Used to initialize tensors with gaussian random generator. The defalut mean of the distribution is 0. and defalut standard deviation (std) of the distribution is 1.. Uers can set mean and std by input arguments.
input (Variable): Tensor whose input_dim_idx'th dimension specifies the batch_size.
shape (tuple|list): the shape of the output.
input_dim_idx (Int): The index of input's batch size dimension
output_dim_idx (Int): The index of output's batch size dimension
mean (Float): The mean (or center) of the gaussian distribution.
std (Float): The standard deviation (std, or spread) of the gaussian distribution.
seed (Int): Random seed of generator.0 means use system wide seed._note that if seed is not 0, this operator will always generate the same random numbers every time.
dtype(np.dtype|core.VarDesc.VarType|str): Output data type.