@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ When defining an operator in Paddle, a corresponding [OpProtoMaker](https://gith
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ When defining an operator in Paddle, a corresponding [OpProtoMaker](https://gith
- Input/Output.
- Input/Output.
- Input/Output names follow the **CamelCase**. e.g. `X`, `Y`, `Matrix`, `LastAxisInMatrix`. Input/Output much more like Variables, we prefer to meaningful English words.
- Input/Output names follow the **CamelCase**. e.g. `X`, `Y`, `Matrix`, `LastAxisInMatrix`. Input/Output much more like Variables, we prefer to meaningful English words.
- If an operator's Input/Output are tensors in math, not match to any meaningful words, input name should starts from `X`. e.g. `X`, `Y`, and output name should starts from `Out`. e.g. `Out`. This rule make operators which have few inputs/outputs unified.
- If an operator's Input/Output are tensors in math, not match to any meaningful words, input name should starts from `X`. e.g. `X`, `Y`, and output name should starts from `Out`. e.g. `Out`. This rule intends making operators which have few inputs/outputs unified.
- Attribute.
- Attribute.
- Attribute name follows the **camelCase**. e.g. `x`, `y`, `axis`, `rowwiseMatrix`. Also, attribute name prefers to meaningful English words.
- Attribute name follows the **camelCase**. e.g. `x`, `y`, `axis`, `rowwiseMatrix`. Also, attribute name prefers to meaningful English words.
- Comments.
- Comments.
- Input/Output/Attr comment follow the format of **(type,default value) usage**, corresponding to which type it can be and how it will be used in the operator. e.g. Attribute in Accumulator`"gamma" `,`(float, default 1.0) Accumulation multiplier`
- Input/Output/Attr comment follow the format of **(type,default value) usage**, corresponding to which type it can be and how it will be used in the operator. e.g. Attribute in Accumulator`"gamma" `,`(float, default 1.0) Accumulation multiplier`.
- Operator comment format of` R"DOC(your comment here)DOC"`. You should explain the input/output of the operator first. If there is math calculation in this operator, you should write the equation in the comment. e.g. `Out = X + Y`.
- Operator comment format of` R"DOC(your comment here)DOC"`. You should explain the input/output of the operator first. If there is math calculation in this operator, you should write the equation in the comment. e.g. `Out = X + Y`.