- 05 12月, 2022 4 次提交
由 yunyaoXYY 提交于
* clean fluild resize_trilinear * clean fluild resize_bilinear * clean fluild resize_nearest * clean fluid image_resize * fix test_trt_nearest_interp_op.py * fix yolov3.py * fix yolov3.py
由 yunyaoXYY 提交于
* Clean fliud hash * clean fluid grid_sampler * clean log_loss * Move bilinear_tensor_product from fluid to static * Fix unitests when remove log_loss * Fix bug when move bilinear_tensor_product * fix test_fleet_nocvm_1.py * Add bilinear_tensor_product into all list * Fix code style * Fix comments in bilinear_tensor_product * Fix comments in bilinear_tensor_product * Fix comments
由 heyanru 提交于
[Fluid Clean] remove nn.topk, nn.ctc_greedy_decoder, nn.im2sequence, nn.multiplex, nn.smooth_l1 (#48289)
由 201716010711 提交于
- 02 12月, 2022 7 次提交
由 Charles-hit 提交于
* move softmax to paddle2.0 * fix some bugs * resolve conflict * remove some code * modify code style * fix bugs * fix code * fix move code * fix some bugs * fix code * fix some code * modify the header file * fix bugs * fix some examples * fix mish example * fix code
由 zqw_1997 提交于
[fluid remove]: remove paddle.fluid.layers.nn.temporal_shift and paddle.fluid.layers.sigmoid_focal_loss (#48553) * remove paddle.fluid.layers.nn.temporal_shift * code check * rm unittest * remove paddle.fluid.layers.sigmoid_focal_loss
由 wangzhen38 提交于
* [remove fluid] drop_out PI * [remove fluid] drop_out PI * [remove fluid] drop_out layernorm * [remove fluid] drop_out layernorm * [remove fluid] drop_out layernorm * [remove fluid] drop_out layernorm
由 heyanru 提交于
由 LiYuRio 提交于
由 yuehuayingxueluo 提交于
* clear fluid apis in fleet and passes * fix model.py * fix model.py * fix cpp_pass.py * clear loss.py * change test file * fix some test_*.py * fix adaround.py * fix evaluator.py * fix CI bug * fix CI bug * fix decode.py * fix detection.py * fix ci bug * rm test_sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits_op_ipu.py and fix __init__.py * fix ci bug * fix ci BUG
由 HongyuJia 提交于
* clean elem_arithmetic part6 unittest * delete op_name_conflict unittest * restore test_op_name_conflict * fix codestyle test_op_function_generator
- 01 12月, 2022 3 次提交
由 Roc 提交于
* mv accuracy and auc * rm distributions * rm get_places * replace metric
由 heyanru 提交于
由 201716010711 提交于
- 30 11月, 2022 2 次提交
由 yuehuayingxueluo 提交于
* clear fluid api: sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits * fix loss.py * change paddle.nn.functional.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits * delete sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits * fix binary_cross_entropy_with_logits * fix ci bug * fix ci buf
由 wangzhen38 提交于
* [remove fluid] under unittesets * [remove fluid] under unittesets * [remove fluid] under unittesets * [remove fluid] under unittesets * [remove fluid] under unittesets * [remove fluid] under unittesets * [remove fluid] under unittesets * [remove fluid] under unittesets * [remove fluid] under unittesets * [remove fluid] under unittesets * [remove fluid] under unittesets * [remove fluid] under unittesets * [remove fluid] under unittesets * [remove fluid] under unittesets * [remove fluid] under unittesets * [remove fluid] under unittesets
- 29 11月, 2022 8 次提交
由 Nyakku Shigure 提交于
* isort all files * revert conflicting files * revert conflicting files * revert conflicting files * revert conflicting files * revert conflicting files
由 傅剑寒 提交于
由 LiYuRio 提交于
* remove lod_tensor_to_array, array_to_lod_tensor, DynamicRNN * remove less_equal, greater_than, greater_equal, equal, not_equal
由 ccrrong 提交于
* remove pool3d
由 201716010711 提交于
由 LiYuRio 提交于
* move instance_norm from fluid to static * move group_norm, data_norm to static
由 yunyaoXYY 提交于
[Clean fluid] Clean maxout, space_to_depth, affine_channel, similarity_focus and add_position_encoding (#48410) * Clean fluid maxout * Clean fluid space_to_depth * Clean fluid affine_channel and related tests * Clean fluid similarity_focus and related tests * Clean fluid add_position_encoding and related tests * Fix code style
由 yunyaoXYY 提交于
* Clean fluid resize_linear API * Clean fluid image_resize_short API * add image_resize back * Clean psroi_pool and prroo_pool * Clean roi_pool and roi_align * delete test_trt_roi_align_op.py
- 28 11月, 2022 7 次提交
由 wangzhen38 提交于
* [remove fluid] under unittesets of instancenorm * [remove fluid] under unittesets of instancenorm * [remove fluid] under unittesets of instancenorm * [remove fluid] under unittesets of instancenorm * [remove fluid] under unittesets of instancenorm
由 Vvsmile 提交于
* Remove API: squeeze Modify the funcation all of squeeze. Use paddle.squeeze to replace paddle.fluid.layers.squeeze * Remove: squeeze fix some modifications which are not needless to the original format * Fix the function call of 'squeeze' from old style to new style. * modify the call of squeeze from old style to new style * Modify the call of squeeze from old style to new style * replace squeeze with paddle.squeeze * modify the nn.py based on the review suggestion remove a redundant comment. * remove one comment which is not necessary
由 Vvsmile 提交于
* remove crop_tensor which is not used in paddle 2.0 * replace the crop_tensor with paddle.crop in orgnizing network
由 201716010711 提交于
由 傅剑寒 提交于
* remove flatten in nn.py under fluid * fix test case * fix test case * fix codestyle * fix codestyle * fix code style * remove extra test case * remove test case
由 yuehuayingxueluo 提交于
* clear fluid api: warpctc, nce, identity_loss * fix test_layers.py __init__.py * fix loss.py * change __init__.py and api calling method * fix nce * fix nce * fix fluid.data * delete warpctc api document * fix loss.py * fix ctc_loss * fix test_warpctc_op.py * fix test_layers.py * fix some bug * fix conflict * fix ci bug * Empty Commit test=allcase * fix ci bug
由 201716010711 提交于
- 26 11月, 2022 1 次提交
由 201716010711 提交于
- 24 11月, 2022 7 次提交
由 zqw_1997 提交于
由 yuehuayingxueluo 提交于
由 201716010711 提交于
由 ccrrong 提交于
* move conv3d * remove unused import
由 ccrrong 提交于
由 傅剑寒 提交于
由 傅剑寒 提交于
* remove expand and eye under fluid.layers * delete expand API test case
- 23 11月, 2022 1 次提交
由 Vvsmile 提交于
* Remove API: scatter replace paddle.fluid.layers.scatter with paddle.scatter * modify the call of scatter from old style to new style