"Attribute column should be in the range of [-%l, %l)",
@@ -67,27 +97,62 @@ class PositiveNegativePairOpMaker : public framework::OpProtoAndCheckerMaker {
"(Tensor, float) Output score of the network on <query, document> "
"(Tensor, float) Model Score on an item (with "
"respect to QueryID). It's a 2-D tensor with shape [batch_size, "
"depth], where the column specified by the attribute \"column\" "
"is used as item score.");
"(Tensor, float or int) Label of current <query, document> pair.");
"(Tensor, int) query id of current <query, document> pair.");
"(Tensor, float) Label of an item (with repsect to "
"QueryId). It's a 2-D tensor with shape [batch_size, 1].");
"(Tensor, int) Query ID that indicates the context. Its shape "
"should be the same as Label.");
"(float) Optional. The accumulated number of positive pairs over a "
"stream of data. If provided, the output PositivePair will be "
"initialized with this number rather than 0. it won't be modified "
"in place.")
"(float) Optional. The accumulated number of negative pairs over a "
"stream of data. If provided, the output NegativePair will be "
"initialized with this number rather than 0. it won't be modified "
"in place.")
"(float) Optional. The accumulated number of neutral pairs over a "
"stream of data. If provided, the output NeutralPair will be "
"initialized with this number rather than 0. it won't be modified "
"in place.")
"(float) Optional. Weight of current item. If specified, its "
"shape should be the same as Label.")
"(float) Number of positive ranking pairs, i.e. the pairs of "
"documents that are ranked correctly");
"(float) Number of positive pairs, i.e. the pairs of "
"items that are ranked correctly.");
"(float) Number of negative ranking pairs, i.e. the pairs of "
"documents that are ranked incorrectly");
"(float) Number of negative pairs, i.e. the pairs of "
"items that are ranked incorrectly.");
"(float) Number of neutral ranking pairs. A pair of document "
"(doc#1, doc#2) is classified as \"neutral\" if their scores are "
"the same.");
"(float) Number of neutral pairs, i.e. the pairs of items "
"that have the same score.")
"(int, default -1) The column position of Score used to rank items in "
"descending order. It must be in the range of [-rank(Score), "
"rank(Score)). "
"If `dim < 0`, the dim to reduce is `rank + dim`. "
"Noting that reducing on the first dim will make the LoD info lost.")
PositiveNegativePairOp can be used to evaluate Learning To Rank(LTR) model performance. Its outputs are usually
further summarized as positive-negative-ratio: PositivePair/NegativePair.
Its 3 inputs can be viewd as a series of 3 tuples: (predicition score, golden label, query id).
For each unique query id, a list of <score, label> are collected and positive/negative pairs are accumulated to its output.
PositiveNegativePairOp can be used to evaluate Learning To Rank(LTR) model performance.
Within some context, e.g. the "query", a LTR model generates scores for a list of items, which gives a partial order of the items.
PositiveNegativePairOp takes a list of reference rank order (Input("Label")) and the model generated scores (Input(Score)) as inputs and counts the pairs that ranked correctly and incorrectly.