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// usb.h - Prototypes for the USB Interface Driver.
// Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Texas Instruments Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
// Software License Agreement
// Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and
// exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by
// TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright
// laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source
// software in order to form a larger program.
// This is part of revision 6459 of the Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library.

#ifndef __USB_H__
#define __USB_H__

// If building with a C++ compiler, make all of the definitions in this header
// have a C binding.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

// The following are values that can be passed to USBIntEnableControl() and
// USBIntDisableControl() as the ulFlags parameter, and are returned from
// USBIntStatusControl().
#define USB_INTCTRL_ALL         0x000003FF  // All control interrupt sources
#define USB_INTCTRL_STATUS      0x000000FF  // Status Interrupts
#define USB_INTCTRL_VBUS_ERR    0x00000080  // VBUS Error
#define USB_INTCTRL_SESSION     0x00000040  // Session Start Detected
#define USB_INTCTRL_SESSION_END 0x00000040  // Session End Detected
#define USB_INTCTRL_DISCONNECT  0x00000020  // Disconnect Detected
#define USB_INTCTRL_CONNECT     0x00000010  // Device Connect Detected
#define USB_INTCTRL_SOF         0x00000008  // Start of Frame Detected
#define USB_INTCTRL_BABBLE      0x00000004  // Babble signaled
#define USB_INTCTRL_RESET       0x00000004  // Reset signaled
#define USB_INTCTRL_RESUME      0x00000002  // Resume detected
#define USB_INTCTRL_SUSPEND     0x00000001  // Suspend detected
#define USB_INTCTRL_MODE_DETECT 0x00000200  // Mode value valid
#define USB_INTCTRL_POWER_FAULT 0x00000100  // Power Fault detected

// The following are values that can be passed to USBIntEnableEndpoint() and
// USBIntDisableEndpoint() as the ulFlags parameter, and are returned from
// USBIntStatusEndpoint().
#define USB_INTEP_ALL           0xFFFFFFFF  // Host IN Interrupts
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_IN       0xFFFE0000  // Host IN Interrupts
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_IN_15    0x80000000  // Endpoint 15 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_IN_14    0x40000000  // Endpoint 14 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_IN_13    0x20000000  // Endpoint 13 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_IN_12    0x10000000  // Endpoint 12 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_IN_11    0x08000000  // Endpoint 11 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_IN_10    0x04000000  // Endpoint 10 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_IN_9     0x02000000  // Endpoint 9 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_IN_8     0x01000000  // Endpoint 8 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_IN_7     0x00800000  // Endpoint 7 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_IN_6     0x00400000  // Endpoint 6 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_IN_5     0x00200000  // Endpoint 5 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_IN_4     0x00100000  // Endpoint 4 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_IN_3     0x00080000  // Endpoint 3 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_IN_2     0x00040000  // Endpoint 2 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_IN_1     0x00020000  // Endpoint 1 Host IN Interrupt

#define USB_INTEP_DEV_OUT       0xFFFE0000  // Device OUT Interrupts
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_OUT_15    0x80000000  // Endpoint 15 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_OUT_14    0x40000000  // Endpoint 14 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_OUT_13    0x20000000  // Endpoint 13 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_OUT_12    0x10000000  // Endpoint 12 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_OUT_11    0x08000000  // Endpoint 11 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_OUT_10    0x04000000  // Endpoint 10 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_OUT_9     0x02000000  // Endpoint 9 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_OUT_8     0x01000000  // Endpoint 8 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_OUT_7     0x00800000  // Endpoint 7 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_OUT_6     0x00400000  // Endpoint 6 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_OUT_5     0x00200000  // Endpoint 5 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_OUT_4     0x00100000  // Endpoint 4 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_OUT_3     0x00080000  // Endpoint 3 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_OUT_2     0x00040000  // Endpoint 2 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_OUT_1     0x00020000  // Endpoint 1 Device OUT Interrupt

#define USB_INTEP_HOST_OUT      0x0000FFFE  // Host OUT Interrupts
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_OUT_15   0x00008000  // Endpoint 15 Host OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_OUT_14   0x00004000  // Endpoint 14 Host OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_OUT_13   0x00002000  // Endpoint 13 Host OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_OUT_12   0x00001000  // Endpoint 12 Host OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_OUT_11   0x00000800  // Endpoint 11 Host OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_OUT_10   0x00000400  // Endpoint 10 Host OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_OUT_9    0x00000200  // Endpoint 9 Host OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_OUT_8    0x00000100  // Endpoint 8 Host OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_OUT_7    0x00000080  // Endpoint 7 Host OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_OUT_6    0x00000040  // Endpoint 6 Host OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_OUT_5    0x00000020  // Endpoint 5 Host OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_OUT_4    0x00000010  // Endpoint 4 Host OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_OUT_3    0x00000008  // Endpoint 3 Host OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_OUT_2    0x00000004  // Endpoint 2 Host OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_HOST_OUT_1    0x00000002  // Endpoint 1 Host OUT Interrupt

