If you compile Milvus from source, C++ SDK is already in `[Milvus root path]/sdk`. If you install Milvus from Docker images, you need to download the whole `sdk` folder to your host.
### Requirements
CMake 3.14 or higher
### Build C++ SDK
The C++ SDK source code is under milvus/sdk.
If you want to build sdk project, follow below steps:
You must build the C++ SDK before using it:
# build project
# build C++ SDK
$ cd[Milvus root path]/sdk
$ ./build.sh
### Try C++ example
Firstly, you need to start a Milvus server.
If you've already built the entire milvus project, just start Milvus server with the following command:
# start milvus server
$ cd[Milvus root path]/core
$ ./start_server.sh
You can also use Docker to start Milvus server:
# pull milvus docker image and start milvus server
$ docker pull milvusdb/milvus:latest
$ docker run --runtime=nvidia -p 19530:19530 -d milvusdb/milvus:latest
You must have a running Milvus server to try the C++ example. Refer to [Milvus Documentation](https://milvus.io/docs/guides/get_started/install_milvus/install_milvus.md) to learn how to install and run a Milvus server.