提交 63de154d 编写于 作者: G groot

MS-406 add table flag for meta

Former-commit-id: 27143ac6efd60a91722b8479e166222550c174c1
上级 41af24f1
address: # milvus server ip address
port: 19530 # the port milvus listen to, default: 19530, range: 1025 ~ 65534
gpu_index: 0 # the gpu milvus use, default: 0, range: 0 ~ gpu number - 1
mode: single # milvus deployment type: single, cluster, read_only
......@@ -7,44 +7,34 @@ server_config:
db_path: @MILVUS_DB_PATH@ # milvus data storage path
db_slave_path: # secondry data storage path, split by semicolon
parallel_reduce: false # use multi-threads to reduce topk result
parallel_reduce: false # use multi-threads to reduce topk result
# URI format: dialect://username:password@host:port/database
# All parts except dialect are optional, but you MUST include the delimiters
# Currently dialect supports mysql or sqlite
db_backend_url: sqlite://:@:/
index_building_threshold: 1024 # index building trigger threshold, default: 1024, unit: MB
archive_disk_threshold: 0 # triger archive action if storage size exceed this value, 0 means no limit, unit: GB
archive_days_threshold: 0 # files older than x days will be archived, 0 means no limit, unit: day
insert_buffer_size: 4 # maximum insert buffer size allowed, default: 4, unit: GB, should be at least 1 GB.
# the sum of insert_buffer_size and cpu_cache_capacity should be less than total memory, unit: GB
is_startup: off # if monitoring start: on, off
collector: prometheus # metrics collector: prometheus
prometheus_config: # following are prometheus configure
collect_type: pull # prometheus collect data method
port: 8080 # the port prometheus use to fetch metrics
push_gateway_ip_address: # push method configure: push gateway ip address
push_gateway_port: 9091 # push method configure: push gateway port
license_config: # license configure
license_path: "@MILVUS_DB_PATH@/system.license" # license file path
cache_config: # cache configure
cpu_cache_capacity: 16 # how many memory are used as cache, unit: GB, range: 0 ~ less than total memory
cpu_cache_free_percent: 0.85 # old data will be erased from cache when cache is full, this value specify how much memory should be kept, range: greater than zero ~ 1.0
insert_cache_immediately: false # insert data will be load into cache immediately for hot query
gpu_cache_capacity: 5 # how many memory are used as cache in gpu, unit: GB, RANGE: 0 ~ less than total memory
gpu_cache_free_percent: 0.85 # old data will be erased from cache when cache is full, this value specify how much memory should be kept, range: greater than zero ~ 1.0
gpu_ids: 0,1 # gpu id
is_startup: off # if monitoring start: on, off
collector: prometheus # metrics collector: prometheus
prometheus_config: # following are prometheus configure
port: 8080 # the port prometheus use to fetch metrics
push_gateway_ip_address: # push method configure: push gateway ip address
push_gateway_port: 9091 # push method configure: push gateway port
cpu_cache_capacity: 16 # how many memory are used as cache, unit: GB, range: 0 ~ less than total memory
cpu_cache_free_percent: 0.85 # old data will be erased from cache when cache is full, this value specify how much memory should be kept, range: greater than zero ~ 1.0
insert_cache_immediately: false # insert data will be load into cache immediately for hot query
gpu_cache_capacity: 5 # how many memory are used as cache in gpu, unit: GB, RANGE: 0 ~ less than total memory
gpu_cache_free_percent: 0.85 # old data will be erased from cache when cache is full, this value specify how much memory should be kept, range: greater than zero ~ 1.0
gpu_ids: 0,1 # gpu id
nprobe: 10
nlist: 16384
use_blas_threshold: 20
metric_type: L2 # compare vectors by euclidean distance(L2) or inner product(IP), optional: L2 or IP
omp_thread_num: 0 # how many compute threads be used by engine, 0 means use all cpu core to compute