#define USB_INTEP_DEV_IN        0x0000FFFE  // Device IN Interrupts
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_IN_15     0x00008000  // Endpoint 15 Device IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_IN_14     0x00004000  // Endpoint 14 Device IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_IN_13     0x00002000  // Endpoint 13 Device IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_IN_12     0x00001000  // Endpoint 12 Device IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_IN_11     0x00000800  // Endpoint 11 Device IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_IN_10     0x00000400  // Endpoint 10 Device IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_IN_9      0x00000200  // Endpoint 9 Device IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_IN_8      0x00000100  // Endpoint 8 Device IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_IN_7      0x00000080  // Endpoint 7 Device IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_IN_6      0x00000040  // Endpoint 6 Device IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_IN_5      0x00000020  // Endpoint 5 Device IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_IN_4      0x00000010  // Endpoint 4 Device IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_IN_3      0x00000008  // Endpoint 3 Device IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_IN_2      0x00000004  // Endpoint 2 Device IN Interrupt
#define USB_INTEP_DEV_IN_1      0x00000002  // Endpoint 1 Device IN Interrupt

#define USB_INTEP_0             0x00000001  // Endpoint 0 Interrupt

// The following are values that are returned from USBSpeedGet().
#define USB_UNDEF_SPEED         0x80000000  // Current speed is undefined
#define USB_FULL_SPEED          0x00000001  // Current speed is Full Speed
#define USB_LOW_SPEED           0x00000000  // Current speed is Low Speed

// The following are values that are returned from USBEndpointStatus().  The
// USB_HOST_* values are used when the USB controller is in host mode and the
// USB_DEV_* values are used when the USB controller is in device mode.
#define USB_HOST_IN_PID_ERROR   0x01000000  // Stall on this endpoint received
#define USB_HOST_IN_NOT_COMP    0x00100000  // Device failed to respond
#define USB_HOST_IN_STALL       0x00400000  // Stall on this endpoint received
#define USB_HOST_IN_DATA_ERROR  0x00080000  // CRC or bit-stuff error
                                            // (ISOC Mode)
#define USB_HOST_IN_NAK_TO      0x00080000  // NAK received for more than the
                                            // specified timeout period
#define USB_HOST_IN_ERROR       0x00040000  // Failed to communicate with a
                                            // device
#define USB_HOST_IN_FIFO_FULL   0x00020000  // RX FIFO full
#define USB_HOST_IN_PKTRDY      0x00010000  // Data packet ready
#define USB_HOST_OUT_NAK_TO     0x00000080  // NAK received for more than the
                                            // specified timeout period
#define USB_HOST_OUT_NOT_COMP   0x00000080  // No response from device
                                            // (ISOC mode)
#define USB_HOST_OUT_STALL      0x00000020  // Stall on this endpoint received
#define USB_HOST_OUT_ERROR      0x00000004  // Failed to communicate with a
                                            // device
#define USB_HOST_OUT_FIFO_NE    0x00000002  // TX FIFO is not empty
#define USB_HOST_OUT_PKTPEND    0x00000001  // Transmit still being transmitted
#define USB_HOST_EP0_NAK_TO     0x00000080  // NAK received for more than the
                                            // specified timeout period
#define USB_HOST_EP0_STATUS     0x00000040  // This was a status packet
#define USB_HOST_EP0_ERROR      0x00000010  // Failed to communicate with a
                                            // device
#define USB_HOST_EP0_RX_STALL   0x00000004  // Stall on this endpoint received
#define USB_HOST_EP0_RXPKTRDY   0x00000001  // Receive data packet ready
#define USB_DEV_RX_SENT_STALL   0x00400000  // Stall was sent on this endpoint
#define USB_DEV_RX_DATA_ERROR   0x00080000  // CRC error on the data
#define USB_DEV_RX_OVERRUN      0x00040000  // OUT packet was not loaded due to
                                            // a full FIFO
#define USB_DEV_RX_FIFO_FULL    0x00020000  // RX FIFO full
#define USB_DEV_RX_PKT_RDY      0x00010000  // Data packet ready
#define USB_DEV_TX_NOT_COMP     0x00000080  // Large packet split up, more data
                                            // to come
#define USB_DEV_TX_SENT_STALL   0x00000020  // Stall was sent on this endpoint
#define USB_DEV_TX_UNDERRUN     0x00000004  // IN received with no data ready
#define USB_DEV_TX_FIFO_NE      0x00000002  // The TX FIFO is not empty
#define USB_DEV_TX_TXPKTRDY     0x00000001  // Transmit still being transmitted
#define USB_DEV_EP0_SETUP_END   0x00000010  // Control transaction ended before
                                            // Data End seen
#define USB_DEV_EP0_SENT_STALL  0x00000004  // Stall was sent on this endpoint
#define USB_DEV_EP0_IN_PKTPEND  0x00000002  // Transmit data packet pending
#define USB_DEV_EP0_OUT_PKTRDY  0x00000001  // Receive data packet ready

