drv_uart.h 6.8 KB
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 * File      : board_uart.h
 * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS
 * COPYRIGHT (C) 2008 - 2016, RT-Thread Development Team
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Change Logs:
 * Date           Author       Notes
 * 2015-11-19     Urey         the first version

#ifndef _BOARD_UART_H_
#define _BOARD_UART_H_

/* Uart Register */
#define UART_RDR(base)      REG8((base) + 0x00) /* R  8b H'xx */
#define UART_TDR(base)      REG8((base) + 0x00) /* W  8b H'xx */
#define UART_DLLR(base)     REG8((base) + 0x00) /* RW 8b H'00 */
#define UART_DLHR(base)     REG8((base) + 0x04) /* RW 8b H'00 */
#define UART_IER(base)      REG8((base) + 0x04) /* RW 8b H'00 */
#define UART_ISR(base)      REG8((base) + 0x08) /* R  8b H'01 */
#define UART_FCR(base)      REG8((base) + 0x08) /* W  8b H'00 */
#define UART_LCR(base)      REG8((base) + 0x0C) /* RW 8b H'00 */
#define UART_MCR(base)      REG8((base) + 0x10) /* RW 8b H'00 */
#define UART_LSR(base)      REG8((base) + 0x14) /* R  8b H'00 */
#define UART_MSR(base)      REG8((base) + 0x18) /* R  8b H'00 */
#define UART_SPR(base)      REG8((base) + 0x1C) /* RW 8b H'00 */
#define UART_MCR(base)      REG8((base) + 0x10) /* RW 8b H'00 */
#define UART_SIRCR(base)    REG8((base) + 0x20) /* RW 8b H'00 */

 * Define macros for UARTIER
 * UART Interrupt Enable Register
#define UARTIER_RIE     (1 << 0)    /* 0: receive fifo "full" interrupt disable */
#define UARTIER_TIE     (1 << 1)    /* 0: transmit fifo "empty" interrupt disable */
#define UARTIER_RLIE    (1 << 2)    /* 0: receive line status interrupt disable */
#define UARTIER_MIE     (1 << 3)    /* 0: modem status interrupt disable */
#define UARTIER_RTIE    (1 << 4)    /* 0: receive timeout interrupt disable */

 * Define macros for UARTISR
 * UART Interrupt Status Register
#define UARTISR_IP          (1 << 0)    /* 0: interrupt is pending  1: no interrupt */
#define UARTISR_IID         (7 << 1)    /* Source of Interrupt */
#define UARTISR_IID_MSI     (0 << 1)    /* Modem status interrupt */
#define UARTISR_IID_THRI    (1 << 1)    /* Transmitter holding register empty */
#define UARTISR_IID_RDI     (2 << 1)    /* Receiver data interrupt */
#define UARTISR_IID_RLSI    (3 << 1)    /* Receiver line status interrupt */
#define UARTISR_FFMS        (3 << 6)    /* FIFO mode select, set when UARTFCR.FE is set to 1 */
#define UARTISR_FFMS_NO_FIFO    (0 << 6)
#define UARTISR_FFMS_FIFO_MODE  (3 << 6)

 * Define macros for UARTFCR
 * UART FIFO Control Register
#define UARTFCR_FE      (1 << 0)    /* 0: non-FIFO mode  1: FIFO mode */
#define UARTFCR_RFLS    (1 << 1)    /* write 1 to flush receive FIFO */
#define UARTFCR_TFLS    (1 << 2)    /* write 1 to flush transmit FIFO */
#define UARTFCR_DMS     (1 << 3)    /* 0: disable DMA mode */
#define UARTFCR_UUE     (1 << 4)    /* 0: disable UART */
#define UARTFCR_RTRG    (3 << 6)    /* Receive FIFO Data Trigger */
#define UARTFCR_RTRG_1  (0 << 6)
#define UARTFCR_RTRG_4  (1 << 6)
#define UARTFCR_RTRG_8  (2 << 6)
#define UARTFCR_RTRG_15 (3 << 6)

