zdef.h 8.6 KB
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#ifndef __ZDEF_H__
#define __ZDEF_H__

#include <rtthread.h>
#include "crc.h"
#define ZPAD      '*'	/* 052 padding character begins frames */
#define ZDLE      030	/* ctrl-X ZMODEM escape - `ala BISYNC DLE */
#define ZDLEE     (ZDLE^0100)	/* escaped ZDLE as transmitted */
#define ZBIN      'A'	/* binary frame indicator (CRC-16) */
#define ZHEX      'B'	/* hex frame indicator */
#define ZBIN32    'C'	/* binary frame with 32 bit FCS */
#define ZBINR32   'D'	/* RLE packed Binary frame with 32 bit FCS */
#define ZVBIN     'a'	/* binary frame indicator (CRC-16) */
#define ZVHEX     'b'	/* hex frame indicator */
#define ZVBIN32   'c'	/* binary frame with 32 bit FCS */
#define ZVBINR32  'd'	/* RLE packed Binary frame with 32 bit FCS */
#define ZRESC	  0176	/* RLE flag/escape character */

/* Frame types */
#define ZRQINIT	  0	    /* request receive init */
#define ZRINIT    1     /* receive init */
#define ZSINIT    2	    /* send init sequence (optional) */
#define ZACK      3	    /* ACK to above */
#define ZFILE     4	    /* file name from sender */
#define ZSKIP     5	    /* ro sender: skip this file */
#define ZNAK      6	    /* last packet was garbled */
#define ZABORT    7	    /* abort batch transfers */
#define ZFIN      8	    /* finish session */
#define ZRPOS     9	    /* resume data trans at this position */
#define ZDATA     10    /* data packet(s) follow */
#define ZEOF      11    /* end of file */
#define ZFERR     12    /* fatal Read or Write error Detected */
#define ZCRC      13    /* request for file CRC and response */
#define ZCHALLENGE 14   /* receiver's Challenge */
#define ZCOMPL    15	/* request is complete */
#define ZCAN      16	/* other end canned session with CAN*5 */
#define ZFREECNT  17	/* request for free bytes on filesystem */
#define ZCOMMAND  18	/* command from sending program */

/* ZDLE sequfences */
#define ZCRCE     'h'	/* CRC next, frame ends, header packet follows */
#define ZCRCG     'i'	/* CRC next, frame continues nonstop */
#define ZCRCQ     'j'	/* CRC next, frame continues, ZACK expected */
#define ZCRCW     'k'	/* CRC next, ZACK expected, end of frame */
#define ZRUB0     'l'	/* translate to rubout 0177 */
#define ZRUB1     'm'	/* translate to rubout 0377 */

/* zdlread return values (internal) */
/* -1 is general error, -2 is timeout */
#define GOTOR     0400
#define GOTCRCE   (ZCRCE|GOTOR)	/* ZDLE-ZCRCE received */
#define GOTCRCG   (ZCRCG|GOTOR)	/* ZDLE-ZCRCG received */
#define GOTCRCQ   (ZCRCQ|GOTOR)	/* ZDLE-ZCRCQ received */
#define GOTCRCW   (ZCRCW|GOTOR)	/* ZDLE-ZCRCW received */
#define GOTCAN	  (GOTOR|030)	/* CAN*5 seen */

/* Byte positions within header array */
#define ZF0	      3	    /* first flags byte */
#define ZF1	      2
#define ZF2	      1
#define ZF3	      0
#define ZP0	      0	    /* low order 8 bits of position */
#define ZP1	      1
#define ZP2	      2
#define ZP3	      3	    /* high order 8 bits of file position */

/* Parameters for ZRINIT header */
#define ZRPXWN	  8	    /* 9th byte in header contains window size/256 */
#define ZRPXQQ	  9	    /* 10th to 14th bytes contain quote mask */
/* Bit Masks for ZRINIT flags byte ZF0 */
#define CANFDX	  01	/* rx can send and receive true FDX */
#define CANOVIO	  02	/* rx can receive data during disk I/O */
#define CANBRK	  04	/* rx can send a break signal */
#define CANRLE	  010	/* receiver can decode RLE */
#define CANLZW	  020	/* receiver can uncompress */
#define CANFC32	  040	/* receiver can use 32 bit Frame Check */
#define ESCCTL    0100	/* receiver expects ctl chars to be escaped */
#define ESC8      0200	/* receiver expects 8th bit to be escaped */

/* Bit Masks for ZRINIT flags byte ZF1 */
#define CANVHDR	  01	/* variable headers OK */
#define ZRRQWN	  8	    /* receiver specified window size in ZRPXWN */
#define ZRRQQQ	  16	/* additional control chars to quote in ZRPXQQ	*/
#define ZRQNVH	  (ZRRQWN|ZRRQQQ)	/* variable len hdr reqd to access info */

/* Parameters for ZSINIT frame */
#define ZATTNLEN  32	/* max length of attention string */
#define ALTCOFF   ZF1	/* offset to alternate canit string, 0 if not used */

