1. 19 9月, 2019 9 次提交
    • F
      hide with inference optim API (#17355) · fe18cfdb
      flame 提交于
    • A
      Remove constraint that last dimension is forced to be 1 in cross_entropy (#19606) · b125e327
      Aurelius84 提交于
      * Remove constraint that last dimension is forced to be 1 in cross_entropy
      * modify labels last dims test=develop
    • G
      change _origin_program test=develop (#19863) · e8d3745c
      gongweibao 提交于
      change _origin_program test=develop
    • W
      add precise roi pooling op test=develop (#18960) · a7c440d3
      wopeizl 提交于
      * add precise roi pooling op test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * detail the description test=develop
      * test=develop
      * elaborate the doc for return type test=develop
      * test=develop
    • Y
      Add a pass to fuse fc+elementwise_add+layernorm (#19776) · 3cd985a6
      Yiqun Liu 提交于
      * Add fc_elementwise_layernorm_fuse pass and unittest.
      * Add fused_fc_elementwise_layernorm op and its GPU kernel.
      * Apply fc_elementwise_layernorm_fuse_pass to GPU inference.
      * Add the setting of attrs in the definition of binary_op.
      * Add comment.
      * Implement the unittest.
      * Change the unittest name of layer_norm.
    • W
      distribute.launch use poll to query subprocess (#19853) · 8c2c8dc6
      WangXi 提交于
      distribute.launch use poll to query subprocess
    • C
      Disable test_dygraph_mnist_fp16.py (#19844) · 8e927327
      chengduo 提交于
      * Fix std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Tensor& t)
      * Fix test_dygraph_mnist_fp16
      * disable test_dygraph_mnist_fp16
      * revert tensor_util.cc fix
    • J
      Optimize amp for multi-gpu to enable FP16 gradients transfer across gpus. (#19714) · d9db94d7
      Jie Fang 提交于
      Optimize amp for multi-gpu to enable FP16 gradients transfer across gpus
    • W
      Strided slice (#19642) · 47af618f
      wangchaochaohu 提交于
      * strided_slice op basic function test=develop
      * test=develop rewrite and fix
      * fix bug test=develop
      * fix for the PADDLE_ENFORCE usage
      * add some unit testw
      * fix for the aip  test and copright and fix test=develop
      * fix API.spec test=develop
      * fix API.spec test=develop
      * add axis parameter test=develop
      * fix for the build error test=develop
      * fix python api  test=develop
      * fix the build test=develop
      * fix build test=develop
      * fix API spec test=develop
      * test=develop add some comment and single op test
      * fix API spece test=develop
      * fix test=develop
      * fix test=develop
      * fix api test=develop
      * fix api test=develop
      * fix API.spec test=develop
      * fix typo test=develop
      * fix API.spec test=develop
      * fix API typo test=develop
      * fix doc and API.spec test=develop
  2. 18 9月, 2019 6 次提交
  3. 17 9月, 2019 13 次提交
    • C
      add deformable conv v1 op and cpu version of deformable conv v2 (#18500) · 00efd1d8
      chengjuntao 提交于
      * add deformable conv v1 op, test=develop
    • C
      Add fp16 support for dygraph (#19828) · b99fc38c
      chengduo 提交于
      * Add fp16 support for dygraph
      * Add unit test
    • L
      Enhance OpTest to support double grad inplace check (#19826) · 5fbf03d6
      Leo Chen 提交于
      * update OpTest to support double grad inplace check, test=develop
      * keep consistency of _calc_output function, test=develop
    • X
      fix libps.so path problem (#19768) · 6045541e
      xujiaqi01 提交于
      * fix libps.so path problem of  1/2/3 dir and third_party
      * test = develop
    • L
      fix pow op, support tensor for agument factor. (#19313) · 677e7144
      liym27 提交于
      improve pow op according to reviews:
      1. Delete unnecessary judgement statements in PowGradOpDescMaker;
      2. Improve test of test_api;
      overload GetKernelTypeForVar
      add stop_gradient=True when attr(factor) is tensor Variable, change examples in API pow.
    • L
      add tensor support for argument shape in reshape op; (#19268) · bd89a273
      liym27 提交于
      add support parameter inference when argument shape is a list containing integer and tensor variable;
      fix reshape op according to reviews:
      1. improve or message;
      2. improve test of test_api.
      fix reshape op: Add error message in nn.py, test=develop
      add stop_gradient=True when attr(shape) is tensor Variable.
      change examples in API reshape.