metric_type: L2 # compare vectors by euclidean distance(L2) or inner product(IP), optional: L2 or IP
omp_thread_num: 0 # how many cpu cores be used by engine, 0 means use all cpu cores used
......@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ Status DBImpl::MergeFiles(const std::string& table_id, const meta::DateT& date,
ENGINE_LOG_DEBUG << "Merging file " << file_schema.file_id_;
index_size = index->Size();
if (index_size >= options_.index_trigger_size) break;
if (index_size >= file_schema.index_file_size_) break;
//step 3: serialize to disk
......@@ -585,6 +585,11 @@ Status DBImpl::CreateIndex(const std::string& table_id, const TableIndex& index)
//step 2: drop old index files
if(index.metric_type_ == (int)EngineType::FAISS_IDMAP) {
ENGINE_LOG_DEBUG << "index type = IDMAP, no need to build index";
return Status::OK();
//step 3: update index info
status = meta_ptr_->UpdateTableIndexParam(table_id, index);
......@@ -55,9 +55,8 @@ struct Options {
uint16_t memory_sync_interval = 1; //unit: second
uint16_t merge_trigger_number = 2;
size_t index_trigger_size = ONE_GB; //unit: byte
DBMetaOptions meta;
int mode = MODE::SINGLE;
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Status MemTableFile::Serialize() {
server::Metrics::GetInstance().DiskStoreIOSpeedGaugeSet((double) size / total_time);
table_file_schema_.file_type_ = (size >= options_.index_trigger_size) ?
table_file_schema_.file_type_ = (size >= table_file_schema_.index_file_size_) ?
meta::TableFileSchema::TO_INDEX : meta::TableFileSchema::RAW;
auto status = meta_->UpdateTableFile(table_file_schema_);
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace meta {
constexpr int32_t DEFAULT_ENGINE_TYPE = (int)EngineType::FAISS_IDMAP;
constexpr int32_t DEFAULT_NLIST = 16384;
constexpr int32_t DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE_SIZE = 1024*ONE_MB;
constexpr int32_t DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE_SIZE = ONE_GB;
constexpr int32_t DEFAULT_METRIC_TYPE = (int)MetricType::L2;
constexpr int64_t FLAG_MASK_USERID = 1;
......@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ struct TableFileSchema {
int64_t created_on_ = 0;
int32_t engine_type_ = DEFAULT_ENGINE_TYPE;
int32_t nlist_ = DEFAULT_NLIST; //not persist to meta
int32_t index_file_size_ = DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE_SIZE; //not persist to meta
int32_t metric_type_ = DEFAULT_METRIC_TYPE; //not persist to meta
}; // TableFileSchema
......@@ -853,6 +853,7 @@ Status MySQLMetaImpl::CreateTableFile(TableFileSchema &file_schema) {
file_schema.updated_time_ = file_schema.created_on_;
file_schema.engine_type_ = table_schema.engine_type_;
file_schema.nlist_ = table_schema.nlist_;
file_schema.index_file_size_ = table_schema.index_file_size_;
file_schema.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
utils::GetTableFilePath(options_, file_schema);
......@@ -967,8 +968,9 @@ Status MySQLMetaImpl::FilesToIndex(TableFilesSchema &files) {
groups[table_file.table_id_] = table_schema;
table_file.metric_type_ = groups[table_file.table_id_].metric_type_;
table_file.nlist_ = groups[table_file.table_id_].nlist_;
table_file.index_file_size_ = groups[table_file.table_id_].index_file_size_;
table_file.metric_type_ = groups[table_file.table_id_].metric_type_;
table_file.dimension_ = groups[table_file.table_id_].dimension_;
utils::GetTableFilePath(options_, table_file);
......@@ -1061,10 +1063,12 @@ Status MySQLMetaImpl::FilesToSearch(const std::string &table_id,
table_file.engine_type_ = resRow["engine_type"];
table_file.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
table_file.nlist_ = table_schema.nlist_;
table_file.index_file_size_ = table_schema.index_file_size_;
table_file.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
std::string file_id;
table_file.file_id_ = file_id;
