名称 最后提交 最后更新
layers Merge pull request #11497 from tensor-tang/doc
tests Merge pull request #11364 from jshower/develop
transpiler enhance memory optimization transpiler to support user defined skip_opt_set (#11372)
.gitignore Fix CI and enhance gitignore
__init__.py Merge branch 'develop' into mkldnn
average.py Feature/metrics (#9791)
backward.py Fix bug
clip.py Add op role
concurrency.py Add in is_copy attribute to SelectCase. (#9393)
data_feeder.py ADD CPU_NUM
debugger.py change name debuger to debugger (#10949)
default_scope_funcs.py replace paddle.v2.fluid by paddle.fluid in tests
evaluator.py Enhance detection_map_op and more check in prior_box API. (#10796)
executor.py Big data op_test benchmark, for checking output consistent in different runs. (#10646)
framework.py small fix
graphviz.py Fix debuger bugs. (#9705)
inferencer.py Use for_test=True in the Fluid Trainer to clone the test program (#11323)
initializer.py Adjust
io.py remove chief
layer_helper.py initial commit (#10387)
lod_tensor.py Add create LoDTensor from list option and simplify recommender book example (#10946)
metrics.py revert CompositeMetric::add_metric
net_drawer.py replace paddle.v2.fluid by paddle.fluid in tests
nets.py make bn inplace in img_conv_group by default
op.py replace paddle.v2.fluid by paddle.fluid in tests
optimizer.py Merge pull request #10656 from reyoung/feature/support_op_role
parallel_executor.py replace use_event with use_cuda, because use_event means the program running with CUDA, so use_cuda maybe more intuitive.
param_attr.py Fix some issues.
profiler.py clean up
recordio_writer.py use open_files reader to read multiple files
regularizer.py Add op role
trainer.py Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:PaddlePaddle/Paddle into new_api_about_cpkt
unique_name.py move Fluid API code out of V2 API code


PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)

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贡献者 233



  • C++ 47.1 %
  • Python 43.6 %
  • Cuda 7.0 %
  • CMake 1.1 %
  • Shell 0.7 %