1. 29 12月, 2022 1 次提交
    • rm legacy dygraph part7 (#49285) · df3f74df
      姜永久 提交于
      * rm legacy dygraph part7
      * rm non_static_mode
      * modify
      * modify
      * add static test
      * set static for lstm_cudnn test
      * reset tracer
      * reset varbase
      * fix
  2. 16 12月, 2022 1 次提交
    • 学渣戊's avatar
      fix docstring (#49044) · 4460c757
      学渣戊 提交于
      * fix docstring:
      1. 去除 python/paddle/fluid/dygraph/nn.py 中 BatchNorm 类说明中示例代码里 numpy 的使用,为参数 data_layout 说明中 "NCHW" 里的各字母含义做了具体说明;
      2. 为 python/paddle/nn/functional/norm.py 中 batch_norm 函数中参数 data_format 说明中的 "NCDHW" 里的各字母含义做了具体说明;
      3. 为 python/paddle/nn/layer/norm.py 中 BatchNorm、BatchNorm1D、BatchNorm2D 以及 BatchNorm3D 类中参数 data_format 说明中的 "NCDHW" 里的各字母含义做了具体说明;
      4. 修正 python/paddle/nn/layer/loss.py 中 BCELoss 类的 Shapes 说明格式错误问题,以及 BCEWithLogitsLoss 类的 Shapes 说明格式错误问题和 Examples 出错问题;
      5. 修改 python/paddle/nn/functional/loss.py 中 binary_cross_entropy 函数以及 binary_cross_entropy_with_logits 函数 Returns 说明的描述,使它们与其他函数说明相似;
      6. 将 python/paddle/nn/decode.py 中 BeamSearchDecoder 类 `__init__` 方法 docstring 里的参数说明提前到类说明中去。
      * 根据 Review 意见进行修改。
      * 修正 在线文档 中提及的错误。
  3. 13 12月, 2022 1 次提交
  4. 12 12月, 2022 1 次提交
    • R
      [Fluid Clean]move BatchNorm from flud.dygraph.nn to paddle.nn.layer.norm (#48734) · 0ea8018d
      risemeup1 提交于
      * move BatchNorm from flud.dygraph.nn to paddle.nn.layer.norm
      * modfiy conflict
      * modify pre-commit error
      * modify static-check ci error
      * fix failed tests
      * modify conflict
      * modify conflict
      * delete import modelu GRUUnit
      * fix falied test
      * fix failed testes
      * fix failed tests
      * fix failed tests
      * fix failed test
      * fix error in test_fused_resenet_basic_block_op_xpu.py
      * modify after xiaoguang reviewed
  5. 10 12月, 2022 1 次提交
    • W
      [remove fluid] fluid dygraph Embedding (#48806) · 6e356c68
      wangzhen38 提交于
      * [remove fluid] fluid dygraph Embedding
      * [remove fluid] fluid dygraph Embedding
      * [remove fluid] fluid dygraph Embedding
      * [remove fluid] fluid dygraph Embedding
      * [remove fluid] fluid dygraph Embedding
      * [remove fluid] fluid dygraph Embedding
  6. 08 12月, 2022 3 次提交
    • W
      [remove fluid] under unittesets of linear api (#48564) · 364b0b0a
      wangzhen38 提交于
      * [remove fluid] under unittesets of linear api
      * [remove fluid] under unittesets of linear api
      * [remove fluid] under unittesets of linear api
      * [remove fluid] under unittesets of linear api
      * [remove fluid] under unittesets of linear api
      * [remove fluid] under unittesets of linear api
      * [remove fluid] fluid dygrapn linear api
      * [remove fluid] fluid dygrapn linear api
      * [remove fluid] fluid dygrapn linear api
    • R
      [Clean Fluid] Rm and mv some fluid dygrah apis (#48576) · 379216ae
      Roc 提交于
      Remove fluid dygrah apis
      Move fluid dygraph apis
    • R
      [Fluid Clean]move inplace_apis_indygraph_only from... · b731fb82
      risemeup1 提交于
      [Fluid Clean]move inplace_apis_indygraph_only from paddle.flud.dygraph.inplace_utils to paddle.utils (#48744)
      * move inplace_apis_indygraph_only from paddle.flud.dygraph.inplace_utils to paddle.utils
      * modify conflict
      * modify conflict
      * modify conflict