// The following are values that can be passed to USBHostEndpointConfig() and
// USBDevEndpointConfigSet() as the ulFlags parameter.
#define USB_EP_AUTO_SET         0x00000001  // Auto set feature enabled
#define USB_EP_AUTO_REQUEST     0x00000002  // Auto request feature enabled
#define USB_EP_AUTO_CLEAR       0x00000004  // Auto clear feature enabled
#define USB_EP_DMA_MODE_0       0x00000008  // Enable DMA access using mode 0
#define USB_EP_DMA_MODE_1       0x00000010  // Enable DMA access using mode 1
#define USB_EP_MODE_ISOC        0x00000000  // Isochronous endpoint
#define USB_EP_MODE_BULK        0x00000100  // Bulk endpoint
#define USB_EP_MODE_INT         0x00000200  // Interrupt endpoint
#define USB_EP_MODE_CTRL        0x00000300  // Control endpoint
#define USB_EP_MODE_MASK        0x00000300  // Mode Mask
#define USB_EP_SPEED_LOW        0x00000000  // Low Speed
#define USB_EP_SPEED_FULL       0x00001000  // Full Speed
#define USB_EP_HOST_IN          0x00000000  // Host IN endpoint
#define USB_EP_HOST_OUT         0x00002000  // Host OUT endpoint
#define USB_EP_DEV_IN           0x00002000  // Device IN endpoint
#define USB_EP_DEV_OUT          0x00000000  // Device OUT endpoint

// The following are values that can be passed to USBHostPwrConfig() as
// the ulFlags parameter.
#define USB_HOST_PWRFLT_LOW     0x00000010
#define USB_HOST_PWRFLT_HIGH    0x00000030
#define USB_HOST_PWRFLT_EP_NONE 0x00000000
#define USB_HOST_PWRFLT_EP_TRI  0x00000140
#define USB_HOST_PWRFLT_EP_LOW  0x00000240
#define USB_HOST_PWRFLT_EP_HIGH 0x00000340
#define USB_HOST_PWREN_LOW      0x00000002
#define USB_HOST_PWREN_HIGH     0x00000003
#define USB_HOST_PWREN_VBLOW    0x00000002
#define USB_HOST_PWREN_VBHIGH   0x00000003
#define USB_HOST_PWREN_MAN_LOW  0x00000000
#define USB_HOST_PWREN_MAN_HIGH 0x00000001
#define USB_HOST_PWREN_AUTOLOW  0x00000002
#define USB_HOST_PWREN_AUTOHIGH 0x00000003
#define USB_HOST_PWREN_FILTER   0x00010000

// The following are special values that can be passed to
// USBHostEndpointConfig() as the ulNAKPollInterval parameter.
#define MAX_NAK_LIMIT           31          // Maximum NAK interval
#define DISABLE_NAK_LIMIT       0           // No NAK timeouts

// This value specifies the maximum size of transfers on endpoint 0 as 64
// bytes.  This value is fixed in hardware as the FIFO size for endpoint 0.
#define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP0     64

