echo_line="You must have one RD (juncaipeng (Recommend), zhangting2020 (Recommend) or luotao1) approval for the python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/white_list/, which manages the white list of upgrading the precision of op test to float64. For more information, please refer to: \n"
echo_line="You must have one RD (cryoco (Recommend), luotao1 or phlrain) approval for the python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/white_list/, which manages the white list of setting no_check_set of check_output. \n"
check_approval 1 12407750 26615455 6836917
echo_line="You must have one RD (XiaoguangHu01,Xreki,luotao1,sneaxiy) approval for ${API_FILE}, which manages the underlying code for fluid.\n"