提交 5917daf3 编写于 作者: O overlordmax

fix some bug

上级 16a48fc4
# fibinet
├── data #样例数据
├── sample_data
├── train
├── sample_train.txt
├── download.sh
├── run.sh
├── get_slot_data.py
├── __init__.py
├── README.md # 文档
├── model.py #模型文件
├── config.yaml #配置文件
## 简介
[《FiBiNET: Combining Feature Importance and Bilinear feature Interaction for Click-Through Rate Prediction》]( https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.09433.pdf)是新浪微博机器学习团队发表在RecSys19上的一篇论文,文章指出当前的许多通过特征组合进行CTR预估的工作主要使用特征向量的内积或哈达玛积来计算交叉特征,这种方法忽略了特征本身的重要程度。提出通过使用Squeeze-Excitation network (SENET) 结构动态学习特征的重要性以及使用一个双线性函数来更好的建模交叉特征。
## 数据下载及预处理
数据地址:[Criteo]( https://fleet.bj.bcebos.com/ctr_data.tar.gz)
## 环境
PaddlePaddle 1.7.2
## 单机训练
# select runner by name
mode: [single_cpu_train, single_cpu_infer]
# config of each runner.
# runner is a kind of paddle training class, which wraps the train/infer process.
- name: single_cpu_train
class: train
# num of epochs
epochs: 4
# device to run training or infer
device: cpu
save_checkpoint_interval: 2 # save model interval of epochs
save_inference_interval: 4 # save inference
save_checkpoint_path: "increment_model" # save checkpoint path
save_inference_path: "inference" # save inference path
save_inference_feed_varnames: [] # feed vars of save inference
save_inference_fetch_varnames: [] # fetch vars of save inference
init_model_path: "" # load model path
print_interval: 10
phases: [phase1]
## 单机预测
- name: single_cpu_infer
class: infer
# num of epochs
epochs: 1
# device to run training or infer
device: cpu #选择预测的设备
init_model_path: "increment_dnn" # load model path
phases: [phase2]
## 运行
python -m paddlerec.run -m paddlerec.models.rank.fibinet
## 模型效果
I0622 19:25:12.142271 344 parallel_executor.cc:440] The Program will be executed on CPU using ParallelExecutor, 1 cards are used, so 1 programs are executed in parallel.
I0622 19:25:12.673106 344 build_strategy.cc:365] SeqOnlyAllReduceOps:0, num_trainers:1
I0622 19:25:17.203287 344 parallel_executor.cc:307] Inplace strategy is enabled, when build_strategy.enable_inplace = True
I0622 19:25:17.684131 344 parallel_executor.cc:375] Garbage collection strategy is enabled, when FLAGS_eager_delete_tensor_gb = 0
batch: 10, AUC: [0.52777778], BATCH_AUC: [0.52777778]
batch: 20, AUC: [0.51836735], BATCH_AUC: [0.45098039]
batch: 30, AUC: [0.30978261], BATCH_AUC: [0.23214286]
epoch 0 done, use time: 11.074166536331177
batch: 10, AUC: [0.44592593], BATCH_AUC: [0.74294671]
batch: 20, AUC: [0.52282609], BATCH_AUC: [0.83333333]
batch: 30, AUC: [0.5210356], BATCH_AUC: [0.91071429]
epoch 1 done, use time: 4.212069749832153
batch: 10, AUC: [0.60075758], BATCH_AUC: [0.89184953]
batch: 20, AUC: [0.64758769], BATCH_AUC: [1.]
batch: 30, AUC: [0.68684476], BATCH_AUC: [1.]
epoch 2 done, use time: 4.276938438415527
batch: 10, AUC: [0.75172139], BATCH_AUC: [1.]
batch: 20, AUC: [0.77915815], BATCH_AUC: [1.]
batch: 30, AUC: [0.81179181], BATCH_AUC: [1.]
epoch 3 done, use time: 4.278341770172119
PaddleRec Finish
load persistables from increment_model/3
batch: 20, AUC: [0.86578715], BATCH_AUC: [1.]
Infer phase2 of 3 done, use time: 13.813123941421509
load persistables from increment_model/1
batch: 20, AUC: [0.6480309], BATCH_AUC: [1.]
Infer phase2 of 1 done, use time: 13.001627922058105
PaddleRec Finish
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