/* Parameters for ZFILE frame */
/* Conversion options one of these in ZF0 */
#define ZCBIN	  1	   /* binary transfer - inhibit conversion */
#define ZCNL	  2	   /* convert NL to local end of line convention */
#define ZCRESUM	  3	   /* resume interrupted file transfer */
/* Management include options, one of these ored in ZF1 */
#define ZMSKNOLOC 0200 /* skip file if not present at rx */
/* Management options, one of these ored in ZF1 */
#define ZMMASK	  037  /* mask for the choices below */
#define ZMNEWL	  1	   /* transfer if source newer or longer */
#define ZMCRC	  2	   /* transfer if different file CRC or length */
#define ZMAPND	  3	   /* append contents to existing file (if any) */
#define ZMCLOB	  4	   /* replace existing file */
#define ZMNEW	  5	   /* transfer if source newer */
	/* Number 5 is alive ... */
#define ZMDIFF	  6	   /* transfer if dates or lengths different */
#define ZMPROT	  7	   /* protect destination file */
#define ZMCHNG	  8	   /* change filename if destination exists */
/* Transport options, one of these in ZF2 */
#define ZTLZW	  1	   /* lempel-Ziv compression */
#define ZTRLE	  3	   /* run Length encoding */
/* Extended options for ZF3, bit encoded */
#define ZXSPARS	  64   /* encoding for sparse file operations */
#define ZCANVHDR  01   /* variable headers OK */
/* Receiver window size override */
#define ZRWOVR    4	   /* byte position for receive window override/256 */

/* Parameters for ZCOMMAND frame ZF0 (otherwise 0) */
#define ZCACK1	  1	   /* acknowledge, then do command */
extern char Attn[ZATTNLEN+1];	/* Attention string rx sends to tx on err */

/* Globals used by ZMODEM functions */
extern rt_uint8_t  Rxframeind; /* ZBIN ZBIN32, or ZHEX type of frame */
extern char header_type;	   /* type of header received */
extern rt_uint8_t  rx_header[4];		/* received header */
extern rt_uint8_t  tx_header[4];		/* transmitted header */
extern rt_uint8_t  Txfcs32;		/* TRUE means send binary frames with 32 bit FCS */
extern rt_uint16_t Rxcount;	   /* count of data bytes received */
extern rt_uint16_t Rxtimeout;  /* tenths of seconds to wait for something */
extern rt_uint32_t Rxpos;	   /* received file position */
extern rt_uint32_t Txpos;	   /* transmitted file position */
extern rt_uint8_t  Txfcs32;	   /* TURE means send binary frames with 32 bit FCS */

/* ward Christensen / CP/M parameters - Don't change these! */
#define ENQ     005
#define CAN     ('X'&037)
#define XOFF    ('s'&037)
#define XON     ('q'&037)
#define SOH     1
#define STX     2
#define ETX     3
#define SYN     026
#define ESC     033
#define WANTG   0107	/* send G not NAK to get nonstop batch xmsn */
#define EOT     4
#define ACK     6
#define NAK     025
#define CPMEOF  032
#define WANTCRC 0103	/* send C not NAK to get crc not checksum */
#define TIMEOUT (-2)
#define RCDO    (-3)
#define GCOUNT  (-4)
#define ERRORMAX 5
#define RETRYMAX 5
#define WCEOT   (-10)
#define PATHLEN  257	/* ready for 4.2 bsd ? */
#define UNIXFILE 0xF000	/* the S_IFMT file mask bit for stat */

#define BITRATE 115200
#define TX_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
#define RX_BUFFER_SIZE  1024	  /*sender or receiver's max buffer size */
extern char ZF0_CMD;	/* local ZMODEM file conversion request */
extern char ZF1_CMD;	/* local ZMODEM file management request */
extern char ZF2_CMD;	/* local ZMODEM file management request */
extern char ZF3_CMD;	/* local ZMODEM file management request */
extern rt_uint32_t Baudrate ;
extern rt_uint32_t Left_bytes;
extern rt_uint32_t Left_sizes;

struct zmodemf
    struct rt_semaphore zsem;
    rt_device_t device;
extern struct zmodemf zmodem;

struct zfile
	char *fname;
	rt_int32_t   fd;
	rt_uint32_t  ctime;
    rt_uint32_t  mode;
	rt_uint32_t  bytes_total;
	rt_uint32_t  bytes_sent;
	rt_uint32_t  bytes_received;
	rt_uint32_t  file_end;
extern struct finsh_shell* shell;
#define ZDEBUG 1
/* sz.c */
extern void zs_start(char *path);
/* rz.c */
extern void zr_start(char *path);

/* zcore.c */
extern void zinit_parameter(void);
extern rt_int16_t zget_header(rt_uint8_t *hdr);
extern void zsend_bin_header(rt_uint8_t type, rt_uint8_t *hdr);
extern void zsend_hex_header(rt_uint8_t type, rt_uint8_t *hdr);
extern rt_int16_t zget_data(rt_uint8_t *buf, rt_uint16_t len);
extern void zsend_bin_data(rt_uint8_t *buf, rt_int16_t len, rt_uint8_t frameend);
extern void zput_pos(rt_uint32_t pos);
extern void zget_pos(rt_uint32_t pos);
/* zdevice.c */
extern rt_uint32_t get_device_speed(void);
extern void zsend_byte(rt_uint16_t c);
extern void zsend_line(rt_uint16_t c);
extern rt_int16_t zread_line(rt_uint16_t timeout);
extern void zsend_break(char *cmd);
extern void zsend_can(void);
#endif  /* __ZDEF_H__ */