Created with Raphaël 2.2.022Feb201918111098765432129Jan282726252221201918171615141312111098765431Dec30292827262524add optional for param attr args, test=document_fix (#31105)change fleet reviewer (#31069) (#31086)add npu kernel for elementwise_sub and elementwise_sub_grad (#30973)[Cherry-pick]add offset parameter in roi_align,generate_proposals.etc ops (#31030)[ROCM] update fluid imperative for rocm (part1), test=develop (#31017)update paddle_fluid.so to paddle_inference.so (#30850) (#31076)fix the bug in backward OP of index_sample. (#31026)Remove PE special profiler (#30886)[CustomOp] Add more dispatch marco for users (#31058)Fix reshape on GE graph. (#31084)add squeeze_op/unsqueeze_op on kunlun;fix conv op and parallel executor;optimize lookup_table op (#31056)test=develop, save/load, shrink (#30625)export paddle.static.normalize_program method. (#31072)bug fix of xpu lite engine, test=develop (#30918) (#31046)hide useless headers and add complex support (#31074)update paddle_fluid.so to paddle_inference.so (#30850)change fleet reviewer (#31069)[static setitem] Support the index is Tensor; step>1; step<0 .(#30949)add detail about states index in rnn result, test=document_fix (#31048) (#31073)[ROCM] update fluid inference for rocm (part1), test=develop (#31018)add detail about states index in rnn result, test=document_fix (#31048)[cherry pick] dataloader fix (#31028)Fix that convert_var_shape doesn't support slice like [0:], test=develop (#31051)Added reshape grad bf16 (#31035)[CustomOp] Refine name argument in setup (#31049)[Cherry-pick][Dy2stat] Add Support for Tuple in Loop and Refine Error Message (#31036)cherry-pick pr (#31043)[CustomOp] Support output dtypes in generated Python API (#31045)Modify relu native implementation 2 (#30996)Remove scale loss before reduce in dygraph (#30807)fix python pass builder error. (#30946)fix jetson problem (#30939)update trt error message when input height or width is -1 (#31019)resolve memory leak in cudnn8.0 (#31029)fix dataloader collate return list mix tensor and numpy array (#30904)add offset parameter in roi_align,generate_proposals.etc ops (#30864)fix regex error & simplify marco name (#31031)enable exhaustive_search for forward and backward algos when dtype is float16 (#30959)add trt transpose and flatten converter (#31022)[CustomOp] Support Compile multi ops at same time (#30920)
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