      * modify conflict
      * modify conflict
      * modify conflict
      * modify conflict
      * modify static-check ci error
      * fix conflict
      * modify failed tests
      * fix conflict
      * fix conflict
      * fix pool2d examples
      * modify conflict
      * fix failed tests
      * fix conflict
      * fix failed tests
      * modfiy problem of deleting pool2d
  7. 07 12月, 2022 1 次提交
    • W
      [remove fluid] PRelu BilinearTensorProduct Conv2DTranspose SequenceConv RowConv (#48654) · c2f15f05
      wangzhen38 提交于
      * [remove fluid] PRelu BilinearTensorProduct
      * [remove fluid] PRelu BilinearTensorProduct Conv2DTranspose SequenceConv RowConv
      * [remove fluid] PRelu BilinearTensorProduct Conv2DTranspose SequenceConv RowConv
      * [remove fluid] PRelu BilinearTensorProduct Conv2DTranspose SequenceConv RowConv
      * [remove fluid] PRelu BilinearTensorProduct Conv2DTranspose SequenceConv RowConv
      * [remove fluid] PRelu BilinearTensorProduct Conv2DTranspose SequenceConv RowConv
      * [remove fluid] PRelu BilinearTensorProduct Conv2DTranspose SequenceConv RowConv
      * [remove fluid] PRelu BilinearTensorProduct Conv2DTranspose SequenceConv RowConv
  8. 06 12月, 2022 2 次提交
  9. 02 12月, 2022 1 次提交
    • W
      [remove fluid] drop_out API (#48586) · 6af7b42b
      wangzhen38 提交于
      * [remove fluid] drop_out PI
      * [remove fluid] drop_out PI
      * [remove fluid] drop_out layernorm
      * [remove fluid] drop_out layernorm
      * [remove fluid] drop_out layernorm
      * [remove fluid] drop_out layernorm
  10. 29 11月, 2022 1 次提交
  11. 28 11月, 2022 1 次提交
    • W
      [remove fluid] under unittesets of instancenorm (#48267) · 9d62efb0
      wangzhen38 提交于
      * [remove fluid] under unittesets of instancenorm
      * [remove fluid] under unittesets of instancenorm
      * [remove fluid] under unittesets of instancenorm
      * [remove fluid] under unittesets of instancenorm
      * [remove fluid] under unittesets of instancenorm
  12. 24 11月, 2022 1 次提交
    • H
      [Phi Support CuDNN] Support ALL CuDNN (#47865) · 1623f1b4
      HongyuJia 提交于
      * support default use_gpudnn=True
      * fully support cudnn in phi
      * add header file
      * add white_list, verify accuracy
      * phi support all cudnn
      * opt affine_grad
      * try different arches of pretrained_model
      * try different arches of pretrained_model
      * add debug string
      * debug eager_method
      * add debug string, pass all local ctest
      * polish all debug code
      * delete use_cudnn relevant code autogen
      * fix depthwise_conv2d
      * Share all other members of Tensor except use_cudnn
      * polish codes according to review opinion
      * polish codes according to review opinion, fix bug
      * polish codes according to review opinion, opt performance
      * polish codes according to review opinion, fix pooling.py
  13. 17 11月, 2022 1 次提交
  14. 07 11月, 2022 1 次提交
  15. 03 11月, 2022 1 次提交
  16. 02 11月, 2022 1 次提交
  17. 01 11月, 2022 1 次提交
    • C
      Adapting device-specific Extra Attributes for the PHI kernel (#46342) · c923e6c9
      Chen Weihang 提交于
      * add extra attr property set
      * add type_info for all context
      * add onednn context to all context
      * fix context compile error
      * simplify conv kernel args
      * pass runtime attr into dev_ctx
