提交 25e49ef1 编写于 作者: S starlord

fix merge conflict

Former-commit-id: acef793c9eda6bcc62fc6391e49e5935612049af
......@@ -8,11 +8,12 @@ Please mark all change in change log and use the ticket from JIRA.
## Improvement
- \#64 - Improvement dump function in scheduler
- \#80 - Print version information into log during server start
- \#82 - Move easyloggingpp into "external" directory
## Feature
## Task
# Milvus 0.5.0 (TODO)
# Milvus 0.5.0 (2019-10-21)
## Bug
- MS-568 - Fix gpuresource free error
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- [Slack Community](https://join.slack.com/t/milvusio/shared_invite/enQtNzY1OTQ0NDI3NjMzLWNmYmM1NmNjOTQ5MGI5NDhhYmRhMGU5M2NhNzhhMDMzY2MzNDdlYjM5ODQ5MmE3ODFlYzU3YjJkNmVlNDQ2ZTk)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/milvusio)
......@@ -13,34 +15,49 @@
# Welcome to Milvus
Firstly, welcome, and thanks for your interest in [Milvus](https://milvus.io)! ​​No matter who you are, what you do, we greatly appreciate your contribution to help us reinvent data science with Milvus.​ :beers:
## What is Milvus
Milvus is an open source vector search engine which provides state-of-the-art similarity search and analysis for billion-scale feature vectors.
Milvus is an open source similarity search engine for massive feature vectors. Designed with heterogeneous computing architecture for the best cost efficiency. Searches over billion-scale vectors take only milliseconds with minimum computing resources.
Milvus provides stable Python, Java and C++ APIs.
Keep up-to-date with newest releases and latest updates by reading Milvus [release notes](https://milvus.io/docs/en/Releases/v0.4.0/).
Keep up-to-date with newest releases and latest updates by reading Milvus [release notes](https://milvus.io/docs/en/Releases/v0.5.0/).
- GPU-accelerated search engine
- Heterogeneous computing
Milvus uses CPU/GPU heterogeneous computing architecture to process feature vectors, and are orders of magnitudes faster than traditional databases.
Milvus is designed with heterogeneous computing architecture for the best performance and cost efficiency.
- Various indexes
- Multiple indexes
Milvus supports quantization indexing, tree-based indexing, and graph indexing algorithms.
Milvus supports a variety of indexing types that employs quantization, tree-based, and graph indexing techniques.
- Intelligent scheduling
- Intelligent resource management
Milvus optimizes the search computation and index building according to your data size and available resources.
Milvus automatically adapts search computation and index building processes based on your datasets and available resources.
- Horizontal scalability
Milvus expands computation and storage by adding nodes during runtime, which allows you to scale the data size without redesigning the system.
Milvus supports online / offline expansion to scale both storage and computation resources with simple commands.
- High availability
Milvus is integrated with Kubernetes framework so that all single point of failures could be avoided.
- High compatibility
Milvus is compatible with almost all deep learning models and major programming languages such as Python, Java and C++, etc.
- Ease of use
Milvus can be easily installed in a few steps and enables you to exclusively focus on feature vectors.
- Visualized monitor
You can track system performance on Prometheus-based GUI monitor dashboards.
## Architecture
## Get started
......@@ -117,20 +134,20 @@ To edit Milvus settings in `conf/server_config.yaml` and `conf/log_config.conf`,
#### Run Python example code
Make sure [Python 3.4](https://www.python.org/downloads/) or higher is already installed and in use.
Make sure [Python 3.5](https://www.python.org/downloads/) or higher is already installed and in use.
Install Milvus Python SDK.
# Install Milvus Python SDK
$ pip install pymilvus==0.2.0
$ pip install pymilvus==0.2.3
Create a new file `example.py`, and add [Python example code](https://github.com/milvus-io/pymilvus/blob/master/examples/AdvancedExample.py) to it.
Run the example code.