    • L
      add tensor(tensor and tensor in list) support for argument starts and ends in slice op; (#19208) · 88628016
      liym27 提交于
      add support parameter inference when arguments starts or ends is a list containing integer and tensor variable;
      improve slice op according to review(from hongyu). test=develop
      fix slice op according to review: infer_flags, test=develop
      fix slice op: improve overload operator __getitem__ to support attrs(starts and ends) are Variable.
      fix test_slice_op: add TestSliceOp_decs_dim_6 to resolve conflict with test_slice_ngraph_op. test=develop
      add stop_gradient=True when attr(starts) or attr(ends) is tensor Variable.
    • L
      fix expand op: (#19302) · e9e3c087
      liym27 提交于
      1. add tensor support for argument expand_times in expand op;
      2. add support parameter inference when argument expand_times is a list containing integer and tensor variable;
      improve expand op according to reviews:
      1. add doc of ExpandTimes in expand_op.cc;
      2. improve the test of test_api.
      add stop_gradient=True when attr(expand_times) is tensor Variable, change code examples.
    • X
      support preload thread, optimize hdfs log, fix master+patch bug (#19695) · 6bf298bf
      xujiaqi01 提交于
      * support preload thread
      * sleep before fleet wrapper exit for pslib core dump
      * optimize hdfs log
      * fix master+patch bug
    • J
      Feature/add transform data dygraph (#19707) · cc311bdf
      Jiabin Yang 提交于
      * refactor dygraph,test=develop
      * fix failed unittest,test=develop
      * polish code,test=develop
      * check windows ci error,test=develop
      try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
      * polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
      * try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
      * test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
      * use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
      * test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
      * test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
      * test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
      * test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
      * test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
      * test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
      * add transform_data to dygraph
      * test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
      * test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
      * add test and change input to const ref for safety
      * test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
      * add ut for data transform
      * refine ut for data_transform
      * test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
      * test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
      * add test_tracer on multiple devices
      * test=develop, change place to mutable for data transform
      * test=develop, add transform data on same place test and remove useless log
      * test=develop, Add to do for data layout and and ut for conv2d with no bias
    • L
      cpu Conv double grad (#19672) · b76343c3
      lvmengsi 提交于
      * cpu conv_grad_grad
    • Implement FusedEmbeddingSeqPoolGradKernel with cblas_saxpy (#19770) · 93c85c93
      翟飞跃 提交于
      * Implement the operator with sprase matrix multiply
      * Update the URL of mklml library.
      * Disable MKLML implematation when using no-linux.
      * optimize bp with mkl sparse matrix
      * tmp add fused_emb_seq layer
      * Add the support of padding_idx attribute.
      * add padding_idx support
      * implement grad refer lego
    • C
      Fix example error of Variable and Operator (#19821) · 2729c174
      chengduo 提交于
      * fix example error
      * Remove set_desc
  4. 16 9月, 2019 4 次提交
  5. 12 9月, 2019 2 次提交
  6. 11 9月, 2019 6 次提交
    • H
      Replace TemporaryAllocator by CUDADeviceContextAllocator (#18989) · 12542320
      Huihuang Zheng 提交于
      TemporaryAllocator is a singleton used for allocating memory for Cudnn. Since it is a singleton, we can delete it for better performance in memory.
      We replace TemporaryAllocator by CUDADeviceContextAllocator and CUDADeviceContextAllocation, which uses stream callback to delete the memory allocated for the stream to avoid singleton.
      Also added data_feed_proto to operator to fix CI in CPU compilation
    • C
      Fix test_parallel_executor_test_while_train (#19723) · c308c88d
      chengduo 提交于
      Fix test_parallel_executor_test_while_train 
    • Z
      refine math_op_patch, test=develop (#19727) · 078a6782
      Zeng Jinle 提交于
    • Y
      Implement the GPU kernel of fc operator (#19687) · a65c728e
      Yiqun Liu 提交于
      * Refine the codes related to fc op.
      * Add GPU implementation for fc functor.
      * Apply fc_fuse_pass in GPU inference.
      * Change the cmake for fc op.
      * Add an attribute to set the activation type in fc_op.
      * Enhance the unittest of fc_op.
      * Remove the declaration of FCOpGrad back to the header file.
      * Set default value for newly added arguments in test_fc_op.
    • A
      Remove constraint that last dimension is forced to be 1 in huber_loss op (#19562) · 22301115
      Aurelius84 提交于
      * Remove constraint that last dimension is forced to be 1 in huber_loss
      * add y[rank-1] == 1 when x_rank=y_rank test=develop
      * modify into contain_unknown_dim test=develop
    • Y
      fix api-doc error for dygraph and backward (#19721) · 3e5fb636
      Youwei Song 提交于
      * update dygraph api-doc and backward api-doc, test=develop
      * update dygraph api-doc and backward api-doc, update api.spec, test=develop
      * update dygraph api-doc and backward api-doc, update api.spec, test=develop
      * update API.spec, test=develop