1. 06 6月, 2022 1 次提交
  2. 02 6月, 2022 1 次提交
  3. 27 5月, 2022 1 次提交
  4. 13 5月, 2022 1 次提交
  5. 09 5月, 2022 1 次提交
  6. 06 5月, 2022 1 次提交
  7. 25 4月, 2022 1 次提交
  8. 24 4月, 2022 1 次提交
    • T
      Update Mac cmake version >=3.15 (#41456) · b1c6378d
      tianshuo78520a 提交于
      * Update Mac cmake version >=3.15
      * notest;read test1
      notest;read test2
      notest;read test3
      * fix inference link error
      * fix inference link error
      * fix windows link error
      * fix cmake_policy
      * fix build big size
  9. 15 4月, 2022 1 次提交
    • Z
      solve brpc compile in arm-ubantu18 (#41649) · 56dafc4f
      ziyoujiyi 提交于
      * back fl
      * delete ssl cert
      * .
      * make warning
      * .
      * unittest paral degree
      * solve unittest
      * heter & multi cloud commm ready
      * .
      * .
      * arm_brpc compile
      * .
      * .
      * .
      * .
      * .
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      * .
      * only output is ok
      * base is ok
      * .
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      * .
      * add switch server bin
      * .
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      * .
      * adapt brpc ssl
      * .
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  10. 10 3月, 2022 1 次提交
    • H
      Inference add ONNXRuntime back-end (#39988) · 431afc39
      heliqi 提交于
      * add onnxruntime predictor
      * Add code comments
      * support link paddle2onnx onnxruntime
      * support onnxruntime with python
      * support onnxruntime with python
      * support onnxruntime with windows
      * paddle2onnx compile with windows
      * supoort windows compile
      * supoort windows compile with onnxruntime
      * supoort windows compile with paddle2onnx
      * supoort mac compile
      * compile with mac
      * compile with mac
      * add code comments
      * fix remind word
      * code optimization
      * add test case
      * add test case
      * add inference demo_ci test case
      * fix compile paddle2onnx with no python
      * add inference demo_ci test case
      * add inference demo_ci test case
      * add inference infer_ut test case
      * support c go api and test cases
      * add converage test case
      * add converage test case
      * add capi test case
      * add capi test case
  11. 02 3月, 2022 1 次提交
  12. 28 2月, 2022 1 次提交
  13. 15 2月, 2022 1 次提交
    • R
      [PluggableDevice] Add custom runtime support (#38740) · 3e7825f3
      ronnywang 提交于
      * [CustomRuntime] Add DeviceManager
      * [CustomRuntime] Add DeviceInterface
      * [CustomRuntime] Add Stream, Event, DeviceGuard, CallbackManager
      * [CustomRuntime] Add plug-in device
      * [CustomRuntime] Memory module support PluggableDevice
      * [CustomRuntime] Add WITH_PLUGGABLE_DEVICE cmake option
      * update
      * [API] update API doc based on comments, test=develop
      Co-authored-by: Nqili93 <qili93@qq.com>
  14. 11 2月, 2022 1 次提交
  15. 30 1月, 2022 1 次提交
  16. 29 1月, 2022 1 次提交
    • L
      Add xpu2 compiler (#37254) · 92da5055
      Liu-xiandong 提交于
      * Add XPU compiler for paddle, test=develop
      * clean code
      * clean useless code
      * clean useless code
      * clean useless code
      * test
      * add include path
      * use clang compiler
      * xpu2.cmake
      * XPU2 compiler passed
      * update
      * update after pten
      * combination the WITH_XPU and WITH_XPU2
      * update the fuse operation in WITH_XPU and WITH_XPU2
      * update
      * update
      * update
      * fix the merge error
      * update
      * update the code
      * update the code
      * add run_kp_kernel flag
      * update
      * update
      * fix prepared type_ bug
      * clean and update the code
      * reset the kernel_primitives
      * update
      * clean the code
      * delete useless comment
      * fix the bug in WITH_XPU
      * update
      * update
      * modify the abi
      * delete some useless code
      * Parameter automation in xpu compilation
      * Parameter automation in xpu compilation
      * delete kps in cmake
      * delete useless comment
      * clean the code
      * clean the code
  17. 27 1月, 2022 1 次提交
  18. 23 12月, 2021 1 次提交
  19. 20 12月, 2021 1 次提交
  20. 17 12月, 2021 1 次提交
  21. 07 12月, 2021 1 次提交
    • Y
      introduce INF-RT (#37669) · 70dea138
      Yan Chunwei 提交于
      * add infrt code
      refined with Paddle's code style.