// These values are used to indicate which endpoint to access.
#define USB_EP_0                0x00000000  // Endpoint 0
#define USB_EP_1                0x00000010  // Endpoint 1
#define USB_EP_2                0x00000020  // Endpoint 2
#define USB_EP_3                0x00000030  // Endpoint 3
#define USB_EP_4                0x00000040  // Endpoint 4
#define USB_EP_5                0x00000050  // Endpoint 5
#define USB_EP_6                0x00000060  // Endpoint 6
#define USB_EP_7                0x00000070  // Endpoint 7
#define USB_EP_8                0x00000080  // Endpoint 8
#define USB_EP_9                0x00000090  // Endpoint 9
#define USB_EP_10               0x000000A0  // Endpoint 10
#define USB_EP_11               0x000000B0  // Endpoint 11
#define USB_EP_12               0x000000C0  // Endpoint 12
#define USB_EP_13               0x000000D0  // Endpoint 13
#define USB_EP_14               0x000000E0  // Endpoint 14
#define USB_EP_15               0x000000F0  // Endpoint 15
#define NUM_USB_EP              16          // Number of supported endpoints

// These macros allow conversion between 0-based endpoint indices and the
// USB_EP_x values required when calling various USB APIs.
#define INDEX_TO_USB_EP(x)      ((x) << 4)
#define USB_EP_TO_INDEX(x)      ((x) >> 4)

// The following are values that can be passed to USBFIFOConfigSet() as the
// ulFIFOSize parameter.
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_8           0x00000000  // 8 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_16          0x00000001  // 16 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_32          0x00000002  // 32 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_64          0x00000003  // 64 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_128         0x00000004  // 128 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_256         0x00000005  // 256 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_512         0x00000006  // 512 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_1024        0x00000007  // 1024 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_2048        0x00000008  // 2048 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_4096        0x00000009  // 4096 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_8_DB        0x00000010  // 8 byte double buffered FIFO
                                            // (occupying 16 bytes)
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_16_DB       0x00000011  // 16 byte double buffered FIFO
                                            // (occupying 32 bytes)
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_32_DB       0x00000012  // 32 byte double buffered FIFO
                                            // (occupying 64 bytes)
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_64_DB       0x00000013  // 64 byte double buffered FIFO
                                            // (occupying 128 bytes)
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_128_DB      0x00000014  // 128 byte double buffered FIFO
                                            // (occupying 256 bytes)
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_256_DB      0x00000015  // 256 byte double buffered FIFO
                                            // (occupying 512 bytes)
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_512_DB      0x00000016  // 512 byte double buffered FIFO
                                            // (occupying 1024 bytes)
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_1024_DB     0x00000017  // 1024 byte double buffered FIFO
                                            // (occupying 2048 bytes)
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_2048_DB     0x00000018  // 2048 byte double buffered FIFO
                                            // (occupying 4096 bytes)

// This macro allow conversion from a FIFO size label as defined above to
// a number of bytes
#define USB_FIFO_SIZE_DB_FLAG  0x00000010
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_TO_BYTES(x) ((8 << ((x) & ~ USB_FIFO_SIZE_DB_FLAG)) * \
                                 (((x) & USB_FIFO_SIZE_DB_FLAG) ? 2 : 1))

// The following are values that can be passed to USBEndpointDataSend() as the
// ulTransType parameter.
#define USB_TRANS_OUT           0x00000102  // Normal OUT transaction
#define USB_TRANS_IN            0x00000102  // Normal IN transaction
#define USB_TRANS_IN_LAST       0x0000010a  // Final IN transaction (for
                                            // endpoint 0 in device mode)
#define USB_TRANS_SETUP         0x0000110a  // Setup transaction (for endpoint
                                            // 0)
#define USB_TRANS_STATUS        0x00000142  // Status transaction (for endpoint
                                            // 0)

// The following are values are returned by the USBModeGet function.
#define USB_DUAL_MODE_HOST      0x00000001  // Dual mode controller is in Host
                                            // mode.
#define USB_DUAL_MODE_DEVICE    0x00000081  // Dual mode controller is in
                                            // Device mode.
#define USB_DUAL_MODE_NONE      0x00000080  // Dual mode controller mode is not
                                            // set.
#define USB_OTG_MODE_ASIDE_HOST 0x0000001d  // OTG controller on the A side of
                                            // the cable.
#define USB_OTG_MODE_ASIDE_NPWR 0x00000001  // OTG controller on the A side of
                                            // the cable.
#define USB_OTG_MODE_ASIDE_SESS 0x00000009  // OTG controller on the A side of
                                            // the cable Session Valid.
#define USB_OTG_MODE_ASIDE_AVAL 0x00000011  // OTG controller on the A side of
                                            // the cable A valid.
#define USB_OTG_MODE_ASIDE_DEV  0x00000019  // OTG controller on the A side of
                                            // the cable.
#define USB_OTG_MODE_BSIDE_HOST 0x0000009d  // OTG controller on the B side of
                                            // the cable.
#define USB_OTG_MODE_BSIDE_DEV  0x00000099  // OTG controller on the B side of
                                            // the cable.
#define USB_OTG_MODE_BSIDE_NPWR 0x00000081  // OTG controller on the B side of
                                            // the cable.
#define USB_OTG_MODE_NONE       0x00000080  // OTG controller mode is not set.