 * Define macros for UARTLCR
 * UART Line Control Register
#define UARTLCR_WLEN    (3 << 0)    /* word length */
#define UARTLCR_WLEN_5  (0 << 0)
#define UARTLCR_WLEN_6  (1 << 0)
#define UARTLCR_WLEN_7  (2 << 0)
#define UARTLCR_WLEN_8  (3 << 0)
#define UARTLCR_STOP    (1 << 2)    /* 0: 1 stop bit when word length is 5,6,7,8
                       1: 1.5 stop bits when 5; 2 stop bits when 6,7,8 */
#define UARTLCR_PE      (1 << 3)    /* 0: parity disable */
#define UARTLCR_PROE    (1 << 4)    /* 0: even parity  1: odd parity */
#define UARTLCR_SPAR    (1 << 5)    /* 0: sticky parity disable */
#define UARTLCR_SBRK    (1 << 6)    /* write 0 normal, write 1 send break */
#define UARTLCR_DLAB    (1 << 7)    /* 0: access UARTRDR/TDR/IER  1: access UARTDLLR/DLHR */

 * Define macros for UARTLSR
 * UART Line Status Register
#define UARTLSR_DR      (1 << 0)    /* 0: receive FIFO is empty  1: receive data is ready */
#define UARTLSR_ORER    (1 << 1)    /* 0: no overrun error */
#define UARTLSR_PER     (1 << 2)    /* 0: no parity error */
#define UARTLSR_FER     (1 << 3)    /* 0; no framing error */
#define UARTLSR_BRK     (1 << 4)    /* 0: no break detected  1: receive a break signal */
#define UARTLSR_TDRQ    (1 << 5)    /* 1: transmit FIFO half "empty" */
#define UARTLSR_TEMT    (1 << 6)    /* 1: transmit FIFO and shift registers empty */
#define UARTLSR_RFER    (1 << 7)    /* 0: no receive error  1: receive error in FIFO mode */

 * Define macros for UARTMCR
 * UART Modem Control Register
#define UARTMCR_DTR     (1 << 0)    /* 0: DTR_ ouput high */
#define UARTMCR_RTS     (1 << 1)    /* 0: RTS_ output high */
#define UARTMCR_OUT1    (1 << 2)    /* 0: UARTMSR.RI is set to 0 and RI_ input high */
#define UARTMCR_OUT2    (1 << 3)    /* 0: UARTMSR.DCD is set to 0 and DCD_ input high */
#define UARTMCR_LOOP    (1 << 4)    /* 0: normal  1: loopback mode */
#define UARTMCR_MCE     (1 << 7)    /* 0: modem function is disable */

 * Define macros for UARTMSR
 * UART Modem Status Register
#define UARTMSR_DCTS    (1 << 0)    /* 0: no change on CTS_ pin since last read of UARTMSR */
#define UARTMSR_DDSR    (1 << 1)    /* 0: no change on DSR_ pin since last read of UARTMSR */
#define UARTMSR_DRI     (1 << 2)    /* 0: no change on RI_ pin since last read of UARTMSR */
#define UARTMSR_DDCD    (1 << 3)    /* 0: no change on DCD_ pin since last read of UARTMSR */
#define UARTMSR_CTS     (1 << 4)    /* 0: CTS_ pin is high */
#define UARTMSR_DSR     (1 << 5)    /* 0: DSR_ pin is high */
#define UARTMSR_RI      (1 << 6)    /* 0: RI_ pin is high */
#define UARTMSR_DCD     (1 << 7)    /* 0: DCD_ pin is high */

 * Define macros for SIRCR
 * Slow IrDA Control Register
#define SIRCR_TSIRE (1 << 0)    /* 0: transmitter is in UART mode  1: IrDA mode */
#define SIRCR_RSIRE (1 << 1)    /* 0: receiver is in UART mode  1: IrDA mode */
#define SIRCR_TPWS  (1 << 2)    /* 0: transmit 0 pulse width is 3/16 of bit length
                                    1: 0 pulse width is 1.6us for 115.2Kbps */
#define SIRCR_TXPL  (1 << 3)    /* 0: encoder generates a positive pulse for 0 */
#define SIRCR_RXPL  (1 << 4)    /* 0: decoder interprets positive pulse as 0 */

void rt_hw_uart_init(void);

#endif /* _BOARD_UART_H_ */