      * rename CinnRtConfig to InfRtConfig
      * rename CinnRt to InfRt of some code
      * rename CINNRT to INFRT
      * remove unnecessary code
      * replace CINN to INFRT in the source code
      * replace all "cinn" in code to "infrt"
      * remove some const_cast
  22. 03 12月, 2021 1 次提交
  23. 23 10月, 2021 1 次提交
    • H
      New Paddle-CINN Compile PR (#36584) · ab732884
      Huihuang Zheng 提交于
      This PR added some changes to match the CINN change for compilation. It also tried to fix JiangCheng's Problem in PR: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pull/36100
      These changes include:
      1. Set `CINN_GIT_TAG` to a newer tag
      2. CINN now just `make cinnapi -j`
      3. We have to add `-DPY_VERSION=${PY_VERSION} -DWITH_TESTING=ON` to CINN cmake args
      4. For CINN's third party dependencies, we could just include headers without target_link_libraries
      5. Moved `cinn.cmake` from `paddle/cmake` to `paddle/cmake/external` to match old style. External folder contains `lite`, which is the same level of `cinn`
      6. CINN added `-DNAMESPACE=cinn_gflags` in `gflags.cmake` to have different gflag namespaces between CINN and Paddle. It solved re-define problem.
      7. Change namespace of `::google::` in gflags to `::GFLAGS_NAMESPACE`
  24. 20 10月, 2021 1 次提交
    • H
      Add CINN Compile Option (#36292) · 6524fa8d
      Huihuang Zheng 提交于
      Add CINN compile option in CMake.
      Now you can use CINN in Paddle by `-DWITH_CINN=ON` when `cmake`
      To test it, you can run `make cinn_lib_test -j` and `ctest -R cinn_lib_test`. 
      1. You should set
      export runtime_include_dir=${CINN_SOURCE_DIR}/cinn/runtime/cuda 
      When run test, the `${CINN_SOURCE_DIR}` should be set based on your CINN directory.
      2. CINN is under developing now, you may have to change `CINN_GIT_TAG` to the git commit you need.
  25. 18 9月, 2021 1 次提交
    • F
      Add FFT related operators and APIs (#35665) · 11518a43
      Feiyu Chan 提交于
      * 1. add interface for fft;
      2. add data type predicate;
      3. fix paddle.roll.
      * add fft c2c cufft kernel
      * implement argument checking & op calling parts for fft_c2c and fftn_c2c
      * add operator and opmaker definitions
      * only register float and double for cpu.
      * add common code for implementing FFT, add pocketfft as a dependency
      * add fft c2c cufft kernel function
      * fix bugs in python interface
      * add support for c2r, r2c operators, op makers, kernels and kernel functors.
      * test and fix bugs
      * 1. fft_c2c function: add support for onesided=False;
      2. add complex<float>, complex<double> support for concat and flip.
      * 1. fft: fix python api bugs;
      2. shape_op: add support for complex data types.
      * fft c2c cufft kernel done with complie and link
      * fix shape_op, add mkl placeholder
      * remove mkl
      * complete fft c2c in gpu
      * 1. implement mkl-based fft, FFTC2CFunctor and common function exec_fft;
      2. change the design, add input and output typename as template parameter for all FFTFunctors, update pocketfft-based implementation.
      * complete fft c2c on gpu in ND
      * complete fft c2c on gpu in ND
      * complete fft c2c backward in ND
      * fix MKL-based implementation
      * Add frame op and CPU/GPU kernels.
      * Add frame op forward unittest.
      * Add frame op forward unittest.
      * Remove axis parameter in FrameFunctor.
      * Add frame op grad CPU/GPU kernels and unittest.