// Prototypes for the APIs.
extern unsigned long USBDevAddrGet(unsigned long ulBase);
extern void USBDevAddrSet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulAddress);
extern void USBDevConnect(unsigned long ulBase);
extern void USBDevDisconnect(unsigned long ulBase);
extern void USBDevEndpointConfigSet(unsigned long ulBase,
                                    unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                                    unsigned long ulMaxPacketSize,
                                    unsigned long ulFlags);
extern void USBDevEndpointConfigGet(unsigned long ulBase,
                                    unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                                    unsigned long *pulMaxPacketSize,
                                    unsigned long *pulFlags);
extern void USBDevEndpointDataAck(unsigned long ulBase,
                                  unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                                  tBoolean bIsLastPacket);
extern void USBDevEndpointStall(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                                unsigned long ulFlags);
extern void USBDevEndpointStallClear(unsigned long ulBase,
                                     unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                                     unsigned long ulFlags);
extern void USBDevEndpointStatusClear(unsigned long ulBase,
                                      unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                                      unsigned long ulFlags);
extern unsigned long USBEndpointDataAvail(unsigned long ulBase,
                                          unsigned long ulEndpoint);
extern void USBEndpointDMAEnable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                                 unsigned long ulFlags);
extern void USBEndpointDMADisable(unsigned long ulBase,
                                  unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                                  unsigned long ulFlags);
extern long USBEndpointDataGet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                               unsigned char *pucData, unsigned long *pulSize);
extern long USBEndpointDataPut(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                               unsigned char *pucData, unsigned long ulSize);
extern long USBEndpointDataSend(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                                unsigned long ulTransType);
extern void USBEndpointDataToggleClear(unsigned long ulBase,
                                       unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                                       unsigned long ulFlags);
extern unsigned long USBEndpointStatus(unsigned long ulBase,
                                       unsigned long ulEndpoint);
extern unsigned long USBFIFOAddrGet(unsigned long ulBase,
                                    unsigned long ulEndpoint);
extern void USBFIFOConfigGet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                             unsigned long *pulFIFOAddress,
                             unsigned long *pulFIFOSize,
                             unsigned long ulFlags);
extern void USBFIFOConfigSet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                             unsigned long ulFIFOAddress,
                             unsigned long ulFIFOSize, unsigned long ulFlags);
extern void USBFIFOFlush(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                         unsigned long ulFlags);
extern unsigned long USBFrameNumberGet(unsigned long ulBase);
extern unsigned long USBHostAddrGet(unsigned long ulBase,
                                    unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                                    unsigned long ulFlags);
extern void USBHostAddrSet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                           unsigned long ulAddr, unsigned long ulFlags);
extern void USBHostEndpointConfig(unsigned long ulBase,
                                  unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                                  unsigned long ulMaxPacketSize,
                                  unsigned long ulNAKPollInterval,
                                  unsigned long ulTargetEndpoint,
                                  unsigned long ulFlags);
extern void USBHostEndpointDataAck(unsigned long ulBase,
                                   unsigned long ulEndpoint);
extern void USBHostEndpointDataToggle(unsigned long ulBase,
                                      unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                                      tBoolean bDataToggle,
                                      unsigned long ulFlags);
extern void USBHostEndpointStatusClear(unsigned long ulBase,
                                       unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                                       unsigned long ulFlags);
extern unsigned long USBHostHubAddrGet(unsigned long ulBase,
                                       unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                                       unsigned long ulFlags);
extern void USBHostHubAddrSet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                              unsigned long ulAddr, unsigned long ulFlags);
extern void USBHostPwrDisable(unsigned long ulBase);
extern void USBHostPwrEnable(unsigned long ulBase);
extern void USBHostPwrConfig(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulFlags);
#define USBHostPwrFaultConfig   USBHostPwrConfig
extern void USBHostPwrFaultDisable(unsigned long ulBase);
extern void USBHostPwrFaultEnable(unsigned long ulBase);
extern void USBHostRequestIN(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulEndpoint);
extern void USBHostRequestStatus(unsigned long ulBase);
extern void USBHostReset(unsigned long ulBase, tBoolean bStart);
extern void USBHostResume(unsigned long ulBase, tBoolean bStart);
extern unsigned long USBHostSpeedGet(unsigned long ulBase);
extern void USBHostSuspend(unsigned long ulBase);
extern void USBIntDisableControl(unsigned long ulBase,
                                 unsigned long ulIntFlags);
extern void USBIntEnableControl(unsigned long ulBase,
                                unsigned long ulIntFlags);
extern unsigned long USBIntStatusControl(unsigned long ulBase);
extern void USBIntDisableEndpoint(unsigned long ulBase,
                                  unsigned long ulIntFlags);
extern void USBIntEnableEndpoint(unsigned long ulBase,
                                 unsigned long ulIntFlags);
extern unsigned long USBIntStatusEndpoint(unsigned long ulBase);
extern void USBIntRegister(unsigned long ulBase, void(*pfnHandler)(void));
extern void USBIntUnregister(unsigned long ulBase);
extern void USBOTGSessionRequest(unsigned long ulBase, tBoolean bStart);
extern unsigned long USBModeGet(unsigned long ulBase);
extern void USBEndpointDMAChannel(unsigned long ulBase,
                                  unsigned long ulEndpoint,
                                  unsigned long ulChannel);
extern void USBHostMode(unsigned long ulBase);
extern void USBHostMode(unsigned long ulBase);
extern void USBDevMode(unsigned long ulBase);

