First of all, we should follow some basical principles like:
1. [How to write a new operator]( We are trying to add a new kind of kernel into operators, so basically we should follow this doc.
2. [Supporting new Device/Library]( Since MKLDNN is a new library to fluid, we should add `MKLDNNDeviceContext` and maybe `mkldnn_helper.h`, just like [cudnn_helper.h](
3. [Switch Kernel]( Another important point is that we should ensure the data synchronization between different kernel types, which is this [topic]( So basically we should override `GetExpectedKernelType` and `trans` functions to support switching kernels.
4. [The Keys of Operator Kernel Type]( Kernel Type is a pivotal conception which can record the `Place`, `Library`, `DataType` and `Layout`.
## Sulution
In general, there are four parts we should follow to run a MKL-DNN primitive.
- Create a primitive descriptor that describe this operator
- Create a primitive itself by primitive descriptor and the engine
- Create all memory buffers that primitive needed
- Launch a stream to execute the primitive created
More details can refer to [here](
It's better to avoid reinitialization of primitives and memory handles in the first three stages in every iteration. \
So we plan to create a map to record all the `primitive` and `memory`, which should not take too much memories as discussed [here](
It's assumed that following three conditions should be satisfied.
1. there is a unique key for each operator instance. May be the actual name of `Output Tensor`.
2. the `Input Tensor` inside `Compute` function is the one after converted.
3. we can get the phase(eg. `is_test`) inside `Compute` function, otherwise we need to expose this attribue to user.
### Compute
The algorithm of `Compute` would be described as follow, let's take conv like an example.
PADDLE_ENFORCE(platform::is_cpu_place(ctx.GetPlace()), "It must use CPUPlace.");
PADDLE_ENFORCE(platform::is_mkldnn_library(ctx.GetLibrary()), "It must use MKLDNN Library.");
`MKLDNNDeviceContext`, which is very straightforward, should contain some base information like: `stream`, `engine` and the map needed.
### mkldnn_helper
Some functions would be put in `paddle/platform/mkldnn_helper.h`.
- create MKLDNN memories
- create MKLDNN primitives
- error check function
- etc
### Kernel Switch
We should `reorder` the different Layout from other device or to other device. `GetExpectedKernelType` and `trans` functions can help us to implement it.
`GetExpectedKernelType` should get the context, and this operator can return the best `KernelType`.
First of all, we should follow some basical principles like:
1. [How to write a new operator]( We are trying to add a new kind of kernel into operators, so basically we should follow this doc.
2. [Supporting new Device/Library]( Since MKLDNN is a new library to fluid, we should add `MKLDNNDeviceContext` and maybe `mkldnn_helper.h`, just like [cudnn_helper.h](
3. [Switch Kernel]( Another important point is that we should ensure the data synchronization between different kernel types, which is this [topic]( So basically we should override `GetExpectedKernelType` and `trans` functions to support switching kernels.
4. [The Keys of Operator Kernel Type]( Kernel Type is a pivotal conception which can record the `Place`, `Library`, `DataType` and `Layout`.
## Sulution
In general, there are four parts we should follow to run a MKL-DNN primitive.
- Create a primitive descriptor that describe this operator
- Create a primitive itself by primitive descriptor and the engine
- Create all memory buffers that primitive needed
- Launch a stream to execute the primitive created
More details can refer to [here](
It's better to avoid reinitialization of primitives and memory handles in the first three stages in every iteration. \
So we plan to create a map to record all the `primitive` and `memory`, which should not take too much memories as discussed [here](
It's assumed that following three conditions should be satisfied.
1. there is a unique key for each operator instance. May be the actual name of `Output Tensor`.
2. the `Input Tensor` inside `Compute` function is the one after converted.
3. we can get the phase(eg. `is_test`) inside `Compute` function, otherwise we need to expose this attribue to user.
### Compute
The algorithm of `Compute` would be described as follow, let's take conv like an example.
PADDLE_ENFORCE(platform::is_cpu_place(ctx.GetPlace()), "It must use CPUPlace.");
PADDLE_ENFORCE(platform::is_mkldnn_library(ctx.GetLibrary()), "It must use MKLDNN Library.");
`MKLDNNDeviceContext`, which is very straightforward, should contain some base information like: `stream`, `engine` and the map needed.
### mkldnn_helper
Some functions would be put in `paddle/platform/mkldnn_helper.h`.
- create MKLDNN memories
- create MKLDNN primitives
- error check function
- etc
### Kernel Switch
We should `reorder` the different Layout from other device or to other device. `GetExpectedKernelType` and `trans` functions can help us to implement it.
`GetExpectedKernelType` should get the context, and this operator can return the best `KernelType`.