      * Add frame op grad CPU/GPU kernels and unittest.
      * Update doc string.
      * Update after review and remove librosa requirement in unittest.
      * Update grad kernel.
      * add fft_c2r op
      * Remove data allocation in TransCompute function.
      * add fft r2c onesided with cpu(pocketfft/mkl) and gpu
      * last fft c2r functor
      * fix C2R and R2C for cufft, becase the direction is not an option in these cases.
      * add fft r2c onesided with cpu(pocketfft/mkl) and gpu
      * fix bugs in python APIs
      * fix fft_c2r grad kernal
      * fix bugs in python APIs
      * add cuda fft c2r grad kernal functor
      * clean code
      * fix fft_c2r python API
      * fill fft r2c result with conjugate symmetry (#19)
      fill fft r2c result with conjugate symmetry
      * add placeholder for unittests (#24)
      * simple parameterize test function by auto generate test case from parm list (#25)
      * miscellaneous fixes for python APIs (#26)
      * add placeholder for unittests
      * resize fft inputs before computation is n or s is provided.
      * add complex kernels for pad and pad_grad
      * simplify argument checking.
      * add type promotion
      * add int to float or complex promotion
      * fix output data type for static mode
      * fix fft's input dtype dispatch, import fft to paddle
      * fix typos in axes checking (#27)
      * fix typos in axes checking
      * fix argument checking (#28)
      * fix argument checking
      * Add C2R Python layer normal and abnormal use cases (#29)
      * documents and single case
      * test c2r case
      * New C2R Python layer normal and exception use cases
      * complete rfft,rfft2,rfftn,ihfft,ihfft2,ihfftn unittest and doc string (#30)
      * Documentation of the common interfaces of c2r and c2c (#31)
      * Documentation of the common interfaces of c2r and c2c
      * clean c++ code  (#32)
      * clean code
      * Add numpy-based implementation of spectral ops (#33)
      * add numpy reference implementation of spectral ops
      * Add fft_c2r numpy based implementation for unittest. (#34)
      * add fft_c2r numpy implementation
      * Add deframe op and stft/istft api. (#23)
      * Add frame api
      * Add deframe op and kernels.
      * Add stft and istft apis.
      * Add deframe api. Update stft and istft apis.
      * Fix bug in frame_from_librosa function when input dims >= 3
      * Rename deframe to overlap_add.
      * Update istft.
      * Update after code review.
      * Add overlap_add op and stft/istft api unittest (#35)
      * Add overlap_add op unittest.
      * Register complex kernels of squeeze/unsquuze op.
      * Add stft/istft api unittest.
      * Add unittest for fft helper functions (#36)
      * add unittests for fft helper functions. add complex kernel for roll op.
      * complete static graph unittest for all public api (#37)
      * Unittest of op with FFT C2C, C2R and r2c added (#38)
      * documents and single case
      * test c2r case
      * New C2R Python layer normal and exception use cases
      * Documentation of the common interfaces of c2r and c2c
      * Unittest of op with FFT C2C, C2R and r2c added
      Co-authored-by: lijiaqi0612's avatarlijiaqi <lijiaqi0612@163.com>
      * add fft related options to CMakeLists.txt
      * fix typos and clean code (#39)
      * fix invisible character in mkl branch and fix error in error message
      * clean code: remove docstring from unittest for signal.py.
      * always convert numpy array to paddle.Tensor to avoid comparing numpy dtype with paddle dtype. (#40)
      * always convert numpy array to paddle.Tensor to avoid comparing numpy dtype with paddle dtype.
      * fix CI Errors: numpy dtype comparison, thrust when cuda is not available (#41)
      1. always convert numpy array to paddle.Tensor to avoid comparing numpy dtype with paddle dtype.
      2. promote floating point tensor to complex tensor ior fft_c2c and fft_c2r;
      3. fix unittest to catch UnImplementedError and RuntimeError;
      4. fix compile error by avoid using thrust when cuda is not available.
      5.  fix sample code, use paddle.fft instead of paddle.tensor.fft
      * remove inclusion of thrust, add __all__ list for fft (#42)
      * Add api doc and update unittest. (#43)
      * Add doc strings.
