Created with Raphaël 2.2.029Jan282726252221201918171615141312111098765431Dec302928272625242322212019181716151411update readme links (#30756)[ROCM] update fluid platform for rocm35 (part1), test=develop (#30639)A fix for oneDNN matmul kernel. Fixes issue #30309 (#30723)Fix python3 incompatibility issues (#30698)add readme in whl package (#30726)Dev/fix ascend string (#30749)fixed compilation error on gcc 4.8.x due to the usage of isfinite (#30733)【Paddle.Fleet】Fix brpc get hostname (#30703)Split unittest. (#30727)fix bugs in transformer predict in xpu place (#30730)update gather_tree doc (#30693)upgrade gather_tree to core.ops (#30697)REUPLOAD Added vanilla LSTM and LSTM with peepholes oneDNN fp32 kernel (#30719)[Kunlun] fix dead lock for exec_op_count_ (#30718)- Disabling oneDNN inplace pass (#30588) (#30710)fix compilation on ascend-20.1 (#30722)[Dy2Stat] Fix error message when the message has more than one lines. (#30714)modified conv+bn fuse pass to fix wrong mask in mask rcnn (#30704)Revert "Added vanilla LSTM and LSTM with peepholes oneDNN fp32 kernel (#30661)" (#30708)update, test=develop (#30692)Added vanilla LSTM and LSTM with peepholes oneDNN fp32 kernel (#30661)polish printing dtype (#30682)More precise mkldnn kernel rules in GetExpectedKernelType (#29840)fix test_gen_nccl_id_op failed (#30686)test=develop, fix nonzero astuple=true (#30647)post quantize support insert fake_quantize_dequantize node before the OPs that will be used in VIS's faceid models (#30659)test=develop, fix test_lookahead (#30677)[ROCM] update eigen cmake and patch, test=develop (#30602)[oneDNN] Cache oneDNN stream not to recreate in each oneDNN op (#30358)add DLA support:C++&&Python api (#30165)remove PrettyTable dependence from paddle.flops (#30675)fix abs bug and add abs test case (#30637)clean dockerfile (#30650)[Feature] Build parser to support distributed training (#30658)set WITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST=ON on Windows with GPU (#30090)extend trt ut timeout threshold (#30633)delete the lite meta info because of ccache, test=develop (#30644)Fix scatter grad bug (#30604)cleanup (#30646)Add startup bash files of test_ascend_group. (#30645)
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