See more details in :ref:`api_nn_pooling_MaxPool3d` .
x (Tensor): The input tensor of pooling operator, which is a 5-D tensor with
shape [N, C, D, H, W]. The format of input tensor is `"NCDHW"` or `"NDHWC"`, where N represents batch size, C represents the number of channels, D, H and W represent the depth, height and width of the feature respectively.
@@ -1221,33 +1218,35 @@ def max_pool3d(x,
Tensor: The output tensor of pooling result. The data type is same as input tensor.
ValueError: If `padding` is a string, but not "SAME" or "VALID".
ValueError: If `padding` is "VALID", but `ceil_mode` is True.
ShapeError: If the output's shape calculated is not greater than 0.