// Several USB APIs have been renamed, with the original function name being
// deprecated.  These defines and function protypes provide backward
// compatibility.
// The following are values that can be passed to USBIntEnable() and
// USBIntDisable() as the ulIntFlags parameter, and are returned from
// USBIntStatus().
#define USB_INT_ALL             0xFF030E0F  // All Interrupt sources
#define USB_INT_STATUS          0xFF000000  // Status Interrupts
#define USB_INT_VBUS_ERR        0x80000000  // VBUS Error
#define USB_INT_SESSION_START   0x40000000  // Session Start Detected
#define USB_INT_SESSION_END     0x20000000  // Session End Detected
#define USB_INT_DISCONNECT      0x20000000  // Disconnect Detected
#define USB_INT_CONNECT         0x10000000  // Device Connect Detected
#define USB_INT_SOF             0x08000000  // Start of Frame Detected
#define USB_INT_BABBLE          0x04000000  // Babble signaled
#define USB_INT_RESET           0x04000000  // Reset signaled
#define USB_INT_RESUME          0x02000000  // Resume detected
#define USB_INT_SUSPEND         0x01000000  // Suspend detected
#define USB_INT_MODE_DETECT     0x00020000  // Mode value valid
#define USB_INT_POWER_FAULT     0x00010000  // Power Fault detected
#define USB_INT_HOST_IN         0x00000E00  // Host IN Interrupts
#define USB_INT_DEV_OUT         0x00000E00  // Device OUT Interrupts
#define USB_INT_HOST_IN_EP3     0x00000800  // Endpoint 3 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INT_HOST_IN_EP2     0x00000400  // Endpoint 2 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INT_HOST_IN_EP1     0x00000200  // Endpoint 1 Host IN Interrupt
#define USB_INT_DEV_OUT_EP3     0x00000800  // Endpoint 3 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INT_DEV_OUT_EP2     0x00000400  // Endpoint 2 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INT_DEV_OUT_EP1     0x00000200  // Endpoint 1 Device OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INT_HOST_OUT        0x0000000E  // Host OUT Interrupts
#define USB_INT_DEV_IN          0x0000000E  // Device IN Interrupts
#define USB_INT_HOST_OUT_EP3    0x00000008  // Endpoint 3 HOST_OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INT_HOST_OUT_EP2    0x00000004  // Endpoint 2 HOST_OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INT_HOST_OUT_EP1    0x00000002  // Endpoint 1 HOST_OUT Interrupt
#define USB_INT_DEV_IN_EP3      0x00000008  // Endpoint 3 DEV_IN Interrupt
#define USB_INT_DEV_IN_EP2      0x00000004  // Endpoint 2 DEV_IN Interrupt
#define USB_INT_DEV_IN_EP1      0x00000002  // Endpoint 1 DEV_IN Interrupt
#define USB_INT_EP0             0x00000001  // Endpoint 0 Interrupt

#define USBDevEndpointConfig    USBDevEndpointConfigSet
extern void USBIntDisable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulIntFlags);
extern void USBIntEnable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulIntFlags);
extern unsigned long USBIntStatus(unsigned long ulBase);

// Mark the end of the C bindings section for C++ compilers.
#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // __USB_H__
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