      * Update overlap_add op unittest
      * fix MKL-based FFT implementation (#44)
      * fix MKL-based FFT implementation, MKL CDFT's FORWARD DOMAIN is always REAL for R2C and C2R
      * remove code for debug (#45)
      * use dynload for cufft (#46)
      * use std::ptrdiff_t as datatype of stride (instead of int64_t) to avoid argument mismatch on some platforms.
      * add complex support for fill_zeros_like
      * use dynload for cufft
      * Update doc and unittest. (#47)
      * Add doc of frame op and overlap_add op.
      * Update unittest.
      * use dynload for cufft (#48)
      1. use dynload for cufft
      2. fix unittest;
      3. temporarily disable Rocm.
      * fix conflicts and merge upstream (#49)
      fix conflicts and merge upstream
      * fix compile error: only link dyload_cuda when cuda is available (#50)
      * fix compile error: only link dyload_cuda when cuda is available
      * fix dynload for cufft on windows (#51)
      1. fix dynload for cufft on windows;
      2. fix unittests.
      * add NOMINMAX to compile on windows (#52)
       add NOMINMAX to compile on windows
      * explicitly specify capture mode for lambdas (#55)
       explicitly specify capture mode for lambdas
      * fix fft sample (#53)
      * fix fft sample
      * update scipy and numpy version for unittests of fft (#56)
      update scipy and numpy version for unittests of fft
      * Add static graph unittests of frame and overlap_add api. (#57)
      * Remove cache of cuFFT & Disable ONEMKL (#59)
      1. replace numpy.fft with scipy.fft as numpy<1.20 not support ortho norm
      2. remove cache of cufft plans;
      3. enhance error checking.
      4. default WITH_ONEMKL to OFF
      Co-authored-by: Njeff41404 <jeff41404@gmail.com>
      Co-authored-by: Nroot <root@bjyz-sys-gpu-kongming9.bjyz.baidu.com>
      Co-authored-by: NKP <109694228@qq.com>
      Co-authored-by: lijiaqi0612's avatarlijiaqi <lijiaqi0612@163.com>
      Co-authored-by: NXiaoxu Chen <chenxx_id@163.com>
      Co-authored-by: Nlijiaqi0612 <33169170+lijiaqi0612@users.noreply.github.com>
  26. 03 9月, 2021 1 次提交
  27. 31 8月, 2021 1 次提交
    • Z
      New whl release strategy with pruned nv_fatbin (#35239) · 2f3b393d
      Zhanlue Yang 提交于
      Expansion in code size can be irreversible in the long run, leading to huge release packages which
      not only hampers user experience but also exceeds a hard limit of pypi.
      In such, NV_FATBIN section takes up 86% of the compiled dylib size, owing to the vast number of GPU
      arches supported.
      This PR aims to prune this NV_FATBIN.
      In the new release strategy, two types of whl packages will be involved:
      Cubin PIP package:
      PIP package maintains a smaller window for GPU arches support, containing
      sm_60, sm_70, sm_75, sm_80 cubins, covering Pascal - Ampere arches
      JIT release package:
      This is a backup for Cubin PIP package, containing compute_35, compute_50, compute_60,
      compute_70, compute_75, compute_80, with best performance and GPU arches coverage.
      However, it takes around 10 min to install due to the JIT compilation.
      [How to use]
      The new release strategy is disabled by default.
      To compile for Cubin PIP package, add this to cmake: -DCUBIN_RELEASE_PIP
      To compile for JIT release package, add this to cmake: -DJIT_RELEASE_WHL
  28. 09 8月, 2021 1 次提交
  29. 22 7月, 2021 1 次提交
  30. 21 7月, 2021 1 次提交
  31. 14 7月, 2021 2 次提交
  32. 17 6月, 2021 1 次提交
  33. 16 6月, 2021 1 次提交
  34. 02 6月, 2021 1 次提交
  35. 26 5月, 2021 1 次提交
  36. 28 4月, 2021 1 次提交
  37. 27 4月, 2021 1 次提交
  38. 26 4月, 2021 2 次提交