# Run Milvus Python example
$ python3 example.py
......@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ ${LCOV_CMD} -r "${FILE_INFO_OUTPUT}" -o "${FILE_INFO_OUTPUT_NEW}" \
"*/src/server/Server.cpp" \
"*/src/server/DBWrapper.cpp" \
"*/src/server/grpc_impl/GrpcServer.cpp" \
"*/src/utils/easylogging++.h" \
"*/src/external/easyloggingpp/easylogging++.h" \
# gen html report
# ${LCOV_GEN_CMD} "${FILE_INFO_OUTPUT_NEW}" --output-directory ${DIR_LCOV_OUTPUT}/
#Configuration File for CodeCov
precision: 2
round: down
range: "70...100"
project: on
patch: yes
changes: no
layout: "header, diff, changes, tree"
behavior: default
......@@ -6,4 +6,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -121,8 +121,9 @@ ${LCOV_CMD} -r "${FILE_INFO_OUTPUT}" -o "${FILE_INFO_OUTPUT_NEW}" \
"*/src/server/Server.cpp" \
"*/src/server/DBWrapper.cpp" \
"*/src/server/grpc_impl/GrpcServer.cpp" \
"*/src/utils/easylogging++.h" \
"*/src/external/easyloggingpp/easylogging++.h" \
"*/src/external/easyloggingpp/easylogging++.cc" \
# gen html report
${LCOV_GEN_CMD} "${FILE_INFO_OUTPUT_NEW}" --output-directory ${DIR_LCOV_OUTPUT}/
......@@ -64,6 +64,13 @@ set(scheduler_files
aux_source_directory(${MILVUS_ENGINE_SRC}/external/easyloggingpp external_easyloggingpp_files)
aux_source_directory(${MILVUS_ENGINE_SRC}/external/nlohmann external_nlohmann_files)
aux_source_directory(${MILVUS_ENGINE_SRC}/server server_files)
aux_source_directory(${MILVUS_ENGINE_SRC}/server/grpc_impl grpc_server_files)
aux_source_directory(${MILVUS_ENGINE_SRC}/utils utils_files)
......@@ -77,6 +84,7 @@ set(engine_files
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "utils/easylogging++.h"
#include "external/easyloggingpp/easylogging++.h"
namespace knowhere {
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ set(basic_libs
......@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
#include <string>
#include "../version.h"
#include "external/easyloggingpp/easylogging++.h"
#include "metrics/Metrics.h"
#include "server/Server.h"
#include "utils/CommonUtil.h"
#include "utils/SignalUtil.h"
#include "utils/easylogging++.h"
......@@ -307,71 +307,71 @@ XSearchTask::MergeTopkToResultSet(const std::vector<int64_t>& input_ids, const s
XSearchTask::MergeTopkArray(std::vector<int64_t>& tar_ids, std::vector<float>& tar_distance, uint64_t& tar_input_k,
const std::vector<int64_t>& src_ids, const std::vector<float>& src_distance,
uint64_t src_input_k, uint64_t nq, uint64_t topk, bool ascending) {
if (src_ids.empty() || src_distance.empty()) {
uint64_t output_k = std::min(topk, tar_input_k + src_input_k);
std::vector<int64_t> id_buf(nq * output_k, -1);
std::vector<float> dist_buf(nq * output_k, 0.0);
uint64_t buf_k, src_k, tar_k;
uint64_t src_idx, tar_idx, buf_idx;
uint64_t src_input_k_multi_i, tar_input_k_multi_i, buf_k_multi_i;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < nq; i++) {
src_input_k_multi_i = src_input_k * i;
tar_input_k_multi_i = tar_input_k * i;
buf_k_multi_i = output_k * i;
buf_k = src_k = tar_k = 0;
while (buf_k < output_k && src_k < src_input_k && tar_k < tar_input_k) {
src_idx = src_input_k_multi_i + src_k;
tar_idx = tar_input_k_multi_i + tar_k;
buf_idx = buf_k_multi_i + buf_k;
if ((ascending && src_distance[src_idx] < tar_distance[tar_idx]) ||
(!ascending && src_distance[src_idx] > tar_distance[tar_idx])) {
id_buf[buf_idx] = src_ids[src_idx];
dist_buf[buf_idx] = src_distance[src_idx];
} else {
id_buf[buf_idx] = tar_ids[tar_idx];
dist_buf[buf_idx] = tar_distance[tar_idx];
if (buf_k < output_k) {
if (src_k < src_input_k) {
while (buf_k < output_k && src_k < src_input_k) {
src_idx = src_input_k_multi_i + src_k;
buf_idx = buf_k_multi_i + buf_k;
id_buf[buf_idx] = src_ids[src_idx];
dist_buf[buf_idx] = src_distance[src_idx];
} else {
while (buf_k < output_k && tar_k < tar_input_k) {
tar_idx = tar_input_k_multi_i + tar_k;
buf_idx = buf_k_multi_i + buf_k;
id_buf[buf_idx] = tar_ids[tar_idx];
dist_buf[buf_idx] = tar_distance[tar_idx];
tar_input_k = output_k;
// void
// XSearchTask::MergeTopkArray(std::vector<int64_t>& tar_ids, std::vector<float>& tar_distance, uint64_t& tar_input_k,