......@@ -1173,10 +1177,12 @@ Status MySQLMetaImpl::FilesToSearch(const std::string &table_id,
table_file.engine_type_ = resRow["engine_type"];
table_file.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
table_file.nlist_ = table_schema.nlist_;
table_file.index_file_size_ = table_schema.index_file_size_;
table_file.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
std::string file_id;
table_file.file_id_ = file_id;
......@@ -1273,10 +1279,12 @@ Status MySQLMetaImpl::FilesToMerge(const std::string &table_id,
table_file.engine_type_ = resRow["engine_type"];
table_file.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
table_file.nlist_ = table_schema.nlist_;
table_file.index_file_size_ = table_schema.index_file_size_;
table_file.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
table_file.created_on_ = resRow["created_on"];
table_file.dimension_ = table_schema.dimension_;
......@@ -1356,10 +1364,12 @@ Status MySQLMetaImpl::GetTableFiles(const std::string &table_id,
file_schema.engine_type_ = resRow["engine_type"];
file_schema.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
file_schema.nlist_ = table_schema.nlist_;
file_schema.index_file_size_ = table_schema.index_file_size_;
file_schema.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
std::string file_id;
file_schema.file_id_ = file_id;
......@@ -566,6 +566,7 @@ Status SqliteMetaImpl::CreateTableFile(TableFileSchema &file_schema) {
file_schema.updated_time_ = file_schema.created_on_;
file_schema.engine_type_ = table_schema.engine_type_;
file_schema.nlist_ = table_schema.nlist_;
file_schema.index_file_size_ = table_schema.index_file_size_;
file_schema.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
//multi-threads call sqlite update may get exception('bad logic', etc), so we add a lock here
......@@ -626,8 +627,9 @@ Status SqliteMetaImpl::FilesToIndex(TableFilesSchema &files) {
groups[table_file.table_id_] = table_schema;
table_file.metric_type_ = groups[table_file.table_id_].metric_type_;
table_file.nlist_ = groups[table_file.table_id_].nlist_;
table_file.index_file_size_ = groups[table_file.table_id_].index_file_size_;
table_file.metric_type_ = groups[table_file.table_id_].metric_type_;
table_file.dimension_ = groups[table_file.table_id_].dimension_;
......@@ -721,9 +723,11 @@ Status SqliteMetaImpl::FilesToSearch(const std::string &table_id,
table_file.row_count_ = std::get<5>(file);
table_file.date_ = std::get<6>(file);
table_file.engine_type_ = std::get<7>(file);
table_file.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
table_file.nlist_ = table_schema.nlist_;
table_file.index_file_size_ = table_schema.index_file_size_;
table_file.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
table_file.dimension_ = table_schema.dimension_;
utils::GetTableFilePath(options_, table_file);
auto dateItr = files.find(table_file.date_);
if (dateItr == files.end()) {
......@@ -800,8 +804,10 @@ Status SqliteMetaImpl::FilesToSearch(const std::string &table_id,
table_file.date_ = std::get<6>(file);
table_file.engine_type_ = std::get<7>(file);
table_file.dimension_ = table_schema.dimension_;
table_file.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
table_file.nlist_ = table_schema.nlist_;
table_file.index_file_size_ = table_schema.index_file_size_;
table_file.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
utils::GetTableFilePath(options_, table_file);
auto dateItr = files.find(table_file.date_);
if (dateItr == files.end()) {
......@@ -860,8 +866,10 @@ Status SqliteMetaImpl::FilesToMerge(const std::string &table_id,
table_file.date_ = std::get<6>(file);
table_file.created_on_ = std::get<7>(file);
table_file.dimension_ = table_schema.dimension_;
table_file.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
table_file.nlist_ = table_schema.nlist_;
table_file.index_file_size_ = table_schema.index_file_size_;
