名称 最后提交 最后更新
details Extract DevPtrCast to device_ptr_cast.h
dynload unify the indentation of license
.clang-format Use Google Style in new directories
CMakeLists.txt Merge branch 'develop' of upstream into profiler_tool
assert.h Make paddle/framework buildable and passed
call_once.h unify the indentation of license
cpu_info.cc Follow comments
cpu_info.h ENH: Add buddy allocator Free
cpu_info_test.cc ENH: Polish cpu info interface
cuda_helper.h Feature/support int64 for sum (#5832)
cuda_profiler.h Refine CUDA profiler and delete the test file.
cudnn_helper.h Conv cudnn 3d (#5783)
cudnn_helper_test.cc add cudnn 3d unit test
device_context.cc "remove cudnn devicecontext" (#7207)
device_context.h "remove cudnn devicecontext" (#7207)
device_context_test.cu "remove cudnn devicecontext" (#7207)
enforce.cc Make enforce target (#5889)
enforce.h Feature/operator run place (#6783)
enforce_test.cc Use PADDLE_WITH_CUDA instead of PADDLE_WITH_GPU
for_range.h fix some warning
gpu_info.cc "remove GPU Sync Interface" (#6793)
gpu_info.h "remove GPU Sync Interface" (#6793)
hostdevice.h fix framework::LoDTensor => Tensor
macros.h format
nccl_test.cu Rename API of DeviceContext (#7055)
place.cc unify the indentation of license
place.h Add API for HasNAN HasInf
place_test.cc remove unused place (#6972)
profiler.cc Remove unused included header gflags
profiler.h Remove the redundant switch case statement
profiler_test.cc Fix bad_alloc bug & refine code in profiler
transform.h unify the indentation of license
transform_test.cu unify the indentation of license
variant.h unify the indentation of license


PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)

:rocket: Github 镜像仓库 :rocket:

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贡献者 233



  • C++ 47.1 %
  • Python 43.6 %
  • Cuda 7.0 %
  • CMake 1.1 %
  • Shell 0.7 %
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