// const std::vector<int64_t>& src_ids, const std::vector<float>& src_distance,
// uint64_t src_input_k, uint64_t nq, uint64_t topk, bool ascending) {
// if (src_ids.empty() || src_distance.empty()) {
// return;
// }
// uint64_t output_k = std::min(topk, tar_input_k + src_input_k);
// std::vector<int64_t> id_buf(nq * output_k, -1);
// std::vector<float> dist_buf(nq * output_k, 0.0);
// uint64_t buf_k, src_k, tar_k;
// uint64_t src_idx, tar_idx, buf_idx;
// uint64_t src_input_k_multi_i, tar_input_k_multi_i, buf_k_multi_i;
// for (uint64_t i = 0; i < nq; i++) {
// src_input_k_multi_i = src_input_k * i;
// tar_input_k_multi_i = tar_input_k * i;
// buf_k_multi_i = output_k * i;
// buf_k = src_k = tar_k = 0;
// while (buf_k < output_k && src_k < src_input_k && tar_k < tar_input_k) {
// src_idx = src_input_k_multi_i + src_k;
// tar_idx = tar_input_k_multi_i + tar_k;
// buf_idx = buf_k_multi_i + buf_k;
// if ((ascending && src_distance[src_idx] < tar_distance[tar_idx]) ||
// (!ascending && src_distance[src_idx] > tar_distance[tar_idx])) {
// id_buf[buf_idx] = src_ids[src_idx];
// dist_buf[buf_idx] = src_distance[src_idx];
// src_k++;
// } else {
// id_buf[buf_idx] = tar_ids[tar_idx];
// dist_buf[buf_idx] = tar_distance[tar_idx];
// tar_k++;
// }
// buf_k++;
// }
// if (buf_k < output_k) {
// if (src_k < src_input_k) {
// while (buf_k < output_k && src_k < src_input_k) {
// src_idx = src_input_k_multi_i + src_k;
// buf_idx = buf_k_multi_i + buf_k;
// id_buf[buf_idx] = src_ids[src_idx];
// dist_buf[buf_idx] = src_distance[src_idx];
// src_k++;
// buf_k++;
// }
// } else {
// while (buf_k < output_k && tar_k < tar_input_k) {
// tar_idx = tar_input_k_multi_i + tar_k;
// buf_idx = buf_k_multi_i + buf_k;
// id_buf[buf_idx] = tar_ids[tar_idx];
// dist_buf[buf_idx] = tar_distance[tar_idx];
// tar_k++;
// buf_k++;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// tar_ids.swap(id_buf);
// tar_distance.swap(dist_buf);
// tar_input_k = output_k;
} // namespace scheduler
} // namespace milvus
......@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ class XSearchTask : public Task {
MergeTopkToResultSet(const std::vector<int64_t>& input_ids, const std::vector<float>& input_distance,
uint64_t input_k, uint64_t nq, uint64_t topk, bool ascending, scheduler::ResultSet& result);
static void
MergeTopkArray(std::vector<int64_t>& tar_ids, std::vector<float>& tar_distance, uint64_t& tar_input_k,
const std::vector<int64_t>& src_ids, const std::vector<float>& src_distance, uint64_t src_input_k,
uint64_t nq, uint64_t topk, bool ascending);
// static void
// MergeTopkArray(std::vector<int64_t>& tar_ids, std::vector<float>& tar_distance, uint64_t& tar_input_k,
// const std::vector<int64_t>& src_ids, const std::vector<float>& src_distance, uint64_t
// src_input_k, uint64_t nq, uint64_t topk, bool ascending);
TableFileSchemaPtr file_;
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "utils/easylogging++.h"
#include "external/easyloggingpp/easylogging++.h"
namespace milvus {
......@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
#pragma once
#include "external/easyloggingpp/easylogging++.h"
#include "utils/Status.h"
#include "utils/easylogging++.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
......@@ -60,6 +60,13 @@ set(scheduler_files
aux_source_directory(${MILVUS_ENGINE_SRC}/external/easyloggingpp external_easyloggingpp_files)
aux_source_directory(${MILVUS_ENGINE_SRC}/external/nlohmann external_nlohmann_files)
aux_source_directory(${MILVUS_ENGINE_SRC}/server server_files)
aux_source_directory(${MILVUS_ENGINE_SRC}/server/grpc_impl grpc_server_files)
aux_source_directory(${MILVUS_ENGINE_SRC}/utils utils_files)
......@@ -74,7 +81,7 @@ set(helper_files
......@@ -85,6 +92,7 @@ set(common_files
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include "utils/easylogging++.h"
#include "external/easyloggingpp/easylogging++.h"
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ set(wrapper_files
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "utils/easylogging++.h"
