epsilon (float, optional): Small float value added to denominator of the layer_norm to avoid dividing by zero. Default is 1e-5.
epsilon (float, optional): Small float value added to denominator of the layer_norm to avoid dividing by zero. Default is 1e-5.
cache_kvs (list(Tensor)|tuple(Tensor), optional): The cache structure tensors for the generation model. The shape is `[2, bsz, num\_head, max\_seq\_len, head\_dim]`. Default None.
cache_kvs (list(Tensor)|tuple(Tensor), optional): The cache structure tensors for the generation model. The shape is `[2, bsz, num\_head, max\_seq\_len, head\_dim]`. Default None.
pre_caches (list(Tensor)|tuple(Tensor), optional): The prefix caches for the generation model. The shape is `[2, bsz, num\_head, cache\_len, head\_dim]`. Default None.
pre_caches (list(Tensor)|tuple(Tensor), optional): The prefix caches for the generation model. The shape is `[2, bsz, num\_head, cache\_len, head\_dim]`. Default None.
rotary_embs (Tensor optional): The RoPE embs for rotary computation. The shape is `[2, bsz, 1, seq\_len, head\_dim]`. Default None.
time_step (Tensor, optional): The time step tensor for the generation model. Which used in decode stage, to represent the time step, that is, the real seq_len of CacheKV. The shape is `[1]`, must be in CPUPlace. Default None.
time_step (Tensor, optional): The time step tensor for the generation model. Which used in decode stage, to represent the time step, that is, the real seq_len of CacheKV. The shape is `[1]`, must be in CPUPlace. Default None.
attn_mask (Tensor, optional): A tensor used in multi-head attention to prevents attention to
attn_mask (Tensor, optional): A tensor used in multi-head attention to prevents attention to
some unwanted positions, usually the paddings or the subsequent positions. It is a tensor
some unwanted positions, usually the paddings or the subsequent positions. It is a tensor
with shape `[batch_size, 1, sequence_length, sequence_length]`. Default None.
with shape `[batch_size, 1, sequence_length, sequence_length]`. Default None.
dropout_rate (float, optional): The dropout probability of setting units to zero. Default 0.0.
dropout_rate (float, optional): The dropout probability of setting units to zero. Default 0.0.
rotary_emb_dims (int, optional): The rotary_emb_dims of rotary computation, and it is 0 when rotary_embs is None,
1 when rotary_embs is not None and pos_extra_ids is None, 2 when rotary_embs and pos_extra_ids are both not None. Default 0.
activation (str, optional): The activation. Default "gelu".
activation (str, optional): The activation. Default "gelu".
training (bool, optional): A flag indicating whether it is in train phrase or not. Default False.
training (bool, optional): A flag indicating whether it is in train phrase or not. Default False.