      * fix marco error
      * clear conv_grad_kernel extra args
      * merge conv_grad_grad into conv_grad
      * clear conv2d_grad_grad extra attrs
      * clear yaml and eager extra attr
      * fix conv1d error
      * change to thread local
      * fix npu compile failed
      * try to fix windows compile failed
      * add conv2d onednn phi kernel
      * fix ci bugs (#36)
      * fix compile bugs (#38)
      * fix extra input transform bug (#39)
      * support dynamic created attr (#40)
      * reset extra info gen code
      * rm conv_grad_grad kernel
      * reimpl pass attr adapting
      * add int attr support
      * remove vector inputnames creating
      * fix map at error
      * Update paddle/phi/kernels/onednn/conv_grad_kernel.cc
      Co-authored-by: NSławomir Siwek <slawomir.siwek@intel.com>
      * remove useless extra attrs
      * replace mkldnn_engine by onednn_engine
      Co-authored-by: NYuanRisheng <yuanrisheng@baidu.com>
      Co-authored-by: NSławomir Siwek <slawomir.siwek@intel.com>
  18. 31 10月, 2022 1 次提交
  19. 23 10月, 2022 1 次提交
  20. 19 10月, 2022 1 次提交
  21. 27 9月, 2022 1 次提交
  22. 14 9月, 2022 1 次提交
  23. 07 9月, 2022 1 次提交
  24. 05 9月, 2022 2 次提交
  25. 02 9月, 2022 1 次提交
  26. 26 8月, 2022 1 次提交
  27. 08 6月, 2022 1 次提交
  28. 05 6月, 2022 1 次提交
    • S
      【code format check upgrade】 step2:yapf (#42944) · a072fca8
      Sing_chan 提交于
      * use yapf to format all python file
      * yapf exclude two unittests file for they rely on writing and reading file, and format will break them
      * disable diff_py_file because too many diff files cause command following failed
  29. 01 6月, 2022 1 次提交
  30. 31 5月, 2022 1 次提交
  31. 12 4月, 2022 1 次提交
    • H
      Add layer norm yaml (#41589) · 43d5cca6
      hong 提交于
      * add layer norm infermeta
      * add layer norm yaml
      * polish layer norm infer meta
      * add layer norm to black list
  32. 06 4月, 2022 2 次提交
    • W
      [Eager] Support test_layers's test cases switch to eager mode (#41216) · 5ae8babb
      Weilong Wu 提交于
      * [Eager] Support test_layers's test cases switch to eager mode
      * Update batch_norm _C_ops action to fix CI
      * Use None instead of new EmptyTensor
      * Updated var name
      * Make sure to switch eager mode, Fix Coverage_CI
      * Remove _non_static_mode statement
      * Remove batch_norm dispensable input statement
      * Polish batch_norm code
      * Fix CI issue
    • H
      Add conv yaml (#41354) · 7ed7c6c7
      hong 提交于
      * update
      * add conv yaml
      * add backward
      * remove useless code
      * fix bug
      * fix bug
      * revert fluid dygraph conv2d
      * remove useless infermeta function
      * fix meta fn deluplicat error
      * conv using custom impl
      * remove amp include
      * fix bug
      * use cudnn = true
      * fix test mkldnn caching bug
  33. 04 4月, 2022 1 次提交
  34. 25 3月, 2022 1 次提交
    • J
      Refactor Dygraph Flags (#40786) · 3085d5e4
      Jiabin Yang 提交于
      * refactor eager flags
      * fix flags error when we switch from eager to dygraph
      * fix ci problem
      * fix ci
      * fix ci
      * merge develop and fix code style
      * merge develop and fix code style
      * fix op test error
      * fix op test error
      * fix op test error
      * fix op test error
      * fix op test error
      * merge develop
  35. 23 3月, 2022 1 次提交