table_file.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
utils::GetTableFilePath(options_, table_file);
auto dateItr = files.find(table_file.date_);
if (dateItr == files.end()) {
......@@ -910,8 +918,9 @@ Status SqliteMetaImpl::GetTableFiles(const std::string& table_id,
file_schema.row_count_ = std::get<4>(file);
file_schema.date_ = std::get<5>(file);
file_schema.engine_type_ = std::get<6>(file);
file_schema.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
file_schema.nlist_ = table_schema.nlist_;
file_schema.index_file_size_ = table_schema.index_file_size_;
file_schema.metric_type_ = table_schema.metric_type_;
file_schema.created_on_ = std::get<7>(file);
file_schema.dimension_ = table_schema.dimension_;
......@@ -27,19 +27,6 @@ DBWrapper::DBWrapper() {
std::string db_slave_path = db_config.GetValue(CONFIG_DB_SLAVE_PATH);
StringHelpFunctions::SplitStringByDelimeter(db_slave_path, ";", opt.meta.slave_paths);
int64_t index_size = db_config.GetInt64Value(CONFIG_DB_INDEX_TRIGGER_SIZE);
if(index_size > 0) {//ensure larger than zero, unit is MB
opt.index_trigger_size = (size_t)index_size * engine::ONE_MB;
int64_t insert_buffer_size = db_config.GetInt64Value(CONFIG_DB_INSERT_BUFFER_SIZE, 4);
if (insert_buffer_size >= 1) {
opt.insert_buffer_size = insert_buffer_size * engine::ONE_GB;
else {
std::cout << "ERROR: insert_buffer_size should be at least 1 GB" << std::endl;
kill(0, SIGUSR1);
// cache config
ConfigNode& cache_config = ServerConfig::GetInstance().GetConfig(CONFIG_CACHE);
opt.insert_cache_immediately_ = cache_config.GetBoolValue(CONFIG_INSERT_CACHE_IMMEDIATELY, false);
......@@ -79,19 +79,6 @@ ServerError ServerConfig::ValidateConfig() const {
uint64_t index_building_threshold = (uint64_t)db_config.GetInt32Value(CONFIG_DB_INDEX_TRIGGER_SIZE, 1024);
index_building_threshold *= MB;
size_t gpu_mem = 0;
ValidationUtil::GetGpuMemory(gpu_index, gpu_mem);
if(index_building_threshold >= gpu_mem) {
std::cout << "Error: index_building_threshold execeed gpu memory" << std::endl;
} else if(index_building_threshold >= gpu_mem/3) {
std::cout << "Warnning: index_building_threshold is greater than 1/3 of gpu memory, "
<< "some index type(such as IVFLAT) may cause cuda::bad_alloc() error" << std::endl;
//cache config validation
ConfigNode cache_config = GetConfig(CONFIG_CACHE);
uint64_t cache_cap = (uint64_t)cache_config.GetInt64Value(CONFIG_CPU_CACHE_CAPACITY, 16);
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ static const char* CONFIG_DB = "db_config";
static const char* CONFIG_DB_URL = "db_backend_url";
static const char* CONFIG_DB_PATH = "db_path";
static const char* CONFIG_DB_SLAVE_PATH = "db_slave_path";
static const char* CONFIG_DB_INDEX_TRIGGER_SIZE = "index_building_threshold";
static const char* CONFIG_DB_ARCHIVE_DISK = "archive_disk_threshold";
static const char* CONFIG_DB_ARCHIVE_DAYS = "archive_days_threshold";
static const char* CONFIG_DB_INSERT_BUFFER_SIZE = "insert_buffer_size";
......@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ metric_config:
is_startup: off # if monitoring start: on, off
collector: prometheus # metrics collector: prometheus
prometheus_config: # following are prometheus configure
collect_type: pull # prometheus collect data method
port: 8080 # the port prometheus use to fetch metrics
push_gateway_ip_address: # push method configure: push gateway ip address
push_gateway_port: 9091 # push method configure: push gateway port
......@@ -135,12 +135,6 @@ TEST(ConfigTest, SERVER_CONFIG_TEST) {
err = config.ValidateConfig();
size_t index_building_threshold = (gpu_mem + 1*MB)/MB;
err = config.ValidateConfig();
insert_buffer_size = total_mem/GB + 2;
db_config.SetValue(server::CONFIG_DB_INSERT_BUFFER_SIZE, std::to_string(insert_buffer_size));
err = config.ValidateConfig();
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