未验证 提交 b70c94cf 编写于 作者: C chengduo 提交者: GitHub

add strategy and parallelExe doc (#13862)

上级 2c514102
......@@ -596,26 +596,58 @@ All parameter, weight, gradient are variables in Paddle.
// -- python binds for parallel executor.
py::class_<ParallelExecutor> pe(m, "ParallelExecutor");
py::class_<ExecutionStrategy> exec_strategy(pe, "ExecutionStrategy");
py::class_<ExecutionStrategy> exec_strategy(pe, "ExecutionStrategy", R"DOC(
ExecutionStrategy allows the user to more preciously control how to run
the program in ParallelExecutor by setting the property.
.. code-block:: python
exec_strategy = fluid.ExecutionStrategy()
exec_strategy.num_threads = 4
train_exe = fluid.ParallelExecutor(use_cuda=True,
train_loss, = train_exe.run([loss.name], feed=feed_dict)
[](const ExecutionStrategy &self) { return self.num_threads_; },
[](ExecutionStrategy &self, size_t num_threads) {
self.num_threads_ = num_threads;
R"DOC(The type is INT, num_threads represents the size of thread pool that
used to run the operators of the current program in ParallelExecutor.
If :math:`num\_threads=1`, all the operators will execute one by one,
but the order maybe difference between iterations.
If it is not set, it will be set in ParallelExecutor according to the
device type and device count, for GPU, :math:`num\_threads=device\_count*4`, for CPU,
:math:`num\_threads=CPU\_NUM*4`, the explanation of:math:`CPU\_NUM` is in ParallelExecutor.
if it is not set, ParallelExecutor will get the cpu count by calling
`multiprocessing.cpu_count()`. Default 0.)DOC")
[](const ExecutionStrategy &self) { return self.use_cuda_; },
[](ExecutionStrategy &self, bool use_cuda) {
self.use_cuda_ = use_cuda;
}) // FIXME(chengduo): Doesn't add doc for 'use_cuda', use_cuda may
// make user confuse, because ParallelExecutor has a parameter named
// 'use_cuda' too, in current implementation, ParallelExecutor's
// 'use_cuda' will rewrite ExecutionStrategy's 'use_cuda'.
[](const ExecutionStrategy &self) { return self.allow_op_delay_; },
[](ExecutionStrategy &self, bool allow_op_delay) {
self.allow_op_delay_ = allow_op_delay;
R"DOC(The type is BOOL, allow_op_delay represents whether to delay the
communication operators to run, it may make the execution faster.
Note that in some models, allow_op_delay may cause program hang. Default False.)DOC")
[](const ExecutionStrategy &self) {
......@@ -623,7 +655,19 @@ All parameter, weight, gradient are variables in Paddle.
[](ExecutionStrategy &self, size_t num_iteration_per_drop_scope) {
self.num_iteration_per_drop_scope_ = num_iteration_per_drop_scope;
R"DOC(The type is INT, num_iteration_per_drop_scope indicates how
many iterations to clean up the temp variables which
is generated during execution. It may make the execution faster,
because the temp variable's shape maybe the same between two iterations. Default 100.
1. If you fetch data when calling the 'run', the ParallelExecutor
will clean up the temp variables at the end of the current iteration.
2. In some NLP model, it may cause the GPU memory is insufficient,
in this case, you should reduce `num_iteration_per_drop_scope`.
[](const ExecutionStrategy &self) {
......@@ -634,7 +678,22 @@ All parameter, weight, gradient are variables in Paddle.
: ExecutionStrategy::kDefault;
py::class_<BuildStrategy> build_strategy(pe, "BuildStrategy");
py::class_<BuildStrategy> build_strategy(pe, "BuildStrategy", R"DOC(
BuildStrategy allows the user to more preciously control how to
build the SSA Graph in ParallelExecutor by setting the property.
.. code-block:: python
build_strategy = fluid.BuildStrategy()
build_strategy.reduce_strategy = fluid.BuildStrategy.ReduceStrategy.Reduce
train_exe = fluid.ParallelExecutor(use_cuda=True,
train_loss, = train_exe.run([loss.name], feed=feed_dict)
py::enum_<BuildStrategy::ReduceStrategy>(build_strategy, "ReduceStrategy")
.value("Reduce", BuildStrategy::ReduceStrategy::kReduce)
......@@ -652,31 +711,51 @@ All parameter, weight, gradient are variables in Paddle.
