3746
* Compiler: IAR Systems ICCV850
* Creation date: 6/26/2010
** Include files
#include "CG_macrodriver.h"
#include "CG_timer.h"
/* Start user code for include. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
#include "CG_userdefine.h"
** Global define
/* Start user code for global. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
** Abstract:
** This function is INTTP0CC0 interrupt service routine.
** Parameters:
** None
** Returns:
** None
///#pragma vector = INTTB0CC0_vector
///__interrupt void MD_INTTB0CC0(void)
/* Start user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
/// PDLH = ~PDLH;
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* Start user code for adding. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
* Copyright(C) NEC Electronics Corporation 2010
* All rights reserved by NEC Electronics Corporation.
* This program should be used on your own responsibility.
* NEC Electronics Corporation assumes no responsibility for any losses
* incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of this file.
* This device driver was created by Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3
* 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontrollers
* Filename: CG_userdefine.h
* Abstract: This file includes user definition.
* APIlib: Applilet3 for V850ES/Jx3 V2.01 [20 Apr 2010]
* Device: uPD70F3746
* Compiler: IAR Systems ICCV850
* Creation date: 6/26/2010
#ifndef _MD_USER_DEF_
#define _MD_USER_DEF_
** User define
/* Start user code for function. Do not edit comment generated here */
/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */
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