#include "external/easyloggingpp/easylogging++.h"
#include "wrapper/VecIndex.h"
#include "knowhere/index/vector_index/helpers/FaissGpuResourceMgr.h"
#include "knowhere/index/vector_index/helpers/IndexParameter.h"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -50,8 +50,7 @@ class TestAddBase:
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
ret = connect.has_table(table)
assert ret == True
assert assert_has_table(connect, table)
def test_delete_table_add_vector(self, connect, table):
......@@ -618,8 +617,7 @@ class TestAddIP:
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
ret = connect.has_table(ip_table)
assert ret == True
assert assert_has_table(connect, ip_table)
def test_delete_table_add_vector(self, connect, ip_table):
......@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ class TestTable:
expected: status ok, and no table in tables
status = connect.delete_table(table)
assert not connect.has_table(table)
assert not assert_has_table(connect, table)
def test_delete_table_ip(self, connect, ip_table):
......@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ class TestTable:
expected: status ok, and no table in tables
status = connect.delete_table(ip_table)
assert not connect.has_table(ip_table)
assert not assert_has_table(connect, ip_table)
def test_table_delete_without_connection(self, table, dis_connect):
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ class TestTable:
status = connect.delete_table(table_name)
assert not connect.has_table(table_name)
assert not assert_has_table(connect, table_name)
def test_delete_create_table_repeatedly(self, connect):
......@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ class TestTable:
def deletetable(milvus):
status = milvus.delete_table(table)
# assert not status.code==0
assert milvus.has_table(table)
assert assert_has_table(milvus, table)
assert status.OK()
for i in range(process_num):
......@@ -411,11 +411,10 @@ class TestTable:
def delete(connect,ids):
i = 0
while i < loop_num:
# assert connect.has_table(table[ids*8+i])
status = connect.delete_table(table[ids*process_num+i])
assert status.OK()
assert not connect.has_table(table[ids*process_num+i])
assert not assert_has_table(connect, table[ids*process_num+i])
i = i + 1
for i in range(process_num):
......@@ -444,7 +443,7 @@ class TestTable:
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
assert connect.has_table(table_name)
assert assert_has_table(connect, table_name)
def test_has_table_ip(self, connect):
......@@ -458,7 +457,7 @@ class TestTable:
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.IP}
assert connect.has_table(table_name)
assert assert_has_table(connect, table_name)
def test_has_table_without_connection(self, table, dis_connect):
......@@ -468,7 +467,7 @@ class TestTable:
expected: has table raise exception
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
status = dis_connect.has_table(table)
assert_has_table(dis_connect, table)
def test_has_table_not_existed(self, connect):
......@@ -478,7 +477,7 @@ class TestTable:
expected: False
table_name = gen_unique_str("test_table")
assert not connect.has_table(table_name)
assert not assert_has_table(connect, table_name)
......@@ -700,7 +699,7 @@ class TestCreateTableDimInvalid(object):
'dimension': dimension,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
if isinstance(dimension, int) and dimension > 0:
if isinstance(dimension, int):
status = connect.create_table(param)
assert not status.OK()
......@@ -778,7 +777,7 @@ def preload_table(connect, **params):
return status
def has(connect, **params):
status = connect.has_table(params["table_name"])
status = assert_has_table(connect, params["table_name"])
return status
def show(connect, **params):
......@@ -462,6 +462,11 @@ def gen_simple_index_params():
return gen_params(index_types, nlists)
def assert_has_table(conn, table_name):
status, ok = conn.has_table(table_name)
return status.OK() and ok
if __name__ == "__main__":
import numpy
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