[](const BuildStrategy &self) { return self.reduce_; },
[](BuildStrategy &self, BuildStrategy::ReduceStrategy strategy) {
self.reduce_ = strategy;
R"DOC(The type is STR, there are two reduce strategies in ParallelExecutor,
'AllReduce' and 'Reduce'. If you want that all the parameters'
optimization are done on all devices independently, you should choose 'AllReduce';
if you choose 'Reduce', all the parameters' optimization will be evenly distributed
to different devices, and then broadcast the optimized parameter to other devices.
In some models, `Reduce` is faster. Default 'AllReduce'. )DOC")
[](const BuildStrategy &self) { return self.gradient_scale_; },
[](BuildStrategy &self,
BuildStrategy::GradientScaleStrategy strategy) {
self.gradient_scale_ = strategy;
R"DOC(The type is STR, there are three ways of defining :math:`loss@grad` in
ParallelExecutor, 'CoeffNumDevice', 'One' and 'Customized'. By default,
ParallelExecutor sets the :math:`loss@grad` according to the number of devices.
If you want to customize :math:`loss@grad`, you can choose 'Customized'.
Default 'CoeffNumDevice'.)DOC")
[](const BuildStrategy &self) { return self.debug_graphviz_path_; },
[](BuildStrategy &self, const std::string &path) {
self.debug_graphviz_path_ = path;
R"DOC(The type is STR, debug_graphviz_path indicate the path that
writing the SSA Graph to file in the form of graphviz, you.
It is useful for debugging. Default "")DOC")
[](const BuildStrategy &self) { return self.enable_data_balance_; },
[](BuildStrategy &self, bool b) { self.enable_data_balance_ = b; })
[](const BuildStrategy &self) {
return self.fuse_elewise_add_act_ops_;
[](BuildStrategy &self, bool b) {
self.fuse_elewise_add_act_ops_ = b;
[](BuildStrategy &self, bool b) {
self.enable_data_balance_ = b;
}) // FIXME(chengudo): enable_data_balance seems not important
[](const BuildStrategy &self) {
return self.fuse_elewise_add_act_ops_;
[](BuildStrategy &self, bool b) {
self.fuse_elewise_add_act_ops_ = b;
R"DOC(The type is BOOL, fuse_elewise_add_act_ops indicate whether
to fuse elementwise_add_op and activation_op,
it may make the execution faster. Default False)DOC");
pe.def(py::init<const std::vector<platform::Place> &,
const std::unordered_set<std::string> &,
......@@ -31,15 +31,32 @@ BuildStrategy = core.ParallelExecutor.BuildStrategy
class ParallelExecutor(object):
ParallelExecutor can run program in parallel.
ParallelExecutor is designed for data parallelism, which focuses on distributing
the data across different nodes and every node operates on the data in parallel.
If you use ParallelExecutor to run the current program on GPU, the node means GPU
device, and ParallelExecutor will get the available GPU device automatically on
the current machine. If you use ParallelExecutor to run the current program on CPU,
the node means the CPU device, and you can specify the CPU device number by adding
'CPU_NUM' environment variable, for example 'CPU_NUM=4', if the environment variable
is not found, ParallelExecutor will call `multiprocessing.cpu_count` to get the number
of CPUs in the system.
use_cuda (bool): Whether to use CUDA or not.
loss_name (str): The loss name must set in training. Default None.
main_program (Program): The program that need to run, if not provided,
then default_main_program will be used. Default None.
share_vars_from(ParallelExecutor): If provied, it will share variables
share_vars_from(ParallelExecutor): If provide, it will share variables
from the specified ParallelExecutor. Default None.
exec_strategy(ExecutionStrategy): exec_strategy is used to control how to run
the program in ParallelExecutor, for example how many threads are used to
execute the program, how many iterations to clean up the temp variables
which is generated during execution. For more information, please refer
to fluid.ExecutionStrategy. Default None.
build_strategy(BuildStrategy): build_strategy is used to control how to
build the SSA Graph in ParallelExecutor by setting the property,
for example reduce_strategy, gradient_scale_strategy. For more information,
please refer to fluid.BuildStrategy. Default None.
num_trainers(int): If greater than 1, NCCL will be initialized with
multiple rank of nodes, each node should have same number of GPUs.
Distributed training will be enabled then. Default 1.
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